Has reading a book ever changed your life?

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  1. Vishaaa profile image71
    Vishaaaposted 13 years ago

    Has reading a book ever changed your life?

  2. moorebored profile image60
    mooreboredposted 13 years ago

    Yes, a book called One Second After changed my life forever.

  3. chasemillis profile image69
    chasemillisposted 13 years ago

    The Count of Monte Cristo - mostly because it was one of the only books I have ever read and it was literally amazing. Simply Christian by NT Wright is one that will seriously make you think about what you believe and why

  4. Max_Power profile image61
    Max_Powerposted 13 years ago

    Yes, absolutely. 'The Way of the Wizard' by Deepak Chopra. I have read it well over a dozen times, and it has changed me a little every time I read it.
    It is easily my favourite book.

  5. jlastevens profile image61
    jlastevensposted 13 years ago

    The first book that I could remember reading when I was in elementary school was 'Where the Red Fern Grows'. I cried at the end of the book. I loved that I felt something..anything. It was the first book where the scenes actually played out like a movie. That book made me love reading and eventually writing. I have Where the Red Fern Grows to thank for what I love doing even to today.

  6. maria.rose profile image38
    maria.roseposted 13 years ago

    Oh yeah, books are changing my life all the time........

  7. livingsimply profile image61
    livingsimplyposted 13 years ago

    Yes.  To Kill a Mockingbird absolutely changed me life.  Atticus Finch changed my life.  He recruited me to the call for natural justice and gave me the courage to stand up for my convictions.  He taught me about the essence of bravery.  Through all that, he inspired me to write.  I will always be grateful to Atticus Finch.

  8. TheSloneGal profile image59
    TheSloneGalposted 13 years ago

    reading a book can always help you in many ways reading when you are young will always change your life

  9. Alyssa Nichol profile image92
    Alyssa Nicholposted 13 years ago

    Absolutely! Madeleine L'Engle's autobiographical tale, "A Circle of Quiet," left a permanent imprint on my life.  The book really influenced my interest in philosophy. 
    The best books always leave an imprint on the reader. smile

  10. flying_fish profile image60
    flying_fishposted 13 years ago

    I read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" ("Profoundly important... full of insights into our most perplexing contemporary dilemmas... It is intellectual entertainment of the highest order." -- The New York Times) by Robert M. Pirsig, when I was 17, and struggled through it with some difficulty - made easier by my rapt interest and strong intention to reread in the future...

    Years later I did reread it, and found that many of the insights I'd had in the intervening years as a result of my own life experiences were closely mirrored in my clearer understanding of the book's subject matter - forever making me a firm believer in the power of subconscious information-processing. I've heard this book described as "the most widely read book on philosophy, ever" - but I can't find an attribution, and my most recently acquired copy happily resides in the possession of a dear friend to whom I loaned it eagerly. This "inquiry into values" is an amazing book that many before (and after) me have found wonderfully life-changing.

    1. Quirinus profile image61
      Quirinusposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's a beautiful book. Maybe amazon.com still has it. Thanks for your answer for its worth of reminding me to reread the book!

  11. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image77
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    Yes, several times, actually.  There is one called "Hope Of The Wicked" that explains most of the things that happen in this world today, combine that one with a Bible, and good companion texts, and you've got the universe most close to you covered,

  12. LensMan999 profile image58
    LensMan999posted 12 years ago

    The books written by Robin Sharma and Dale Carnegie have been a part of my motivational status of life


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