The Hitherto Untold Story Of Ravensklip
Ravensklip The Untold Story
A Novel set in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2008
A novel by Just_Rodney
This is an outline of my proposed novel, I have quite a few
chapters down already, the plot and how it should finish.
Now the problem is to get these characters to behave and align
themselves with the task in hand.
Central figure, Thomas Terrance a fifty something white South
African male in modern, post Apartheid era, not gainfully employed,
in part due to physical problems and then, a all South Africans are
saying, due to the current Black Empowerment and Equity
climate.Recently married for the 2nd time, now living with wife and
mother-in law, in an exclusive area, some 25 houses,south of
Johannesburg. There performs a role very similar to caretaker for
the area, as well as doing the odd fetching and carrying for the
other residents, as he is general helpful by nature.
The general crime within their semi secluded area has been, by most
standards surprisingly low, very much limited to petty thefts from
garden and occasional washing from the lines.
As the saga opens, this starts to change and a soon a series of
incidents in and around the area start to affect the majority of
the inhabitants.
Tragedy strikes, and a family move out of the area, new people
occupy the recently vacated premises. New residents take up
occupancy and settle into the area. At a party for the suburb, they
are all taken hostage. The phones and other communications are
sabotaged the suburb is completely isolated.
There is a way out and three youths manage to get out and alert the
outside world what has happened. The police move and negotiate for
the release of the occupants.
Other outside sources are also anxious for the release of some of
the occupants of the area.
Negotiations are successful the hijackers depart, and the suburb
finds that in the interim, they have been stripped of all their
valuables. The insurance companies are contacted and agree to pay
undisclosed sums for the return of the goods - no questions.
All ends well, or supposedly so, the ringleader of the hijackers
was killed in a car accident shortly after his negotiated release.
The members of the hi jack team, those that were left in the end,
all met with serious accidents. Some of the residents were
investigated for various evasions. Thomas carries on with his
generally being helpful and assisting his neighbors.