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How to Save a Fast $100. Dollars Every Month

Updated on March 26, 2018

Wallet of Money

Wallet of Money
Wallet of Money | Source

Frugal Ideas to Stretch Your Budget

We all need to be frugal with our finances, to save where we can. The adage “a penny saved is a penny earned” is a very real principle. This is a fairly simple practice especially when we struggle to increase income. However, we need to realize also that time is money, and if something takes us 40 hours to save $5.00, that might not be the best use of time.

Tips to Save a Quick $100. Dollars or More

Here are a few tips that if used can save you $100. or more monthly, depending upon your diligence and the resources you find.

Use Google and other search engines to your advantage. Before you purchase any big item (or even smaller ones), type in the word search ‘printable coupon” and the store’s name you plan to visit. You’d be amazed at the deals you can print to use when you would shop anyways.

The same is true for any online purchases, type in ‘coupon codes’ for that store and see what comes up. Sometimes shopping online may be cheaper for some people, because many times there is no sales tax with those purchases, and frequently you can find free shipping deals. For those that live long distances from town or in more remote areas, this especially may be true.

If you have tried and true favorite stores that you shop at frequently, see if they have an email list for preferred customers, some offer deeper discounts not normally give to the general public.

There are some specific strategies to use Groupon to get the maximum savings possible. They have some incredibly deep discounts at times, on many types of services and food. Be diligent to use the ones that are truly needs and not just luxuries, there are many that come across with huge discounts on necessities. Some areas don’t seem to offer products or services that appeal to many people, but don’t overlook the fact that you can search and buy groupons from other areas, that offer more what you are looking for. Many of the businesses have online stores where the groupon can be used and they ship product. I got a great deal for a toy store that ships, and bought several to use from birthday and holiday gifts, at a large discount.

During the summer months, try shopping at a local farmer’s market. Many of the fresh produce will both be organic, and less expensive than a store and fresher.

Find Stacking Strategies for Savings

Look for deals known as ‘stacking’ such as shopping at Costco or Safeway that give you a discount deal on gas purchases or cash backs. Look into the benefits that your credit card company offers in regards to this as well. As long as you pay off your balance every month, sometimes it’s wise to use your credit cards for your regular bills and expenses in order to utilize their other benefits. If you’re not getting a good offer on benefits, shop around for a card that does. The competition is huge and they want your business.

Sometimes you can find great coupons for prescriptions, especially new ones or to transfer a regular prescription from another source. There are books written (see below) dedicated specifically to teaching people how to save money on their prescriptions, the one I read I wish I had read years ago. For people who have monthly medication needs, the savings can be quite significant.

Pumping Gas Fuel

Pumping Gas Fuel
Pumping Gas Fuel | Source

Gas Saving Strategies

Gas Saving Strategies

Utilize Gas Buddy (many can be apps on a cell phone) or a similar site when you need to fill your tank, to find your lowest deal in the area, without having to drive all over to save, which would defeat the purpose.   When driving on an interstate, many times the gas station that is nearest to the exit will have higher prices.  If you drive a bit further in to the city center (if its close), you may find better prices, if you don’t have access to use a program that will search for you. 

Fill up in the early morning as that’s when gas will give you the most bang for your buck.  Also, try filling up when your car is near empty, as opposed to half full.  The reason behind this is the actual weight of the gasoline in the tank consumes more fuel being driven around, as opposed to the lighter weight of an emptier gas tank. 

While driving, try to keep the speed smooth, avoiding (when possible), the sudden slamming on brakes, and punching the accelerator, in essence, jerky driving.  That type of driving style consumes more fuel.  Only use air conditioning when really needed, sometimes opening the window some will cool the interior down enough. 

Ensure that your tires are inflated to the specified recommended levels.  This will reduce the contact area of your tire to the road and reduce the friction. It will help you to get improved gas mileage. 

Group errands together according to location and do them all in one trip, this both conserves time and gas.  Don’t just drive to do one errand.  Develop strategies to get more organized overall to reduce waste. 

Of course, if you can use public transit, carpool, bike or walk to work would converse significant savings as well. 

Try reducing your home’s heating or increasing cooling temperatures by 5 degrees, and be diligent to reduce usage before bedtime.

Personal Habits

Personal Habits

Ouch. Lastly, look at your habits, usually these will be areas that can be sources of some of your biggest savings, although they can be some of the most difficult as well. Quit smoking, drinking pop on a daily basis, whatever it is. Usually this area can be your biggest cost savings, even if you can’t quit, cut it by half.

Are you a coffee addict? Instead of buying a latte or mocha daily, invest in your own espresso maker and make your own. It will pay off in spades.

Because of the personal sacrifice these can have, and many will cause withdrawal symptoms, sometimes we need stronger motivation. Take up a challenge. Get a paper, pen and calculator out. Write down how many times a day, week or month you engage in your usual habit. Write down the cost per use, or cost of a pack of cigarettes, and then multiply that to figure your monthly cost. You may be shocked to find out truly what you’re spending month in and month out to a habit.

Try cooking more meals from scratch in bigger batches and freezing leftovers, and eating out less.

Look at spending on technology and entertainment, these usually will offer many areas to reduce or modify, in order to get savings.

Being consistent in these steps will bring you fast savings, which can add up powerfully over the course of one year.


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