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look mom I can fly

Updated on May 29, 2020

The testimony

Dear imaginary friend,

I was just watching “Look Mum I Can Fly” a movie by Travis Scott that describes his way to the top of the music industry, and what I found fascinating was his current luxury life. I wondered what did he meant by hard work, never quitting and always following our dreams; as considered by him the keys to his success to achieve all that wondered life?! But, isn’t this all that those famous and successful people say in every awarding ceremony speech and in every interview that is found on the internet??? So, what is it? What are they talking about? I dream of a lot of nights, even with open eyes, about that life, but anyway I cannot find a way to achieve it. How can I find it? Is there any possible way? If they found, why not me? What did make them so influential to people???

Most of us, including me, agree that those people are gifted by nature. They have that power at their voice, at their mind, at their acting or whatever has made them popular. They are there because one day, at the very beginning, they learned something about themselves. They learned something that they could do best. They found that things that can implement their gift of nature in the best possible way. You know, as I am thinking right now, you might be thinking too, that what is my gift??? None. I don’t have a gift from nature. I don’t have a talent. I am not good at anything.

Fuck that.

That’s not what I think actually. Even why I haven’t figured out yet what that is, I am still searching. That’s what they mean by not quitting. You know, maybe there are years required to identify that. That’s not that easy. Maybe it is the most difficult task that life lays ahead of us. It’s a part of the answer to the question: “What is my purpose in Earth and why I am here?!” Believe me, that’s really challenging, and that’s why only 1 percent of people are over there, on the top of all of us. However, years before, they were just like you and me, teenagers or men motivated and really excited about their future, but not to forget, they were determined not to quit until they found themselves.

I want to tell you something about hard-working, yeah, we like those couple words and what they are able to achieve, but hate the fact of what we should sacrifice for them. Everyone has heard that cliché quote: “Welcome to the 1% of the party!!!” but that’s not like that. The relationships in life are really important, are those who give to our vision colors. Give those colors that make us motivated. Though, everyone is motivated by something or by someone. Even why you might not feel it, you are motivated.

And as we all know, it’s a key component of success to sacrifice something in ourselves, but we have to be very careful what we choose to sacrifice for something, keeping in mind, that in the end, that victory of war with ourselves will overweight the consequences in our social life. We should analyze what really is worthy of suffering.

Yeah, don’t be surprised, if you want to go there, if you want to be in the hall of fame, you have to suffer a lot. Maybe this word evokes fear to you but reminding of your dream, that dream that they always talk about to follow, you’ll deal with that, just like they did.

A M B S I O N. I know that not all people are that ambitious. And if you don’t have ambition, sorry to say that, but you will never make it to the top. Ambition is the most important thing in your whole journey to the climax of your life. It’s that that keeps your mind awake all the time.

So as you see there are a lot of things till there, I mean to the top. But you are still watching La Casa De Papel with its famous professor, Michael (Prison break), Thomas (Peaky Blinders), Travis, Musk, or whatever other famous celebrity and not learning anything from them. Those people have found themselves, those are using their gift to go up, but you still don’t understand that life is as long as it is short, and you really don’t have time to let slip from you that gift that you are born with.

Believe it or not, we are all creative, good at something, gifted with one ability, but we have just to find it as soon as possible, work very hard to perfect it, and make use of it to boost our inner development.

Anyway, sorry to be dramatic now, but you are going down all this time. You are listening to my advice, but a future-successful man should act. Nothing will happen spontaneously. Nothing will happen if you are sleeping. Sleeping is a waste of time. Sleeping just takes a lot of time. I believe that one day my friend you will understand these what I talked about, not now, I know that it is difficult to get inside of your head, but for sure one day, and I wish that day is close before you run out of them. So, as Steve Jobs said, till your climax: Stay hunger, stay foolish!

And dear imaginary friend, I know that you knew all these things before I told you, there is no philosophy in there, but I wanted to let you acknowledge that after you see me on the top, don’t jealousy about me, but blame yourself about the big opportunities that you have missed by just waiting for the perfect life, and drink tequila while sitting at your couch as a regret poison to your gone life because we were at the same level one day.

Meet you at the top if you will make it!


Shedi Boi

© 2020 Alfred Emiri


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