Can drugs enhance your writing?

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  1. JosieMontanez profile image61
    JosieMontanezposted 13 years ago

    Can drugs enhance your writing?

  2. Kelley Harmon profile image60
    Kelley Harmonposted 13 years ago

    I'd like to say, "No. Drugs are bad." But it really depends on how your mind works and what you're taking. I've written some of my best work, my one and only published work included, coming off pain medication from dental surgery.

    It's not good to become dependent on a substance for writing. You'll develop bad writing habits and, worse, a possible addiction which could easily become more important to you than the writing.

    If I know I'm going to be on medication that gets me, well, high, I make a point to write. I never risk anything illegal and don't plan to. I do, however, tend to get myself a drink before settling in to write. It relaxes me enough to just let the words flow rather than second guessing everything I type.

    Just one drink though. Any more than that and my writing becomes a tad... questionable the next time I look it over.

  3. MickS profile image59
    MickSposted 13 years ago

    Read Huxley, Doors of Perception, I believe he touches on it there, his experiments with mescalin.
    I remember one of my friends, now deceased, trying it back in the 60s, cannabis, he thought what he was writing was brilliant, when he looked in the morning, most was illegible and what could be read said, 'this is brilliant.'

  4. Torch Harrison profile image69
    Torch Harrisonposted 13 years ago

    Some people claim it does.  Edgar Allan Poe wrote often under the influence of opiates.  William S. Burroughs was an admitted heroin addict and took several mind-enhancing drugs while writing his books.  It's said that famous philosopher Kant wrote his work while drunk (personally, I believe it based on what he wrote!).  Hemingway also wrote his novels while drinking.  Ken Kesey as an author was an admitted LSD fan and was inspired by his drug use, as was John Lennon.

  5. Devon S profile image60
    Devon Sposted 13 years ago

    Ask Jim Morrison
    Oh that's right, he's dead.

    Here's a quote from Jim:

    "Actually I don't remember being born, it must have happened during one of my black outs."

    I'm sure drugs had a huge effect on Morrisons writing, unfortunately they also ended his life.

  6. Wayne Brown profile image80
    Wayne Brownposted 13 years ago

    I don't use drugs, never have, so I can only imagine the effect. I seriously doubt that it would 'enhance' your writing. There could be some level of improvement assuming you were coherent in the writing process in that the effect of the drugs, much like alcohol, just might lower you inhibitions to the point that you might attempt things you normally would shy away from in the normal sober process. I would say that would be a real long shot and would work with maybe a few.  Obviously, Hemingway is a good example. Surely for all the time he spent drunk, he must have spent a considerable amount of time writing in that state. So do we connect his recognized talents as a writer with the positive effects of alcohol as an influence.  I think that might be a faulty analogy but you get my drift I hope.  That's my best shot at it. Thanks!

  7. suny51 profile image61
    suny51posted 13 years ago

    sure drugs will enhance writing ,but one  will never know what did he write until out of its influence,but if you mean any medicines then thats an entirely different matter.

  8. NathanSyckel profile image60
    NathanSyckelposted 13 years ago

    I'd say that certain drugs do enhance writing...but the negative side effects that come with it aren't worth it.

    I am a recovering addict of many substances including most notably cocaine and heroin. I've written some great stuff under the influence of both of those substances.

    I've also got a felony on my permanent record and a credit score that a 14 year old with a checking account could beat because of drug use.

    It's been over 2 years now and I've developed plenty of ambition and a good support group. And hell, my writing is still pretty good!

  9. romper20 profile image84
    romper20posted 13 years ago

    It really depends on which drug you are taking. If your smoking pot you might get into a little more detail.

    Flaws: You write out of order and forget what your writing.

    Hard drugs- Jeez I'd like to see what they write...


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