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Valentine Desires: A Love Cinquain

Updated on June 4, 2015
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How to write a love cinquain.

Whether it's a birthday, an anniversary or Valentine's Day, personally writing something short, romantic and from the heart, for the one who spins your wheels, can be seen as a very sensual and caring act. When you take the basic structure of a Cinquain poem, add your most special words to it and give this as part of your gift, then you may find that you will make a really positive impression, simply because you took the time to learn a unique and fun way of skillfully communicating in words that create a unique imagery and presence.

A basic, Standard Cinquain poem is made up of 5 lines, each containing a set number of syllables, with a total count of 22 syllables per verse. The final format should look something like this: Line 1 - 2 syllables, Line 2 - 4, Line 3 - 6, Line 4 - 8, Line 5 - 2 syllables. It doesn't have to be absolutely perfect to be effective, but it pays to follow this structure, as it makes you think about each line and how that line helps to develop into the overall message.

Another variation to this fun and powerful form, is that of a Mirror Cinquain, in which 10 lines comprising of 2 complementary verses each of 22 syllables come together to create an even greater message. In this case, the final format will look like this: Line 1 - 2 syllables, Line 2 - 4, Line 3 - 6, Line 4 - 8, Line 5 - 2 and then Line 6 - 2, Line 7 - 8, Line 8 - 6, Line 9 - 4, Line 10 - 2 syllables. Below are examples of both formats referred to here. The first examples are standard Cinquains and titled, 'Uninspired' 'Lost to Love' and 'Sadness' with the second format, a Mirror Cinquain (containing 44 syllables) is titled 'Valentine Desires.'

Don't be afraid to try this style of poetry, it is similar in many respects to haiku and tanka imagery objectives. Although some traditionalists may say it must be written only about nature; I'm pretty sure that a declaration of love is far better suited to one's feelings, than perhaps the ebb and flow of Bumble Bees flying backwards! To be fair though, be bold, be original and enjoy all the love in your life!


__________Standard Cinquains._________

They say


Must be considered

To be the greatest compliment

Is it?



* Cinquain by Pearldiver *


You are

All that I see

All that I feel each day

Insatiably, completely, lost

To Love...


'Lost to Love'

*Cinquain by Pearldiver *



Love’s loneliness

Valentine’s Day arrives

Swirling streams become mighty




* Cinquain by Pearldiver *



________A Mirror Cinquain.________

True Love

Lasts longer than

Valentine desires

Unrivaled beauty demands

Far more

Much more

Than one heart could ever hope for

Yet when two hearts are one

Nothing equals

This Love...


'Valentine Desires'

* Cinquain by Pearldiver *


Copyright © 2013 – 2015 Art of the Diver with all rights reserved.

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