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Tips to Overcome Writer's Block?

Updated on June 8, 2020
Natasha Tungare profile image

Physiotherapist who believes her twinhood to be in the form of a Writer. Writing has always been my therapy

What is Writer's Block ?

Many people tend to confuse Writer's Block with 'lack of ideas to write'. But to explain in very simple terms, writer's block is getting stuck in between while writing. This block can occur due to many reasons. When a person has writer's block, he knows what to write but getting those exact words and statements becomes difficult. On the other hand when a person has lack of ideas, he is unable to initiate writing.

But you don't have to worry about this because writer's block is temporary. When you work of causes, it becomes easy to eventually overcome the writer's block. Let us see what are the causes of writer's block and what methods can be used to get rid of this

Causes of Writer's Block

Writer's block can occur due to multiple causes. To enlist a few common causes-

  • Lack of knowledge - When you know what to write but get stuck in between the writeup due to less knowledge about the topic.
  • Lack of proper direction - Flow of an article matters a lot. And for have an appropriate flow of article, it is important to gain proper direction.
  • Flocking thoughts - This is one of the important and most common reason to cause writer's block. When there are multiple thoughts in kind about many things, it becomes difficult to concentrate while writing and hence you get stuck in between writing an article.

1. Narrow Down to your Niche

Narrowing down the niche is the very first step towards overcoming a writer's block! A niche gives you clarity about what exactly you should choose to write on. To give an example, health is a broad aspect but tackling menstruation problem of women's health is a narrowed one. This is how you can narrow down to the topic of your interest. Always remember that narrower the niche, clearer is the topic and hence the clarity rules out the writer's block.

2. Gain Knowledge

Lack of knowledge about the topic is one of prime cause which leads to writer's block. Once you have narrowed down your niche to write about, you need to work on gaining knowledge about that particular niche. You can do this by reading books and articles on your chosen topic of expertise. Listening to podcasts and watching videos may also help because many a times auditory and visual learning is easy to register. Research about topics of your interest and read about others researches on websites to gain more idea about your niche.

3. Put Down Your Ideas

This is the next step after gaining knowledge about your topic of expertise. Note down the important points. This will help you in the process of writing. You can use the method of journalling, diary writing or planner. Putting down your ideas on paper gives you a better clarity about how can you structure your article or writeup. If you read something interesting and informative, you can note it down and later it will help you when you are planning to write a topic on something relatable.

4. Google is Mother !

This is the simplest way to gain information on the topic that you are writing. When you are stuck in between while writing, simply google some keywords from your topic or title of your article. Google gives you the most advanced information and if you wish to find out more recent advances, you can easily find so by sorting it out as per latest information. You will get a lot of points to write about after reading different websites online.

You are just one search away from what you want to know about

5. A Walk in Nature

This is one of the most wonderful way to get rid of distracting thoughts and gives you a peaceful mind. Though a proven method but yet underestimated by writers. Taking a walk in nature calms the mind and gives a good clarity to you. This is very useful for getting rid of the flocking thoughts in your mind. It also helps in gaining direction. A mere observation around while walking can drift your mind and help you to gain focus on what you want to. Nature walk is one of the meditation!

To overcome writer's block, gaining experience is very essential. And the only way to gain experience is to write more and more articles. The more you write, the more your brain learns to brainstorm information and process your writing. Being consistent with your writing is very important. The above mentioned are few of instant ways to get rid of temporary writer's block. But how long will you rely on external ways? As a content writer, your brain needs to have lot of content in mind already which you need to put down in the form of words. Hence, the take away message is you need to write more to overcome writer's block.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Natasha Tungare


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