Orchids Orchids Everywhere
Ode to My Husband's Orchids...I love them!
Forgive me, if I "wax eloquent" about my husband's blooms;
Their beauty decorates our house - they're found in all our rooms.
Some ablaze with color; some large, some minuscule,
No matter what their size or shape; in our home, ORCHIDS rule!
P.S. My husband grows these gorgeous orchids, and this is the only way you're "gonna see 'em"!
That is what I call the affliction that pervades our domicile!
Ode to the Orchids ~ Part 1
Orchids, orchids, everywhere, oh, what a sight to see! They cover all our living space, and quite exquisitely...
If you could see their loveliness, I know that you'd agree, that you've never seen such orchids, that bloom so magically!
They decorate our counters, in lavender and pink, my husband grows these orchids, as fast as I can blink.
They're lined up on the windowsills, they're sitting in the sink. Watch out for the orchids, if you need to get a drink!
Ode to the Orchids ~ Part 2
The orchids that we love so, cover every inch of space. They're here and there, and anywhere, that we can find a place.
Each night he puts an orchid on the table, in a vase. They decorate our domicile, with elegance and grace.
I think that some are angels, I think that some are weird. He even has a green one, that appears to grow a beard.
There's some that look like insects, which suddenly appeared. Some masquerade as aliens - of which I am "afeared"!
Ode to the Orchids ~ Part 3
Oh, the splendor of the orchids! No words cannot be applied, within the English language; I KNOW, for I have tried.
I'm at a loss with orchids, they can NOT be described. The truth that they're magnificent just cannot be denied.
One day, as I was watching, one opened to the sun. I happened just to be there, when its blooming had begun.
It slowly and so gently turned its face into the sun - I froze in awesome wonder, 'til its opening was done.
Ode to the Orchids ~ Part 4
He inherited his green thumb, when he was just a lad. His father grew such flowers! So, he learned it from his dad.
I wish I had his talent - it's one I've never had. If the plant is called an ORCHID - he'll grow it, and I'm glad!
So, the orchids cover everything, the floor, the porch, the wall - and we enjoy their beauty; winter, summer, spring, and fall.
My husband's gift is awesome, but you might like to recall - that he just tends the orchids - God's Hands made them all!
A Lot More of His Beautiful Orchids...
...can be seen below.
In some of our other articles, we showed you our weird orchids, our Alien Orchids, our Elegant Orchids, the Weird Orchids, and our Angel Orchids . Here, we are going to show you the rest. Hope you enjoy them, as we do, and....there are more! I only have so much time in the day, to take and crop, orchid photos, so...
Here's ONE BEAUTY to start you off, and then...see the orchid photos in the galleries below. There are LOTS of them, and every one of them is grown by my husband!
Orchids on the counter -
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeOrchids by the sink -
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeOrchids that have red hues -
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeOrchids that are pink!
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeOur home's an orchid garden -
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeTheir scent perfumes the air -
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeThe orchids have invaded -
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeWe have orchids everywhere!
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeOde to the Orchids ~ Part 5
We have - orchids on the counter, orchids by the sink.
Orchids that have red hues, orchids that are pink.
Our home's an orchid garden, their scent perfumes the air,
The orchids have invaded - we have orchids everywhere!
What Orchids Does He Grow?
My husband grows:
- Vandas
- Schomburgkias
- Dendrobiums
- Bulbophyllums
- Epidendrums
- Encyclias
- Brassavolas
- Catesetums
- Cymbidiums
- Laelias
- Oncidium
...and some that I have not identified yet. If it is an orchid - he grows it!
The Manual of Cultivated Orchid Species
Did you like the orchids?
Which of the Orchid Galleries above did you like the most?
For Your Viewing Pleasure - Orchids Galore!
If You Enjoyed the Orchids...
Did you like the photos? Do you grow orchids? Would you like to see more?
Check out our other ORCHID HUBS, because there are hundreds more orchid photos that I just cannot put up at the moment - I have to go settle down the uprising in the kitchen, amongst the "Sink Orchids"! You think they would know, by now, that I am not to be reckoned with, but they are s-l-o-w learners, to say the least. My husband loves them so, and they know it - which puts me in the dubiously coveted position of disciplinarian.
Later, y'all - off I GO! OH! Before I do - any ideas about how to "corral" the Sink Orchids? They DRAIN me - pun intended!
Some of our other Orchid Hubs are below. Please take a moment to explore them:
- Alien Orchids - They invaded, and kidnapped me, too!
- Orchids or Circus Clowns - What do YOU think?
- The Love of Orchids - We have lots, and we DO love them!
Photo Credits
All images portrayed here were photographed by the author - E.Tack
© 2010 Emily Tack