What brainstorming techniques do you use to help you come up with creative solut

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  1. Anishpat profile image78
    Anishpatposted 11 years ago

    What brainstorming techniques do you use to help you come up with creative solutions?

  2. The Touch Typist profile image78
    The Touch Typistposted 11 years ago

    Usually, I get a piece of paper and start writing everything that comes into my head regarding that topic. Afterwards, I just lay back for a while, not thinking too hard on my written concepts (obviously, because it's impossible to connect them all). And then, I simply make connections, and construct a tree-shaped algorithm. After that, when I am content with my decisions, I start working. Nevertheless, the outcome of the result might change during the working process, because you'd want to clarify your goals as soon as possible.
    Hope this helps!

  3. jaydene profile image60
    jaydeneposted 11 years ago

    That is a good question.  I have to do the brainstorming in order to find a topic as well as the solutions, 
      Sometimes I am stuck, but  other times i flip through magazines, or just surf around to find something that catches my eye.   
    I usually keep a running list I write down of topics I think of, then I know I can do some research for them to see if they are worth the write smile

  4. rfmoran profile image71
    rfmoranposted 11 years ago

    Best done with a few other people to get the most ideas. Just blast the ideas out WITHOUT editing. No matter how outlandish the idea, write it down. Do this for 5 minutes. Then go back and the obviously bad ones can be crossed out. Russ

  5. annart profile image83
    annartposted 11 years ago

    A mind-map is brilliant.  You can have a theme in the middle, then branch out like a tree with each possibility on one branch; then smaller branches can spread from each possibility and so on. 
    You end up with an idea of what works best, or where your thoughts can go and often you'll find that you have more than one idea.  Once having made a choice of idea, then you can use the same system to plan what you're going to write.
    It's such a visual method and if you use only 1 or 2 key words (or pictures/sketches) for each part and colour code blocks of ideas, then certain things stand out and you have a complete set of notes at a glance.  It beats pages and pages of black and white text any day!
    If you want more detail on how to do mind maps put the name 'Tony Buzan' into your search engine and you'll find lots of books, diagrams, suggestions, etc.

  6. WorkAtHomeGal profile image60
    WorkAtHomeGalposted 11 years ago

    I either grab my notebook or a piece of paper (whatever is closest) and write brainstorm in a cloud. I guess the cloud thing comes from elementary school brainstorming sessions.

    I write everything that comes to mind on the selected topic even if it sounds silly. I keep a lot of my brainstorms in a folder as well for later use. From that I usually underline or place a check by what seems the most important at the time.

    I only brainstorm new article ideas or blog topics. Other times it could be not as important  things like "Valentine Day Coupon Book Ideas"

  7. days leaper profile image61
    days leaperposted 11 years ago

    I just write down my ideas, then work out the most likely possible responses.

  8. Christopher Dapo profile image76
    Christopher Dapoposted 11 years ago

    I was hoping you would have enlightened us on what sort of topic your question is more directly associated with, but excusing your question's vagueness I'll still try to help.

    Foremost, you should understand the problem you are trying to find solutions for. As simple as this sounds, it's commonly overlooked as part of the brainstorming proccess. If I gave you two numbers and asked you to find the solution, you wouldn't know what sort of solution I was looking for if I had yet to point out that I was looking for the sum of both numbers. If you are on the phone with someone who's asking you how to help a choking victim, details on the environment and variables of their situation could be a matter of life and death.

    Once we have identified the problem itself, we can then brainstorm on the best way to handle the problem by determining the most efficient variables that apply to the problem we have at our disposal. For instance, getting from point A to point B could be a possible problem. Part of working towards the solution could involve many sorts of variables like our mode of reaching our destination at point B and what resources we have at our disposal to aid us in reaching our solution of reaching our destination. As per our example, and considering the situation, point B could be better reached by a boat, by a ladder, or by specific points on a line graph. Point B could be on the other side of a river with no crossing for miles. Or, point B could be the frisbee that was accidentally tossed onto the roof of a three-story home. Or point B could be the solution to a complex geometry problem. In each instance, different variables can be used for different situations, and the brainstorming can help us determine which way our goal can be better achieved.

    I hope this answers your question!

    - Christopher

  9. Diana Grant profile image90
    Diana Grantposted 11 years ago

    It may be something I hear on the news, or, if it may be something someone says which sticks in my mind.  That might be something I hear in conversation, or something I hear on the television.  Sometimes when I first wake up, my mind is whirring and something comes to mind. Or it might be something I have just cooked, or some planting I have just done, or something I have made or designed.
    I don't really have a problem thinking of topics to write about - my main problem is that I keep going back to my computer to write when I should be doing something else - it's like writing is a form of procrastination or escapism from the rest of my life.

    It's important for me to keep a pen and paper in every room and in my handbag and car, so that if a useful idea or thought passes through my mind it is not lost.

  10. dorleneB profile image60
    dorleneBposted 11 years ago

    Take my mind off the issue needing creativity, and take a walk, play with my dogs, bake, etc. -- while my mind has the concepts percolating in the background. Then I get some coffee, and sit at my computer and type whatever comes out. Most of my thoughts would then be 'assigned' a color, based on whatever is appropriate to the issue. Or, write them down on paper again using certain colors for whatever?  If in a group, we use white board, or big paper flips & a willing scribe. Popcorn helps too!

  11. Emma Beth profile image66
    Emma Bethposted 11 years ago

    I assume this question is mainly aimed at coming up with wriitng ideas. If it was to write a story, I think about some of the things tha have stood out lately for me, personally.  Is there anything that has upset and moved me? Anything that has brought those close to me particular joy or pain? is there anything I want to say about it.

    Just writing stuff down on a piece of paper or on the computer, and then leave them for at least a day to let the ideas firm up in my mind.

  12. profile image60
    DJ Andersonposted 11 years ago

    Anishpat, I get a thought which I cannot get out of my head.  I must get it written down or I stand a chance of forgetting the exact wording, which can be very important.  Some poems get written in only a few days; some, a few years.  Many times there are several works that are being brought to life at the same time.
    After a couple of days, I go back and read that which is written.  I must admit that I feel I get help from whomever wants this creative writing completed. At other times, poems almost write themselves.

    You can take inspirations from the most unlikely sources. Take a walk or a drive. Listen to music and open your senses to take in all that surrounds you. Wait on the emotionally creative mind's wheels to turn.
    Never force the issue. Relax, and it will come.
    If you are true to your creation, the right people will be drawn to your work.
    Good luck, and remember, never stop writing.

  13. agaglia profile image79
    agagliaposted 11 years ago

    I read hub pages and find inspiration in what others write.  I list all the people I want to meet, or hobbies I'd like to have, or things I'm interested in doing someday.  I keep an "Idea catcher", which is a small notebook where I jot down ideas as they come to me. Then later, I can page through the notebook for ideas.


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