The first book that changed my life, by Vidya D Sagar

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  1. ChitrangadaSharan profile image94
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 2 years ago

    Please take some time to read this beautiful response to the word prompt ‘First’, by Vidya D Sagar. … pt-Week-53

  2. ChitrangadaSharan profile image94
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 2 years ago

    Hello Vidya Ji!
    Beautiful response to the prompt, reminiscing your firsts.
    I enjoyed reading about your interest in books. The mention of Enid Blyton brings about many sweet memories of the childhood. I never missed any book from this wonderful author, and also the ones you have mentioned in your interesting article. I remember being a member of many libraries, besides the school and college libraries. And, we had that library on wheels as well, which you fondly remember. Yes, times have changed, and the way books are read, has also changed. But, old memories are precious indeed, and that is very well expressed in your article.
    Nice acrostic poem as well.
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. vidsagster profile image91
      vidsagsterposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Chitrangada, thanks for sharing the link to my article. Your wonderful comments made my day. Yes among the many firsts, this stands out because it is a great childhood experience that influenced me profoundly, so I thought of sharing it. And true, the libraries kept that passion alive. Brenda's word prompt made me reminisce that first joy of reading. Now times have changed and reading methods have changed, but I prefer relaxing with a book in hand any time, to let go of stress. Have a great day and stay blessed.

  3. Brenda Arledge profile image82
    Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years ago

    How wonderful to write about the first book that changed your life.

    A book by Enid Blyton from the famous five collection.

    It sounds like your love for books continues throughout your life today.

    I'm glad there were ways for you to read books without having to purchase them.

    I can't imagine reading a book a day. 
    That is quite a milestone.

    It is true that times have changed along with technology, but I'm glad that first book inspired you enough to keep reading.

    I love that you have a small library at home which includes your favorite books.
    How inspiring for the young ones to view and begin their own relationship with reading.

    Your poem, "Self Love First-An Acrostic Poem" reminds us that we need to take care if ourselves first and foremost.

    I love your article.   I'll post a link in the word prompt article.

    1. vidsagster profile image91
      vidsagsterposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Dear Brenda, thanks for giving us inspiring word prompts and summarising our responses. Your generous comments uplifted my spirit. There are many firsts in my life and I was confused on which one to write about. So i chose the one that influenced me the most and kept alive my lifelong love for reading. And yes the circulating library contributed in keeping that passion going. Now with more responsibilities and lesser and lesser time to read, I myself find it hard to believe that I used to read a book per day back then. In fact I remember my brothers joking that
      I probably read the first few pages and the last few pages and that's how I could read a book a day.  But the fact is once I started reading a book, I could never put it down till i finished it. I am glad that I could fulfill my dream of owning a small library at home which has inspired my children also to be ardent book lovers. I am glad you liked my acrostic poem. Though it is often quoted and cliched, i believe self love is essential to survive the tough and challenging times that we face in life. Have a great week ahead, stay blessed.

      1. Brenda Arledge profile image82
        Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        To this Mother still reads a book in one day.
        She'll be 82 in July.

        The only way I seem to do that is if I read one on Kindle Unlimited.

  4. Farah N Huq profile image81
    Farah N Huqposted 2 years ago

    The first book series that fascinated me was also The Famous Five by Enid Blyton. Started with The Secret Seven but my school library only had one book from that series. So I started reading thr famous five. Next was Nancy Drew by Carolyn keene. Then I started reading Agatha Christie and Academic studies and exams put a halt to it. Medical studies killed it haha. Good to know about the first book that changed your life.

    1. vidsagster profile image91
      vidsagsterposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Farah for the encouraging comments. Those are wonderful memories of childhood spent with books. I think I read all of the End Blyton books that I could find. From then on started my love of reading. Books were my best friends then. I am glad you had the same habit of reading and the choice of books as me. The habit must have certainly helped you in your medical studies. I can understand how hectic it must have been.  Have seen my daughter go through it. I am glad my article brought back those wonderful memories to you too. Have a great week ahead, stay blessed.

  5. vidsagster profile image91
    vidsagsterposted 2 years ago

    Thanks Brenda for sharing the link,nand for the lovely comments. I appreciate that you take time to give us word prompts and summarise each and every response in spite of your many commitments.I am happy you liked my response and ever so grateful to you for inspiring us to keep writing with the word prompts. Have a great week ahead and stay blessed.

  6. Pamela99 profile image88
    Pamela99posted 2 years ago

    This article describes a love of books that I also share. I still love to read and started about the same age as you Vidya. This article is a wonderful response to Brenda's prompt, "first".  I love many of the same authors you listed. I enjoyed reading your article.

    Thanks for posting Vidya's article Chitrangada.

  7. RozlinMohsin profile image60
    RozlinMohsinposted 2 years ago

    Great response to Brenda's word prompt, Vidya. I enjoyed reading how the first book in your life changed life. I too love reading books. I want my daughter to be a book lover too. I agree self love first. If we love ourself, we will love others too.
    Thank you for sharing your first memories.

    Thank you, Chitra di for sharing.

  8. ravirajan01 profile image95
    ravirajan01posted 2 years ago

    Wonderful Vidya. I love books, and Enid Blyton was also one of the 1st books I read besides hardy boys and Alfred Hitchcock's three investigators. The love for books is the best investment of time that can be done.Thanks for sharing this wonderful response to Brenda's prompt

    Thanks Chitrangada for sharing Vidya's work

  9. Misbah786 profile image82
    Misbah786posted 2 years ago

    This is such a beautiful response to Brenda's word prompt, Vidya. I really enjoyed reading your hub. Thank you so much for sharing.
    Thanks, Chitra Di, for sharing.
    Blessings and Love to both of you!

  10. vidsagster profile image91
    vidsagsterposted 2 years ago

    Thanks Pamela for the uplifting comments. I am glad that you love the books that I love. Yes those were the times when other distractions were less and books were our best friends. I am glad you enjoyed the article. Take care stay blessed.

  11. vidsagster profile image91
    vidsagsterposted 2 years ago

    Hi Rozlin, glad you enjoyed reading my article. I am sure your daughter will love reading too. Children usually imbibe the  habits of their parents. But it's the digital age and youngsters have many options now. But the joy of reading is a different experience altogether. Have a blessed day, take care.

  12. vidsagster profile image91
    vidsagsterposted 2 years ago

    Hi Ravi. Thanks for the positive feedback on my article. Yes these books made our childhood experience so beautiful. I agree with you that it is the best investment of our time. Have a great day and week, stay blessed.

  13. vidsagster profile image91
    vidsagsterposted 2 years ago

    Thanks dear Misbah for the encouraging comments. I am glad you enjoyed reading my hub.Have a great week ahead stay blessed.

  14. vidsagster profile image91
    vidsagsterposted 2 years ago

    Hi Brenda, I admire your mother. I prefer reading on Kindle too. My daughter teases me even today, as to how I took almost an year to complete the book 'of human bondage' by Somerset Maugham, which is a 650 pages book. But i was working and could only read on weekends.

  15. AliciaC profile image94
    AliciaCposted 2 years ago

    Vidya's lovely article reminded me of my childhood. I loved Enid Blyton's books, too. Vidya's mention of visiting the library every day reminded me of a childhood incident when I borrowed a library book in the morning, read it that day, and then visited the library in the afternoon to get a new book. The librarian asked me to wait until the next day to return a book and get a new one in future. Even today, I love my local library's resources, though I often use its digital offerings at home.

    1. vidsagster profile image91
      vidsagsterposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Dear Alicia, good to know that my article reminded you of your childhood. Yes libraries are wonderful treasure houses that inculcate the habit of reading. Now it's a digital age. My granddaughter listens to stories on audible before sleeping. I find reading on Kindle easier. We change with the times, I guess. But the love of reading a book will always remain with me. Thanks for the lovely comments. Have a great weekend, stay blessed.

  16. Venkatachari M profile image87
    Venkatachari Mposted 2 years ago

    Vidya Sagar, your feelings about the first book in your life and the experiences you shared here are very very interesting. I enjoyed reading your memories of the libraries.

    Presently, I too have a library of books in my home. My son is also a book lover. So, he started it by purchasing dozens of books, all by the best writers in the world. I read half of them. He is now in Bangalore and took many books with him. I continuously keep purchasing books in all three languages of English, Hindi, and Telugu. Some books are voluminous containing up to 1000 pages.

    1. vidsagster profile image91
      vidsagsterposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Venkatachari sir, thanks for sharing your and your son's love of books. It is wonderful that you have collected books in all three languages. I have yet to read many of the books from my collection, especially the one about the Upanishads by C.Rajagopalachari, which is more than 1000 pages. I just don't seem to find the time. The love of books is the best treasure that we can pass on to our future generations.

      1. Venkatachari M profile image87
        Venkatachari Mposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        I too have a book on Upanishads published by Kalyan Publications, Gita Press, Gorakhpur. I read only less than half of it and put it aside. It needs a more peaceful atmosphere to grasp it.  Presently I am unable to concentrate on it. I also have one book of Jawaharlal Nehru's Letters to his Daughter which has more than 1000 pages. Presently, I completed The Untold Story Of Sita by Dena Merriam.

        1. Venkatachari M profile image87
          Venkatachari Mposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          I have my Goodreads Account where I add the books read or want to read,

        2. vidsagster profile image91
          vidsagsterposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          I agree with you Sir, one needs a peaceful atmosphere to read the Upanishads. Goodreads is best for reading online. I want to read the untold story of Sita too.

  17. Jodah profile image89
    Jodahposted 2 years ago

    I am late reading this article, Vidya. But, better late than never and it was well worth it. I love how that ‘first’ book instilled a love of books and reading into your life. The first novel I remembered reading was “The Call of the Wild” by Jack London…I lost myself in that book completely, and it gave me a love of reading from then on.
    Thank you for sharing this, Chitrangada.

    1. vidsagster profile image91
      vidsagsterposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Dear John, thank you so much for reading my article and for the encouraging comments. I am glad that like me,  the first book you read also instilled a love of reading for you. And this love of reading has helped you become such a wonderful writer. Thanks again, have a great weekend.


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