Plants For Your Home Decor
Use Plants For Your Decor
For A Special Touch To Your Home Use A Plant
Plants are an easy means of adding color and atmosphere to your home. A room without a plant can seem austere and cold. No, I don't have plants all overmy home, however walls, lamps, and decorations do need some "fluff" to soften those straight and flat lines you see. A green or flowering plant adds life and color and dimension to the walls and decor of any room.
Do you have a corner of the room with good light? Use that corner to place a plant or two. I have a corner that African violets love. I leave the blinds closed most of the time for privacy, but the sun filters through just enough for my plants to thrive.
Window sills with morning or afternoon sun can be great places for your special greenery. A simple plant on the window sill will add much to your kitchen. You will daily enjoy your plant as you cook and wash dishes. Choose something easy to grow or try something new in this spot. You will remember to water it because you will be looking at it every day. My starter plants usually begin on the kitchen windowsill and then are moved to other locations in my house as they mature.
I have started many of my larger African Violet plants on the kitchen window sill. They love the morning sun and seem to thrive with moisture from the dishwater close by. You can order an African Violet from Amazon and have it delivered right to your door. Their helpful book on Growing African Violets will assist you in your growing process. Better yet, houseplants make great gifts.
Have a special plant stand that you want to show off? Find a well lighted area for it and enjoy the greenery year round.
Decorate With Plants
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeBut I Don't Have A Green Thumb
That used to be me, but I now believe that anyone can grow plants. I learned not to kill my plants by watering the plants correctly and giving them fertilizer once in awhile. There are multitudes of books about plants available for those who are a bit plant shy. Pick an easy to grow plant and give it a try. A simple green ivy is hard to kill. It thrives with just a little bit of care. If your home decor benefits from your plant(s), you will be motivated to water it/them once a week. The good news is that indoor plants do not require lots of time. A trip around your home once a week with a watering pot will most likely suffice for most plants.
Try An Artificial Plant
If you absolutely refuse to grow a real plant for your decor, there are many artificial plants available for the home. In the last few years, the artificial plant producers have become experts at duplicating live plants. Most of the time you can't tell the difference between a real or artificial plant. Artificial plants come in lots of sizes - from table size to potted trees. You choose the plant according to the size and location of the need for your home decorating. If you have a large corner that is bare, a large artificial ficus tree or palm tree might fill that spot well. Todays' decorating is simple and not busy. Don't overpower your room with plants, but use them to complement what you have.
Large Plants
Larger plants can be placed on the floor to fill open empty spaces. A large plant just inside the front door adds warmth to tile or wooden floors. Glass panels around the door provide light for entrance plants. A large plant behind a piece of furniture, in a corner, or placed next to a table add interest to your furniture placement. A stark table and lamp benefit from the soft lines of a plant.
Experiment with plant placements, If the light is insufficient or the plant location is not satisfactory, try it somewhere else until you find the perfect place. Once a plant has found its niche, try not to move it around too much. It will adapt to the light source and could wilt if the light changes significantly.
Plant Pots
Choose colorful or complementary flower pots for your plants. These pots can complement your decor and add color or style.
African violets use self watering pots. The plants are not directly watered, but the plant in its container is placed in water for continual absorption. There are many interesting pots available for this variety of flower.
When choosing a pot for your plant, remember to provide a pot that catches the draining water. You don't want accidents on your tables or floors. If your flower pot has holes in the bottom, it needs a tray underneath to catch the water. These are often sold separately from the pots.
Fresh Cut Flowers
For those special occasions, decorate with fresh flowers. The available colors can brighten any room and add that special touch for a holiday, celebration or party. For a nominal cost, your local grocery store sells flowers that will stay fresh up to a week or more. Carnations will outlast a rose most of the time. Buy all one color or mix it up for variety. The possibilities are endless. Add a bow or ribbon to your vase for flair.
Silk Arrangements
Silk flower arrangements can add color and flair to any table in your home. Silk flower cleaner sprays are available for dust removable. I take my flowers outside to spray them every six months, letting them dry in the fresh air. Silk flowers are long lasting. If cared for appropriately, they can last for years.
Palm Trees
A Palm tree can fill that corner behind the chair or sit nicely in front of a window. Good light will help your tree do well. If you don't have a green thumb, order an artificial tree. They can be tall and lanky or short and fluffy!
Choosing your plants and placing them in your home can be a fun project. Choose your favorite variety of plants and flowers and enjoy them all year long. Do you have an empty table or corner that needs "something"? Fill it with greenery or flowers. Most important of all, have fun!
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