Escape to the Cosmos
Dying, I felt my spirit surge from my body
Rising up into the boundless sky
Leaving this dimension far behind.
How good to be released at last.
Flying, I saw the earth flat as a board
Like a model village far below me
Purple rivers standing out like
The veins on the back of my hands.
Dying, I saw my body lying lifeless on the bed
Now I have gone in search of other realms
To seek out unearthly experiences.
The universe is mine for the taking.
Flying, I heard a rush of wind behind me
As I rose high above the rooftops
Knowing what it's like at last
To soar as free as an eagle.
Dying, I felt I knew God and all he had created.
In one moment of joyous empathy
My body became a cast-off shell
And now I have the wings of an angel
Flying, I float high into the stratosphere.
Leaving this world forever, I reach
Towards the stars from whence we came.
Do not be sad for me; I've been set free.
© 2015 Stella Kaye