Which female heroine from a book or movie do you admire and why?

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  1. profile image0
    Lizam1posted 11 years ago

    Which female heroine from a book or movie do you admire and why?

    International Women's day is March 8th.  Is there a book or movie lead that you have imagined being or would like as a role model?  Men please feel free to chip in too!

  2. Novel Treasure profile image88
    Novel Treasureposted 11 years ago

    I really enjoy reading the Eve Duncan and Eve Dallas characters. I find them to be intelligent, strong, and engaging characters to read about.

    I think many times authors make the female characters too weak, not in physical strength, but in mind and spirit. It takes away from my enjoyment of reading the book.

  3. M. T. Dremer profile image83
    M. T. Dremerposted 11 years ago

    There are a quite a few that I've enjoyed over the years. I'm going to list off a bunch of them rapidly.

    Chi Li from the mythological story "Chi Li Slays the Serpent". She was due to be sacrificed to a giant serpent and decided to fight it instead.

    Kahlan Amnell from the Sword of Truth book series. Terry Goodkind created a female lead that was just as strong and inspirational, if not more so, than his male lead.

    Wonder Woman. Her outfit is over sexualized, but she kicks butt and I love her mythology inspired back story.

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Not all blondes are helpless, and Buffy proved it time and again.

    Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games. Often breaking the conventions of what a hero should do, Katniss is one of the standout characters of modern YA literature.

    Hermoine Granger from the Harry Potter series. Smartest witch of her age.

    Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series. Like with wonder woman, Lara has been over-sexualized, but if one can look past that, they can find a rich history for the character. Nowhere was this more apparent than the games made by Crystal Dynamics.

    Jade from Beyond Good and Evil (video game). A rare gem of a game and a rare gem of a character (sorry for the pun).

    And those are just the characters I can think of off the top of my head. I thoroughly enjoy a strong female character in any form of entertainment.

  4. teaches12345 profile image77
    teaches12345posted 11 years ago

    The fictional characters I enjoy are Scarlet O'Hara and Mary Poppins for their strength and colorful character.  I love the movie heroine Lara Croft as she portrays a woman who is able to defeat evil single handedly.  And, I admire the Biblical women such as Ruth and Esther.

  5. Sunshine625 profile image83
    Sunshine625posted 11 years ago

    Lucky Santangelo who originated in Jackie Collins "Chances" book many years ago. Lucky continues to live on in many sequels. She has a strength, an attitude, a thrill for live that I admire. Since I first read about Lucky when I was 17 she has always been my favorite heroine.

  6. lupine profile image63
    lupineposted 11 years ago


    I always liked Wonder Woman, the outfit is intriguing, she's confidant, takes her job seriously, and sexy...never let this get in the way of her job performance. I watched the tv series many years ago when Wonder Woman was portrayed by the actress, Linda Carter...a perfect role for her and very attractive too.

  7. Isaac White profile image61
    Isaac Whiteposted 11 years ago

    I love all of the heroines all in all but, as a kid i watched Xena: The Warrior Princess. Through time i guess i wound up admiring her the most. For one thing she wasn't the average Heroine. She was bold, fearless, noble, and so on. All aspects of a true hero. But, in my eyes, she was the greatest. Simply because, of her love towards Gabrielle. It was not normal for Woman to be in love with woman, and not nearly as common as it is now. So, that twist was probably her best attribute, because, she wasn't afraid to show her difference.

    and as you watched Xena, it was like you grew with her changes, unlike most heroes and heroines. She was very imperfect and it was because of those imperfections she became the perfect hero. It showed the viewers that she was only human.

    I. White

  8. profile image0
    KEPitzposted 11 years ago

    I really like Stephanie Plum of the Janet Evanovich series. I love how she screws up, yet somehow always manages to get the job done and come out on top no matter what. Well, she does manage to destroy at least one car per book - but it's not her fault! LOL


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