How My Google Adsense Earnings Paid for My Car
How I Increase My Google Adsense Earnings
With this hub, I will explain what I did to increase my Google earnings to be able to pay for my car payments. I want to clarify two things. First of all, I was paying for my minivan, not a luxury car. The second thing is: in the beginning, I took me two months of combined Google Adsense earnings to cover the car payment. Now that I have clarified that, we can begin.
How anyone can increase their Google Adsense earnings
These are the exact steps I took to increase my Google Adsense earnings. When you read it, you'll realize that it just takes one thing. It takes action. You can't achieve anything if you don't take action. Someone can give you the blueprint to becoming a millionaire. Guess what? If you don't implement it, you won't succeed! Anyone can do this. It's not that difficult. Get over your procrastination and fear of the unknown and do it!
Write excellent content on subjects that interest you.
Content is very important. Whether you are writing on your blog or creating Hubs, create interesting content that other people will want to read. Need some ideas? You can write reviews about common household products you use. Write reviews about neighborhood places like parks, restaurants and beauty parlors. You can even teach other people how to do things you excel in like knitting, scrapbooking, baking or webdesign.
Quantity and quality must go hand in hand when it comes to content.
You need a lot of content and it must be of high quality. Think of this as your business. You want people to come back, right? Your visitors are your customers. Give them what they want and they will come back. They may even link to your content and send you some more traffic and even...boost your page rank!
You need visitors to read your content. Learn how to harness traffic.
Where and how do you get traffic to your content? Learn about seo and keywords and then go back and optimize your content. Read about social media marketing and social bookmarking and put it into practice. Create your own blog or website and link your hubs to them. Why?
One of the most important lessons I learned about making money online is DIVERSIFICATION.
I'm not going to go into detail here, but I lost my adsense earnings because I lost my page rank. To make matters worse, I lost my #1 spot on Google and several SERPs for many keywords because Squidoo (site no longer exists) was penalized by Google. Some Squidoo lensmasters spammed the net and we all paid the price. I went from earning a full time income from Adsense to earning less than a part time job. I'm not saying HubPages is going anywhere, I'm just saying you should create multiple streams of income. That way if one fails, you still have another source of revenue you can increase. Create a free blog or get your own domain on wordpress. Write at other sites that are simliar to Hubpages such as bloggerparty. These sites are great because they have large communities that will read content from other members.
Here is the breakdown of the sites I was using to earn Google Adsense:
1. I had 5 blogs that showed my Google adsense ads 100% of the time.
2. I wrote on 3 revenue sharing blogging sites that showed my adsense ads 60% of the time. The other 40% showed their adsense ads.
Now that I found HubPages, I will be creating content regularly to submit here. You should too. They have a great community and it has been proven that you can make a significant amount of money on HubPages!
Hope you found this information helpful. Feel free to ask any questions. I will be adding more hubs soon on social media marketing and social bookmarking. They will help you get free traffic to your content. Now go take action!
An Adsense Revenue Sharing Blogging Site
A Few Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites
There are a few other sites that you can use to create content for the purpose of increasing Google Adsense earnings. Here are a few that I have tried:
- Bloggerparty: has a large community of members that read an comment on content. Free to join.
- Blogerty is a free wordpress blogging site. If you become a sponsored member, you can show your Google Adsense on the site 100% of the time. It's a great way to increase your adsense earnings and get backlinks!
Care to Share About Adsense?
How Much Are Your Monthly Google Adsense Earnings?
Must Read Books About Google Adsense
- Five Easy Ways to Make Money Online
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