Reading on Kindles

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  1. profile image0
    Linkusblessposted 13 years ago

    How do you 'feel' reading books on a Kindle and such?  Have you read entire books on a kindle.  Did you enjoy the reading in the same way? Did you read for as long?

  2. Shanna11 profile image72
    Shanna11posted 13 years ago

    I used to be an ardent Kindle hater-- I've always loved real books for so many reasons and have a large personal library for someone my age. However, once I moved out of state for college and had to leave most of that behind, I realized that books take up a ton of space in small dorms and even smaller backpacks (they are also much more expensive than Kindle books). Kindle's are very convenient and take a little getting used to, but I almost want one now. I keep trying to convince myself that physical books are the way to go, but I feel I'm losing the battle. I have a book that I bought on the Kindle app on my phone, and I'm almost done with it. It was about 945 pages, and I enjoyed it a lot actually. It was easy to just whip my phone out in random places when I had a few minutes of downtime and read.

  3. wilderness profile image90
    wildernessposted 13 years ago

    I don't use a kindle, but did get a 10" tablet for Christmas, specifically to download books onto.

    I still prefer a book, but these old eyes are failing and require more and more light, coupled with larger print.  The tablet fills both requirements.

    I have read 4 complete novels since Xmas, more than I have read in a single month for quite a while.  It has brought the enjoyment of reading back; for the past couple of years I could not read for more than a couple of hours at a time, if that.  With the tablet I'm good for 5 or 6 hours should I choose to do so.

    I am concerned, however, about the longevity of any books I might download.  I still have books that I purchased 40 years ago; there is no chance that the digital media will still be readable in another 40 years.  Technology changes too fast for that.

  4. Shadesbreath profile image75
    Shadesbreathposted 13 years ago

    I have a Kindle Fire, and I've read three books on it so far. It took me a bit to get used to it, but now I like it. It's great for magazines (which I also got one of those), and on that front saves me having to throw them away or let them pile up.

    For books, frankly, I like the pile up. So the Kindle makes it so I won't continue to build my epic library. Which I do not intend to give up. However, I do often read books that I don't NEED to keep. For example, I insist on having nice copies of great literature, but when I hear about a new marketing book, or some "how to blah blah" book that sounds good, I don't need to keep that. In fact, experience tells me that book will be crap 5 years from now, so why waste tree bark on it?

    It also has a battery, which means you already know what. I found myself having to hurry through a book this weekend as I had gotten to the last 40 pages (roughly, it doesn't measure pages, but progress), and had to really scamper because the battery light was super red and I got a "15%" warning. I did not enjoy that part. So, Kindle is cool to read at home, near a plug (They say 7 hours, I suppose that's plausibly accurate). I can say there is no way I'd take it on a vacation. Dead-tree books still rule, but Kindle definitely has a place (especially for periodicals).

  5. profile image0
    richardkruseposted 13 years ago

    Think of the trees, people!

  6. ElizaDoole profile image82
    ElizaDooleposted 13 years ago

    I got given a Kindle for a birthday present. I did not ask for it or want one, as I've always been a book type of person.
    However, I found it very useful on holiday. Tucked away in it's protective cover, it is very light, making it the perfect companion for travel days, airplanes, trains etc. Now I use it quite often.
    I think professional authors should charge a bit less for their books on Kindle, after all, the publishing costs, paper, distribution, etc are reduced. For now I refuse to pay the same price as the book would cost me, so most of the stuff I download is free, and I make sure I return and rate the books.
    Lots of the stories have typos and need another mild edit, but I forgive that in free authors, who are mostly people like me I think, trying to get a start.
    I guess the main effect it has had on me, is that I am reading unknown, unpublished people, which I would never have done in a million years, and ignoring all the big names for a change. It's great. In fact, I might go and write a hub on it!

    1. ElizaDoole profile image82
      ElizaDooleposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Here it is! … Books?done
      Thanks for the inspiration today smile

    2. hildred profile image71
      hildredposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Unless they're self-published, it's the publishers that control the price of the ebook formatting - authors rarely get a say in any price unless they're self-publishing.

      That said, it does annoy me when an ebook costs tthe same amount as the paperback. To me part of the point of getting the book is using less materials.

  7. profile image0
    Linkusblessposted 13 years ago

    Thanks for the feedback.  I was wondering what people's impressions are of reading on a something like a kindle and I can see how convenient they are when traveling or having to lug a lot of books around. I'm still a bit sceptical as to whether I could read a screen for much more than an hour or so without feeling a bit 'icky'. I'm going to do a bit more (ahem) research.  I think FWIW that there will always be books--treasured all the more.

    1. Shadesbreath profile image75
      Shadesbreathposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The screen thing is nothing at all. I thought that too. But, at least on the Fire, you can turn the brightness up and down, fonts can be changed easily, etc. If that's your main concern, in my opinion, you can check that one off your list.

    2. hildred profile image71
      hildredposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Unless it's the Fire, a tablet, Kindles use a technology called "e-ink" which isn't LCD (like a computer monitor) but meant to reflect the experience of reading a book. It's meant to not promote eye strain and the like. smile

  8. profile image0
    Linkusblessposted 13 years ago

    Most of us so far seem to like books, despite their drawbacks and cost to the environment. I guess we'll be talking about the 'aura' of  books, a bit like the 'aura' of old paintings are talked about.

    1. wilderness profile image90
      wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Most of us seem to prefer real books, yes.  You are also in a writers community - I'm not sure at all the general populace would agree.

  9. Zac828 profile image60
    Zac828posted 13 years ago

    I am a book lover and have tried for ages to get into the publishing industry, I suppose I felt a little snobby about it all. However, I took the decision to publish my book via Amazon in December and have been amazed by the response. The ease of publishing was fantastic; reading my book on the pc ( don't yet have a Kindle but used the app) was so easy and I have fallen in love with the whole e-book phenomena.
    Yes it does save trees and though it cannot replace the feel or smell of a book it is the future and it is causing a revolution in publishing. We should embrace it.

    I will be buying a Kindle, feel a bit of a phoney having a book on there and not owning one. (Please don't judge me !)

    1. ElizaDoole profile image82
      ElizaDooleposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      please buy it via my hub lol!

  10. Pcunix profile image84
    Pcunixposted 13 years ago

    I can't do it.  My sister got a Fire, so lent me her old Kindle because there were a few books on it i'd like to read.

    For one thing, there aren't enough words on the page.  I'm a speed reader, so that very tiny gulp of words annoyed me greatly.

    They also make a big deal about being able to read in bright sunlight.  What they don't say is that you NEED bright light to read, which was also annoying - I can read on my iPad in bed or while my wife watches TV without disturbing her with a light.  The supposed "glare" problem isn't such a big deal anyway - it's harder to read an iPad or Fire in very bright light, but that seldom comes up and you CAN find a way to shade it.  Darkness happens a lot more!

    Finally, color is important.  Not for every book, of course, but when it is, Kindle bites.

    I never got to read those books on her Kindle.  I could not take it.

  11. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    I read ebooks, but not on Kindle.  It isn't the only option.

  12. I am DB Cooper profile image89
    I am DB Cooperposted 13 years ago

    I've got a large collection of "real" books, but I do enjoy reading on my Kindle. I've got the Kindle Touch, and I'm amazed at how much easier it is to read than an actual book. It's lighter, I don't have to hold it open, and I just have to poke the screen to turn the page.

  13. sunforged profile image76
    sunforgedposted 13 years ago

    I use my netbook with the kindle software, I like it better than an actual kindle as i get to hold the "cover" in both hands like a real book (you can do the same by buying a dedicated ebook cover too)

    Screen reading doesnt seem to bother my eyes though,some really love the e-ink

  14. DonnaCosmato profile image83
    DonnaCosmatoposted 13 years ago

    I love my Kindle Fire! I can slip it into my purse and carry it anywhere so if I have unexpected downtime or a rare few minutes, I can pick up reading in my book from wherever I left off. It eliminated the bulkiness and weight of hardback books, and I can store a wide selection of books to my library. I especially like the fact that I can download free books from our public library or from the Kindle reading library.


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