Two Magpies
Two Magpies On A Window Sill
Two Magpies passed us by today
As some spiders weaved a home,
We sat in silence to survey.
Way up high upon the window sill,
We saw one bird was black
The other white, with patches on his bill.
I felt the wind as black bird circled
Around my head,then landed on the sill.
Then a little quiver down my back,
As white bird joined him once again, on the sill.
The second spider sat in golden threads, made soft with quill.
Then spider one dropped down.
Upon the white bird he did land
The high ride he was given, over trees and then a hill,
Made him wish he'd stayed at home.
So safe ,within his web of gold, upon the window sill.
As worms and flies were gathered
That spiders eyes grew big with greed,
As white bird swooped up higher,
And travelled home to fill his
Partners nest with worms and flies.
And one solitary spider for her to kill..........
A poem inspired by the death of the pope,when the bells from the nearbye church rang constantly
© 2009 jandee