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Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Designer

Updated on November 13, 2020
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Linda is a seasoned writer and bedroom authority. She loves sharing design trends, decor ideas, and useful tips with her readers.


You are finally ready to give your home a well-deserved makeover but can’t seem to find the inspiration and motivation to move the project forward. You think know what you like and don’t like when it comes to color, furniture and accessories. You may even have a mental image of your dream interior but no idea how to execute it.

You’re stuck and don’t know where to turn. If you can relate it may be time to seek professional help. A designer or decorator can tailor their services to suit your particular needs. It can mean anything from a one-time consultation, shopping assistance with access to ‘trade only’ sources or undertaking a full-blown remodel. Here are a few good reasons why you should consider hiring a professional to move forward with fresh design ideas.

1. You are still holding onto furniture pieces you had in college.

Be brutally honest. Do these furnishings hold sentimental value or have you simply become complacent? Maybe it's a sense of nostalgia or a deep-seated fear of letting go of your college furniture or a feeling of guilt that you're giving away your parents' hand-me-downs.

Whatever the case, it's high time to toss the stuff that no longer fits your evolved tastes and lifestyle. Let's face it, that particleboard media center and the dilapidated sofa were never that attractive. While a designer won’t force you to get rid of things you truly love they will provide the impetus you need to let go of furnishings that have seen better days.

This is such a messy house.
This is such a messy house. | Source

2. You are far too busy.

Leading a busy lifestyle requires extra time, patience and diligence to decorate your home. Instead of trying to juggle multiple projects here's a much better idea. Hire a designer.

Whether you’re advancing your career, raising a family or taking on volunteer work, spare time is a precious commodity. If you’ve ever tried you know it takes time to come up with a design plan and see it to fruition. Hiring a decorator is a huge time saver—especially if you know the direction you want to take.

You life is so hectic you can't find the time to decorate your home.
You life is so hectic you can't find the time to decorate your home. | Source

3. You can save money.

This sounds contradictory but you can get professional design assistance even if you are short on funds. Hiring a designer can help you save money by avoiding big purchases and renovation mistakes. If you don’t have the money for new furniture a home redesigner or decorator is the person to call. They specialize in rearranging the furnishings you already have to give your home a completely new look.

What if you have set aside money for new furniture but don’t have enough to hire a decorator? Many retailers offer free design consultations and even provide discounts on furnishings you purchase based on their recommendations. Check with big box home furnishing stores for specific details.

Believe it or not you can save money by hiring a decorator, redesigner or interior designer.
Believe it or not you can save money by hiring a decorator, redesigner or interior designer. | Source

4. You and your partner have opposing decorating styles.

Your partner loves the great outdoors and feels right at home surrounded by nature-inspired furnishings and colors. You are a minimalist who gravitates toward urban spaces that employ clean lines and modern furniture. Think of your designer as part artistic visionary and part relationship counselor. A good designer can clear the air by suggesting a compromise that will satisfy both parties.

An interior designer can help you and your partner compromise on your home's style.
An interior designer can help you and your partner compromise on your home's style. | Source

5. You want to put your home on the market to sell quickly and make a profit.

According to the National Association of Realtors, potential buyers are more inclined to express interest in and pay more for a home that has been styled with the help of a professional home stager. Stagers are trained to make a residence attractive to the greatest number of potential buyers. Not only will your home stand out from the crowd it will sell faster and possibly fetch top dollar.

Invest a little on a home design stager and you'll reap the financial benefits.
Invest a little on a home design stager and you'll reap the financial benefits. | Source

© 2018 Linda Chechar


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