What is your favorite flowering tree?

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  1. Faith Reaper profile image83
    Faith Reaperposted 10 years ago

    What is your favorite flowering tree?

    Do you have a favorite tree that has blossoms during Spring? Thank you for answering.


  2. tsmog profile image84
    tsmogposted 10 years ago

    Today it is the Desert Willow. It is a native California tree with fragrant pink blossoms attracting many birds, although home to flurries of hummingbirds all summer long. More summer blooms beginning with May, yet with this summer in California more all year there are early blooms.

    Not very tall usually from nine to as tall as thirty. Nice for a front or back yard growing deciduous over winter months. Seen in deserts and interior chaparral lands usually near waterways like the Colorado River and streams.

    If you like Anna hummingbirds in Southern California these are a must and a treat smile

    1. profile image0
      Shelly Elliottposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I love the lilacs in the spring. Every year my tree in the front blooms for such a short time, it is beautiful and a rich deep purple. Oh spring, Out like a lion, no kidding!

    2. Faith Reaper profile image83
      Faith Reaperposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Wow tsmog, yes, the Desert Willow sounds breathtakingly beautiful from your description. I live in southeastern USA, so not sure if I have seen this amazing tree you write of here. I love hummingbirds and the butterfly bushes here attract them.

    3. tsmog profile image84
      tsmogposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Shelly, lilacs offer immense beauty and variety are many here in SoCal. At Las Pilitas Nursery website there are pages of them. Faith Reaper I have not any sad at home. I do have sage and fuschia attracting those flying angels smile

    4. Faith Reaper profile image83
      Faith Reaperposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, tsmog, we have those beauties too, lilacs!  I love that, those flying angels. I can tell you are an amazing writer just from your wonderful comments!

  3. profile image0
    MysticMoonlightposted 10 years ago

    I love it when all of the flowering trees blossom but my favorite is probably a tie between plum and cherry trees. They are just so beautiful in full bloom, they instantly brighten my mood and make me pause and smile. It's like seeing a warm hello from mother nature smile

    1. Faith Reaper profile image83
      Faith Reaperposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi MysticMoonlight, oh what a beautiful comment and description, so poetic of you describing the plum and cherry trees.  I agree, seeing them will brighten one's mood and make one smile indeed!

  4. Shyron E Shenko profile image68
    Shyron E Shenkoposted 10 years ago

    My favorite is the Dogwood Tree, because of the spiritual meaning and its legend.
    There is a legend, that at the time of the Crucifixion the dogwood had been the size of the oak and other forest trees. So firm and strong was the tree that it was chosen as the timber for the cross. To be used thus for such a cruel purpose greatly distressed the tree, and Jesus, nailed upone it, sensed this and in His gentle pity for all sorrow and suffering said to it:
    "Because of your regret and pity for My suffering, never again shall the dogwood tree grow large enough to be used as a cross.  Henceforth it shall be slinder and bent and twisted and its blossoms shall be in the form of a cross....two long and two shorter petals. And in the center of the outer edge of each petal there will be nail prints, brown with rust and stained with red. and in the center of the flower will be a crown of thorns, and all who see it will remember....

    1. Faith Reaper profile image83
      Faith Reaperposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Dear Shyron, Oh, my goodness, Dogwood trees bring back such lovely memories of my childhood as my backyard was just full of them. Love your beautiful tribute and meaning shared here!  One Easter, as a child, I experienced a miracle of the trees!

    2. Shyron E Shenko profile image68
      Shyron E Shenkoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I hope you will share your miracle of the tree(s).

    3. Faith Reaper profile image83
      Faith Reaperposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am glad you came back and commented again, as they only give us so much room to reply.  When I first joined HP, I wrote on it, as it was such a special time with the Lord, but over time, it started to go down as they do, and so I unpublished it.

  5. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 10 years ago

    I really like the redbud tree in spring because its color is so bold, but there isn't one I don't like after winter's brown season!

    1. Faith Reaper profile image83
      Faith Reaperposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi RTalloni, yes, indeed, all blooming trees are stunning after the winter!!! I have not heard of the redbud tree. Must look it up! Thank you for answering.

  6. bethperry profile image83
    bethperryposted 10 years ago

    Pear trees are my all time favorite, perhaps because my grandmother raised pears on her farm. The blooms are not just lovely, but smell so heavenly!

    1. Faith Reaper profile image83
      Faith Reaperposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi bethperry, yes, they certainly are lovely and fragrant, but your added reason of your grandmother raising pears on her farm, I am sure adds to them being your favorite.

    2. Amerikal profile image28
      Amerikalposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Our office is lined with pear trees!

  7. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 10 years ago

    I will never forget the first time I stood beneath the magnolia blossomed tree of the south ! Wow , now I know where love was born ! My favorite though ...the lilac  ,my mothers favorite too !

    1. Faith Reaper profile image83
      Faith Reaperposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Ed, oh, you know it, the Southern magnolia blossom is glorious indeed. Yes, the lilac is so lovely and that is a sweet thing to share about it also being your mother's favorite!

  8. chef-de-jour profile image96
    chef-de-jourposted 10 years ago

    I have two favourites, cherry and blackthorn. Cherry trees may be wild or planted to enhance a street or boulevard but their early blossoming, in rich pink, is beautiful to behold in spring. They foam against a blue sky and strong sun but are equally beguiling when late snows fall.
    Blackthorn I think are truly wondrous, their smoky white blossoms seem ethereal and unreal on a dark gloomy late winter's day, contrasting heavily with the almost black branches of this thorny wild cousin of the hawthorn.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image83
      Faith Reaperposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hello chef-de-jour, My goodness, another poetic description of the cherry tree. Your comment could be a poem! I have not heard of the Blackthorn, but I must seek it out from your superb and poetic description!!!

  9. Amerikal profile image28
    Amerikalposted 10 years ago

    The flowering Magnolia tree. The flowers are short lived, but beautiful. And the smell is amazing.


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