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Bucket List Winner

Updated on October 20, 2023
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I am a new publisher on Amazon Kindle books. My varied interests and topics include writing,painting,collectibles and poems. Thanks!

Bucket List Waterfall

Yosemete  Waterfall
Yosemete Waterfall | Source

Bucket List Ideas

When you are traveling this life don't forget to net some of those daydreams and EXPECT to capture yourself enjoying this moment more than ever before.

I write this because of the success I obtained from my previous bucket list article. Yes, it took some thinking and list making to sift through all of those snapshot day dreams. Definitely it was worth the time spent one afternoon to determine that progress was made. Yes, indeed although my track record was less than perfect, I was able to capture that fleeting butterfly.

Yosemite Park Map

Yosemite National Park:
Yosemite National Park, Yosemite Village, CA 95389, USA

get directions

Bucket List For Winners

You may be now asking why? Why did I select Yosemite National Park map and waterfall photo for your inspiration?

Because this is a great place to find your Life's Dream List! It was a long hot drive to Yosemite in the summer of 2013. We drove for hours and finally found ourselves entering the gates of the park in a drought water experience. We had traveled through endless miles of burned out forest still smoking along the foothills. It was a reminder that our dreams do not always flourish. In fact we have to reweave our dreams too sometimes.

My previous visit several years before had been during an exceptional year of raging waters in rivers and waterfalls. This just illustrates how life can and does change. Friends leave, marriages end, our health demands our attention and more.

Bucket List Drum Beat

Drum Beat for your Dreams
Drum Beat for your Dreams | Source

Dance to your own Drum beat

When you sit down with your paper and pen to make a list for yourself be careful. Do not make an impossible to achieve list. We all need a star of success on our chart. Enjoy yourself most of all.

Find your greatest interests like finding a new hobby or destination for adventure. List at least three things you know you can easily obtain. This helps to guarantee your own success. We aren't trying to defeat ourselves you know. It is important to have a winning outcome. Do not stress the small stuff.

Listen to your own song. If your drum beat is native then hear the outdoors speaking to you. Visit local places with open spaces for your inspiration.

If you like cityscapes then go to town and sip a flavored coffee at your favorite coffee bar.Observe the people and structure. Then let it all absorb into your mind. Open your mind to new adventure and success.

Review of Past Goals

Hold onto your charm.

Allow yourself to review your last list of goals. It could be that some of your priorities changed since creating that list. I discovered that I had accomplished every major goal with the exception of the number one item on my list! It was a super large item which takes months of focus to task. I still commend myself on taking the risk of writing that list. I did accomplish the item of making a photo collage which is kind of similar to a mosaic.

The actual creation of a mosaic did not happen yet though. That too is alright because this list can be ongoing. In other words as you see, I give myself some leeway.

My previous bucket list of 2013 is here for you to read. You can select it in the text box in this hub.

Yosemite Song

My Bucket List 2015

I am writing my list for today. It is July of 2014 today. Why am I doing this now? It is because today the inspiration came to me after reading my previous bucket list published.

l. Maui 2015 Take a trip with a friend to visit this island of refreshment. I traveled to Maui for a week in 2014. I enjoyed the beach vistas so much that I want to return and share the trip with a good friend next year.

2. Unearth hidden treasures. I already found a very interesting ancient item on Ebay last week. It is up for sale now on my Etsy site. Being inspired by treasure hunters my mind is open for new and exciting discoveries.

3. Win at my lottery entries and other daily games. It is on my mind to win a large sum of money to share with my family, friends and to invest for retirement world travel. It is essential that this plan comes to fruition Soon.

4. Continue to paint larger paintings and sell some of them to fund my travel dreams.

5. Meet in person my special companion and love. This man is my soul mate and is soon to appear right here in front of me. YES!

6. Yes, last but not least I once again add this: Self Publish my own book. Right now there is a book writing itself. I eagerly await the intuitive go ahead on this project.

Winning Your Bucket List Dreams

We all have dreams in this life. Some of us are more free than others to achieve our goals. If you are blocked and feeling like nothing will ever change then I encourage you to take a cup of coffee sit at your favorite place and enjoy making a list.

We always face changes but our mind is able to adjust and discover new ideas. Our kids grow up and soon make their own lives. We age and retire some day. We all need to keep our focus on ourselves sometimes too. What are you going to discover about your notes to yourself? Will you enter into a new and stimulating destiny?

Dream Rocks

Yosemite Rocks
Yosemite Rocks | Source

Journal Ideas

When you wake up early in the morning be sure to journal any dreams you have on your mind. I usually take a daily walk in the morning too which inspires my creativity later in the day. Here in summertime California we either walk early or late to escape the heat. Make time to journal some fresh ideas even if they are just a few thoughts. It will add up to finding your personal interests and success.

Please share your methods and ideas in the comments section below. It is always fun to have group interaction.

© 2014 Dreamer at heart


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