What can we still learn from American self help books
Americans are known for believing more than others in self help literature. Probably that's due to self confidence they have as a people due in its turn to the strongly determined birth of their nation. Any self help book starts from the assumption of a strong and conscious human will and the capacity of human kind to define its course, not only collectively but individually too.
Jack Canfield, American author and motivational speaker
I started nine years ago with the first one called The Power Of Focus by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. Its extraordinary capacity to go straight on and explain some crucial point involving concrete aspects of our lives is very strong. What this book clearly explain was:
1 how to exit from pressures connected with some negative duties we have; that's mainly linked to the power to say NO to duties we don't like coming from the world outside us.
2 order is a real value. A constant activity can overcome the need to feel good with ourselves and to realize what we really want. In other words, order is more important than work and health. People that lack order may sooner or later lack both means of sustaining and health.
3 realize what you really like: that actually is a crucial point as you can never exceed in the field you don't like, where you can at least be mediocre. Choosing is power, so exit form the "have to" mentality and enter in the "choose to" that is the only one allowing you to exceed in obtaining.
4 the power of the mind is incredibly strong. If you have dreams on a way of life and you consider it your target, whether it is conscious or not, you'll put your energy on that and you will become like that. If you don't have any consciousness of what your targets are, that may be the case other people are fully influencing you.
5 if you plan to do something, than you are going to do it with a tremendous confidence. This principle may be regarded as too-simple-to-work and in part it is. Everyone plans. But planning in a real state of confidence and comfort is not the same planning that a full of negativity and other-people-oriented life can do.
Anyway integrity is a strong value and, more important, everything one do earn with this method and mentality has to be oriented towards an ultimate target that is to help others.