Poetry by Jolene Belmain
Poetry: It can capture your heart
Poetry can be so easy to create. All you have to do is write down the emotions in your heart, add in your everyday life and, VOILA! You have created a genuine, heartfelt poem that people can relate to, and will read over and over. It is that easy.
Poems don't have to rhyme to be good, every person has a different style and they vary as much as the person who writes them.
Poetry can warm the heart. Write what is in yours.
Photos found on this article are ©Jolene Belmain.
Other images used are from the public domain images found at: Wikimedia Commons
Remembrance Day
This is the day which we remember,
remember the ones who've died.
The ones who went to war for us,
while we fought our own wars and cried.
Cried for the lost loves and family,
forever in our minds they will stick with us
and if the nations all decide to disagree
we will remember in case we must
do what they did,
understand what they understood,
live how they lived,
suffer how they suffered.
And if it ever comes to that,
we'll just pray that others will remember us
the way we remember those in our past.
On Remembrance Day we'll pray,
and remember.
©Jolene Belmain
This time of year
has struck once again
where the children of all,
everyone sends.
They run around
collecting candies and treats,
swerving from alley's
into the streets.
Scaring those
unsuspecting souls,
the witches, the vampires
the ghosts and the ghouls.
And when this exciting
night is all done
the children rush home
to see who has won.
Who has the most candy
and wonderful treats,
who can eat
most of their sweets.
Now there are wrappers
all over the floor,
one year from now
we'll do it once more.
©Jolene Belmain
Happy Halloween
Global Warming
From floods to drought
she tries to give us warning.
Volcano's; tornado's,
she's shows us
she's transforming.
Tsunami's; hurricane's; quakes,
she really is performing.
She's nature, yes,
but gets no rest
from all of this global warming.
©Jolene Belmain
Which poem was your favourite?
© 2008 JoleneBelmain