How does hope affect our perception of the truth?
Written by James Dubreze July 20 / 2012
How does hope affect our perception of the truth?
Hope is hopeless.
Hope is lifeless, Hope is homeless, Hope is aimless. Hope is senseless.
The meaning of hope is chance,
Hope is to live by chance,
Hope is a dead end answer,
Hope is to be guided through darkness blindfolded, Hope is empty,
We hope so that we can lie to ourselves,
Hope helps sustained lies,
And the failure of hope is belief without effort.
We believe to hope, If we were to replace the “P” In Hope with an “R”,
The true meaning of hope would have been exposed, Therefore, hope is a slipped knots knowing which end of the knot to pull for enlightenment is all about the effort we put in.
Hope is for those who are not willing to fight for their rights to be understood for all the efforts they invested in achieving what they want in life.
Hope is doing nothing to help shape our future and the environment. There is no future in hope, Therefore, we cannot hope for the best; hope can blind our perception for a hopeless dream.
Don't teach our children to have hope.
Teach them to expect results for their hard work, To have hope is not to believe in your efforts,
Expectation is having fate in efforts,
Hope allow disappointments,
We therefore hope to be disappointed,
We don’t expect to be disappointed,
Expectations is reduced by believing in deception or a miscalculation of our effort.
After this analysis we have realized that we have no hope, and that all of our efforts have been hopeless; dependent solely on our effort to expect results for our hard work.
Read on hubpages/coolbreezing
COMMENTS James Dubreze 5 years ago from New York, New York
Thanks for that prayer Carisse - Yes God has enlightened me to believe that when we hope we are betting on expectations for our hard work. The person who bought a lottery ticket has invested the least possible effort on a dollar and a dream . It is called a dollar and a dream because like George Carlin said, "You have to be at sleep to believe it.