Why we should experience and value the many colors of life
Colors. Shades and hues that we see everyday, but often take for granted.
Imagine a day, though, when the colors around us disappear and we are left in a monochrome world. How would life be?
Why we should value colors
A monochrome world does not leave room for self-expression.
I would be the first to admit to the beauty of many black and white photographs and paintings. However, if one is color-blind and sees only in black and white, there is little room to maneuver with the description of the things around us.
A colorless world has little variety.
There are many things that we would not be able to experience fully if there was no color. Without color, we would not be able to see the beauty of the rainbow, or enjoy the privilege of colored photos that we are able to take these days.
There is little guidance in a colorless world.
In a colorless world, we would not be able to tell a child, “eat that red apple” or “wait for me on the brown swing.” Colors teach children to put together pieces of art.
A colorless world is tedious.
A colorless world is draining and tiring. To see a world without color would be a drag because things seem often repeated.
A colorless world is mundane.
In short, a colorless world is boring. Everything tends to look similar when constantly seen in monochrome.
Now, on to a little sestina I wrote about looking at a Monochrome Canvas.
The Monochrome Canvas
The uni-colored canvas, so very dull,
Displayed in sole monotone
Template vacuous, the soul empty
Black and white shades, hues so shallow
A challenge to effusive substance
A canvas of mundanity, lacking in variance.
No array of colors, none of vibrance,
Range ill-evident, variance dull,
No colors assorted, provides no substance,
Existence a dreary monotone
With meaning that is sheer and shallow
Colorless canvas, vacuous, empty
A canvas colorless is tedious, empty
Tiresome, mundane, with no vibrance
Monotonous empty pit, weary, shallow
To live within, so dank and dull,
Shades of black, eerie monotone
Vacuum devoid of variant substance
With subdued hues, art remiss, no substance
A patch of black and white, ignored, empty
A canvas of gaps and yearning in monotone
Exhausted art that misses vibrance
Displayed now with ache so dull
And luminescence wan and shallow
Canvas expressionless, with hues so shallow,
Faceless, vacant, without substance
Sheet of lifelessness, now so dull
Impassive template, soulless, empty
Colorless portrait, no tone or vibrance
Set, stoic, in hue less monotone
Over the rainbow
Brush cannot paint with hues in monotone
Creates still life with colors shallow
Immobile strokes, stalled, paint with no vibrance
No painting forms with palette empty
A portrait formed in dolor, dull
Lifeless forms in monochrome, colorless, dull
Whitewashed monotone, motionless, empty
A picture vacant and so shallow
Blank, lacking in variant vibrance.
Life without color is indeed like painting on an empty canvas.I would like to thank the writers who answered the question Can You Imagine Life Without Color? Please pay them a visit!
Here’s to a colorful life for us all.
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