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Books To Read To Baby

Updated on September 7, 2014

Books to Read to Your Baby

Let's take a look now at Books To Read To Baby and what you need to consider.

People never really used to give reading to babies much thought. Back then, certainly when I was a baby, babies were more often than not seen as cute little tots that you cuddle every so often.

Other than that, many parents never really considered the development of the baby's mind, especially during the most crucial stages of their life. It probably seemed like a crazy idea to read baby books to a newborn child, someone who is not able to grasp the concept of language.

Of course, times have definitely changed. Scientists have realized that an infant's mind is like a blank slate that is ready to take in knowledge even in its earliest stage. People now know that reading to a newborn child develops their imagination and enhances their growth.

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Which Books Should You Read To Your Baby?

As you wait for the arrival of your very own tot, it would be nice to start your very own library of books. Your collection does not have to be extensive. The point here is to inculcate the love for reading even at an early age. In fact, pregnant women have already started reading to their infants even before they are out of the womb.

As ridiculous as this practice might sound to some, it does offer a world of benefits. Even as early as then, the child already responds to certain sounds. Experts believe that this practice is beneficial to both the mother and the child because it forges a bond between them. Even without touching, your baby will be able to feel how much you really love them by setting aside some reading time.

When your newborn gets fussy, a book sometimes soothes and calms them down. The rhythm that some of these books have will be a delight to their ears. Moreover, the bold and colorful images found in the books will also help enhance their imagination.

In fact, if you make it a habit to read the same book at a certain time during the day, they begin to anticipate which pictures and sounds are about to follow. This is a great way to exercise their memory and further their mental development.

The mothers also get to benefit from the entire experience. This shared experience contributes to how babies view themselves as they grow up. As they grow up, these children will grow up to be voracious readers and curious learners.

If you want to make sure that they grow up loving books, you need to read to them early on in their lives. In fact, reading has shown to help them to do better in school. Their imaginations reach great heights because stories encourage them to think about the different scenarios they've read.

Early education starts with reading books. You will let your baby grow up in a world filled with words, and you very well know that words can inspire and foster intellectual discussion. These can open the doors wide open to learning words. While there are hundreds of books available, most people still appreciate the magic that is Dr. Seuss. Other popular titles are Goodnight Moon and the books written by Eric Carle.

Just as music has been shown to calm and soothe your baby, books have the same but more quintessential benefits.

Reading To Your Infant Baby

Books can be your best friend if you really want your infant to grow up knowledgeable, curious, and able to learn. Even when they're still in your womb, you should realize that they can benefit a lot from your reading.

As ridiculous as this idea might seem, scientists actually believe that you can do so much for your baby if you introduce the love for books as early on in life as possible. Introducing your baby to stories and talking to them has more benefits than you'll ever expect.

Babies start the process of learning language while they are still in the womb. Just ask expectant mothers and they'll tell you that the infant in their womb already responds to certain sounds and voices. They often feel the excited kick of their little angels as they coo and sweet talk them to sleep.

The mother's voice is what they get to hear and know first. Of course, this is to be expected because they are with them 24-7. Reading books to them will help them as they take their first steps towards learning language. They have listened to their mother's voice and learned from the books, and as they emerge from their wombs, her voice is already familiar.

Since the baby's eyesight doesn't fully develop until a month after they are born, they pay more attention to voice than any other sound around. While they are awake, they try to assimilate whatever they can hear. It is then never too soon to start reading.

Goodnight Moon Books

The Benefits Of Reading To Your Infant

You should introduce the love of books to your baby as soon as possible. The sooner you make this happen, the quicker your baby will learn. They will associate the objects they see to the words they hear. Pretty soon, you will find that your child is already stringing his own words to make short and simple phrases.

Their first words are usually the most memorable. When they are around five to six months old, they will start trying to utter one syllable words. You might think that they are just mumbling and garbling, but they are actually trying to convey meaning.

Once you hear their first words, language development will be quicker than you'll expect. If you read books, the more able your baby will be in learning how to communicate. Parents always want the best for their child, and you will give your baby a good start in life when you spend time reading and talking to them.

You may not get a response early on but they are actually already learning. Make sure to set aside an hour each day showing them pictures and telling them what the pictures mean. Make this a routine so that you also have time to bond with them.

Research reveals that reading books helps enhance their imagination and inspire a curiosity. This effect lasts a lifetime. Furthermore, studies have revealed that if you read to your children often, they will do so much better in school.

Because baby books play a big role in your baby's development, it is a good idea to begin starting your own simple library. After you have begun the collection, you will start to see that they will also have their personal favorites. Make their life more exciting by making them see the world beyond them.

© 2009 pkmcr


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