How Honest are you in your writing

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  1. Jaggedfrost profile image60
    Jaggedfrostposted 14 years ago

    How Honest are you in your writing

    Do you write what you must or do you write what you are passionate about and overlook the consequences?

  2. Midnight Oil profile image78
    Midnight Oilposted 14 years ago

    I use to write about what I had to but hated it.  I find that the old creative juices don't work when its something I am not that interested in.  I cannot just write for the sake of it.

    However, if I am passionate about the subject, the words just flow off the end of the pen by themselves (or the keys on my keyboard press themselves),  It's so easy to write passionately.

    Trying to force yourself to write about something that you are not that interested in really shows in the finished piece...

  3. Klena profile image68
    Klenaposted 14 years ago

    I always write what I know, as I find it so much easier for the words to come and I feel the articles are definitely of a much higher calibre.

    I have written what I've had to but I always try to find something that interests me about the subject matter smile

  4. profile image0
    Helpful Hannaposted 14 years ago

    I write about things I know about and that I am interested in.  I am honest when I write because I'd want others to do the same for me.  Plus, it is such a waste of time and takes too much energy to be dishonest.

  5. holyjeans30 profile image65
    holyjeans30posted 14 years ago

    I write about what I have knowledge and experience with ONLY, simply because I don't have much of an imagination or a creative bone in my body, to be able to make anything up.

  6. hillrider profile image60
    hillriderposted 14 years ago

    Good question. When you say "what you must" I am assuming you mean this to be when we write to create content that another will find interesting even if it has little appeal personally. And the second portion of your question would follow that you write whether it appeals to anyone just because of the personal appeal.

    Thus the original question becomes how true are you to yourself when you write, rather than a question of honesty. Correct ? If I am mistaken, at least know I am trying to be thorough, and honest in my answer.

    I write for different reasons but try to maintain some level of personal satisfaction with my efforts. Whether it is a comment/answer such as this or a poem about personal feelings. In either case I wouldn't outright lie for the sake of rating. But do I write what others will find appealing. Yes. I try.

    Am I more concerned that another understands what I am trying to accomplish...? Not normally. However if I were to write in a language no one could understand but myself it would make little sense to expect that others would enjoy the depth with which it is composed. I guess it becomes relative. If I am trying to inform, entertain, or simply express what I wish. No single answer can be given for every case but I hope you have gotten what I meant to convey.

    1. Jaggedfrost profile image60
      Jaggedfrostposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You know me so well.

  7. Alayne Fenasci profile image61
    Alayne Fenasciposted 14 years ago

    I write what I'm passionate about. I find that if I write honestly, I end up with far better work than if I hold back for fear of consequences. Then, I can decide whether I should share it, keep it to myself, or change a few things before putting it out there. My writing is about honesty, but there's no point in hurting anyone in the process. A little discretion over how something is presented can make all the difference, and there's no need to sacrifice honesty to do it.

  8. Christopher Floyd profile image61
    Christopher Floydposted 14 years ago

    I write fiction. I'm not honest in the least.
    That having been said, I try to make my characters as true to character (for lack of more creative wording) as possible. If I'm going to write a bigoted character then I'm not going to hold back. Ditto for an innocent person. A mentally and socially innocent person. That last is actually harder I think.
    I'm passionate about what I write, but I wish I were a little more fanatical. At the same time, I write what I must, because stories tend to jam themselves up in my mind until I write them, but I know that's not what you mean.
    What about you, Jagggedfrost? How does your writing come about?

  9. profile image0
    VeronicaInspiresposted 12 years ago

    I laughed when I saw this.

    BRUTALLY honest. In my memoir, I approached writing it with 100% candidness and honesty. For a lot of people, it was too honest and for others they got it.

    But I don't believe that people need to be glazed over with fantasy and flowery prose--that isn't my frame of reference--and instead need to be, from time to time, JOLTED with truth and reality.

    But I do understand that just because I feel passionately about something doesn't mean the whole world needs to know about it. Any future writing I do, will have a more...*sighs* balanced perspective.

    And it was also suggested that if it's extreme issues or ideas that I still feel strongly about should be couched as fiction, as to help it go down easier.


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