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Top Ten Tips for How to Be a Good Online Writer

Updated on April 6, 2022
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Nyesha loves writing content about cooking & food recipes, restaurant reviews, movie reviews, television shows, weddings, and poetry.

Top Ten Tips for How to Be a Good Online Writer

Online Writing has been something that I really enjoy doing. Here is a list of top ten tips for

  • how to be a good online writer if you are just starting out or
  • tips for how to become a better online writer if you have been online writing for a while now.

10. Write at least a little something every day.

9. Be passionate and enthusiastic about your writing.

8. Write especially when the inspiration to write hits you.

7. Since you might not always be in front of a computer screen, have notebooks and notepads on hand for writing down topic ideas as they come to you. This will help you to stay organized with your writing projects, as well. After you have written an article about a particular topic idea that you had and jotted down on your notebook or notepad, then go ahead and check it off or cross it off as you would with a to-do list.

6. Proof read your writing for necessary edits.

  • Be good at spelling and use spell-check as needed.
  • Expand your vocabulary.
  • Consider using a thesaurus if needed to express your thoughts and ideas with more varying words.

5. Be brave, confident, bold and courageous with expressing yourself.

  • Writing can be very conversational.
  • Just as we might occasionally clam up and become a bit shy when speaking in conversations, we might also hesitate to boldly share our writing. Nevertheless, the best thing is to “just do it”.

4. Set goals for how much writing you would like to get accomplished within a certain time frame.

3. Be action oriented to complete the writing projects within the timelines that you have set for yourself.

2. As you transition from writing online as just a hobby to hoping to make decent income from writing online, make sure that your work is monetized for ad revenue and make sure that you are well versed in search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. There are many books and articles available on the subject of SEO.

Social marketing of your work will be important as well. You can feature your writing on platforms such as Pinterest to increase the visibility of what you have written on the internet. Pinterest can most definitely help you to increase your daily revenue from your online writing.

1. Diversify. Like you would with an investment portfolio, try to not put all of your eggs in one basket. Perhaps use various online revenue sharing writing platforms (not just one) to showcase your work and/or consider managing writing on your more independent blog as well.

It might seem like it would be so very time consuming to try to cast such a wide net when considering what platforms to use to write online. Nevertheless, as you consider where to write with a writing for career/job mindset and branching out from a writing as hobby mindset, you will become more driven to put in the time and reap the benefit.

We writers who seek to help, encourage and motivate others must also take our own advice for investing more time and energy in our writing ventures. We learn more every day.

Bonus Tips for How to Be a Good Online Writer

  • Take ownership of what you do. As you get more and more into the writing for job mindset not just writing for hobby mindset, you can boldly declare, “I am an online writer” or “I am a freelance writer”.
  • Have fun with it. It is so important to love what you are doing. I love to write. As you read these tips for how to be a good online writer, I hope that you already have that love for writing too. Once you have that, you will be able to do more and more with putting in the time for writing.
  • Good luck and all best wishes for becoming a good online writer!

Search Engine Optimization for Dummies book by Peter Kent

© 2018 Nyesha Pagnou MPH


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