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We Are Not Alone In This Universe

Updated on February 23, 2011

Why Do We Continue To Believe The Untrue ?

When I write I tell you my story

The way I see life

The good and sometimes the the wanna be goods

There is no room for anything else

I have no time for the distractions that slow me down

My years are limited and if I don't get a move on I will never get where I am heading

Most people want to live life like they have all the time in the world

The fact is ....

Do it now or later might never come

When you talk about life on other planets people constantly disagree

When you talk about life after this one people argue until they are blue in the face

So I constantly hear

This is all we have !

Make the best of it !

This is the human race !

Then I stop and wonder

What if your right

Live now or your next life you might end up a cow

What a switch would that be

Eating grass all day

So lets say for sake of an arguement

There was another race that came to visit us

What would they see ?

The human disgrace

That we cannot live a happy life with each other

We constantly litter and trash our world

I hope there is other life in the universe and they are smarter than us

They have good sense to stay away so they don't get mixed up in our madness and confusion

They keep a watchful eye and cry

Why ?

Do earthlings constantly fight

They have a huge world to live

They are spending so much time searching for a better life

They have traveled to our universe in search of hope

Or worse yet another place to contiminate with their short sightedness and shallow ideas

We have managed to stay out of sight

Don't they know before they can live happy somewhere else

They have to learn to live happy in their own home

Would you welcome someone in your home to live indefintiely

If you went to their house and they trashed it miserably

Everything in their house was broken and they had no respect for things and no value for human life

Lets be real

I would run and hide and hope that you never catch me flying by

I am not the enemy that you think

You are a monster and chase me down

You want to know my ways and learn all my secrets

I have guided you in the past

I have done everything but hold your hand

You have found a way to blow each other up

You went even farther so you can blow the whole world up seven times over

It is time that you face the facts

There are other races out there

But let's make one thing clear

Until you smarten up

We are staying far far away from you

You a like the plague that hurts everyone and everything in its way

Start taking responsibllity for all your actions

Learn to love your own people before you can love mine

You have so many good ideas but the bad ones you seem to favor

I have given you three chances and you have two strikes so far

You all seem to love baseball

Remember three strikes your out

Then I am up at bat

Our team has won the galaxy championship for the past zilllion years or so

That is only a drop in the bucket to us

We don't plan on loosing what you people call the World Series

Another tip we have given you and you managed to mess it up royally

With the Chicago White Sox and have continued to try to change the game

By using steriods to enhance the game

By betting on your own games when you know it is against the rules

Well we have a bet that someday you would turn your life around

We have lost every bet since and you earthlings have put us in debt

So if you think we are less than friendly sometimes

Wouldn't you be if you keep on thinking you have a winner and they constantly disappoint you

It is not that you cannot succeed and let people live happy lives

We have done it for millaniums

But until you see the writing on the wall

You not only fall but you come crashing to the ground

Everyone wants to take control and few are up for the task

If you band together you are stronger but you are not ready for that common knowledge

You rather use weapons instead of brains

As the expression goes

When they were passing out brains you had to be at the end of the line

You got short changed my friend and got monkey brains instead

So I don't pitty you

I root for you to make the greatest comeback in history

If you didn't think you had a little help from us

How do you think the Red Sox did so well ?

I don't want to tell you to many of our secrets

Because we know you like to have big mouths and can't wait to tell it in all your newspapers

Aliens Helped the Red Sox Win Championship

Don't worry the Yankeees have had their fair share of help too

We can and will help the people of earth

We call you our big dummies....LOL

We keep trying to help you

So we come in the night when you are only a little aggrivated and almost unconscious

To plant the seeds in your minds of a wonderful life

Only a few people have taken our direction

Some have even gone so far as to become a wonderful success

Then when I think you have learned and want to help others what you now know

I was wrong

Steven King was one of the best

Then he took everything we told him and turned it into a nightmare

Understanding you don't want happiness

You want unrest

Even while you sleep

He said if you won't listen to me and follow the golden rules of success

Then I will haunt you till the day you die

He is a man with a sense of humor

Something we all love so much

Life is about laughing and having so much incredible fun

We have now tried to talk to the children of your planet

Guide them like we tried with you

They are really understanding the whole picture

We hope it is not too late

Even then parents keep fighting us

Trying to say it is ghost talking and evil spirits

That are just waiting to do us all in

If we wanted to finish you and be done with it

We could of done it long ago

But Noah talked to us and said let me give it a try

Our patience is running thin

Life is what you make of it

Right now you have a fine mess

If you try to do one more thing right it would give you an honest break

If not and you want to see what your future will hold

Hasn't everyone seen Srooge by now

It is getting old

So we revised it and went in a different direction

Try watching Beyond Scared Straight

We have had our hand in t.v.for along time

Pay it forward is just one of our little gems

You use to be so fascinated with fiction and now reality is what you want

I find you spoiled and I think you all need a good kick in the butt

But we have learned to stay out of your business

We are just a guide

You are trying to mess up the Myan calander and change it all around

It is not the end of the world but an end of your old ways

A new way to look at the future

Some things take time and you are one real beauty

So as we sit back and watch you from the skies above

Learn to change your ways and make it a better day

Starting now not some day soon

We will be back from time to time to check on your progress

Remember we like to gamble too

We have the underdog or like you would say a long shot

So make us proud and keep fighting until you get it right

That's when we will stop hiding and then we can walk in plain sight


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