How to Write a Thank You Note to Any Doctor
Why you should write a thank you note to your doctor? Your doctor is just like me and you. Doctors get up in the morning and make a living everyday. The only difference is doctors make more money than the general public. Doctors also work very hard to become doctors. Your doctor is often on call in order to take care of you.
I suggest watching the video. It explains why it is so import to say " thank you" not only to doctors but anyone who has made your life better in some way. Thank you notes have two benefits. They make the receiver feels appreciated and special. The other is a thank you note can be used as a reference to patients or for employment.
Your doctor could frame and display your thank you note in his/her office or waiting room. This can help new patients feel more confident.
You could go as far as thanking your doctor and showing your appreciation by creating a video on YouTube.
Creating a video is an awesome idea to show your gratitude. Not only will your thank you video be remember-able and appreciated but heart felt.
Your thank you video can also benefit your doctor more than you realize. You are actually giving back to your doctor in a form of advertising.
The Power of Saying Thank You
Make a Thank You Video
Why it is so important to say thank you? What it means to be appreciated and to give appreciation. If you have the ability to make videos.
Why not get creative and give your doctor something he will remember and appreciate? A video won't just make your doctor feel appreciated but it would bring him more new patience that will trust him simply because of your thank you video.
Stationary to Say Thanks
How to Write a Thank You Note For Any Doctor
Example: This example can apply to anyone who provided a service to you not just doctors.
Writing a thank you note to a doctor does not have to be formal. You can write a simple but effective thank you note to your doctor. The trouble is finding the right words to write in your note. Once you find the words, you want to write the rest is easy.
Find stationary preferably with animals or stationary with something funny that a doctor could relate to. Keep it simple! A card will do. (Postcards are acceptable) This makes your note even more personal than writing it on a piece of paper.
Address the envelope to your doctor. Be sure to spell the doctor's name right. Make sure the address is correct.
Start with the greeting. Example: Dear Dr. Done
Remind the doctor why you are thankful. For instance, “Thank you for being there during and after my surgery” I am so grateful you saved my life.
Write from the heart express your feelings of gratitude.
I am not only grateful to you as a doctor but as a new friend.
Write what a great doctor he/she was then say that you will recommend him/her to all your friends.
It is not an overkill to say. “Thank You” Dr. Done (your doctor's name)
End your thank you note with (sincerely) sign your name. Do not print your name.
Send your thank you note by the next day snail mail.
Do not type a thank you note.
Never email a thank you note.
If you really wanted to thank someone or your doctor. How would you thank that person?
How to Write a Fake Doctors Excuse
If you are tempted to write a fake doctor excuse read this first.
Thank You Letters has templates for saying thanks for all occasions. You can find other ideas for thank you's on Thank You Letters.
Free Printable Letter to Health Care Provider
You can use this letter for your doctor, dentist or anyone who provided you a great service. You may make any changes to make your letter address the person you are sending the letter too.
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