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How to Stack Coupons
What Is Stacking Coupons?
Stacking coupons is when you use two coupons (a manufacturer and a store coupon) for one item.
You can stack coupons at almost any store that has it's own store coupon.
Some examples of where to save money by stacking your coupons are grocery stores, drug stores and Target.
- Ten Things I have Learned about Using Coupons to Sav...
Ten steps to start saving money using coupons. This is for the beginner couponer to use for getting started couponing.
Why Should I Stack Coupons?
Have you ever watched a show on TLC called "Extreme Couponers"?
You can see plenty of examples of shoppers stacking coupons on this show.
When you stack coupons, you can get an item for cheap or even free!
Try to find items that are on sale.
Some of my favorite sales are the buy-one-get-one free (or BOGO in couponer's terms).
If you can find a great sale and the stack a manufacturers coupon with a store coupon, most times, you will get the item for free.
This is how the Extreme Couponers make it out of the stores with a thousand dollars worth of food and only pay twenty dollars.
Stacking coupons has saved so many families from going into debt.
Groceries are one of the largest bills that you can change yourself.
While stacking coupons, a family could go from spending eight hundred dollars a month on groceries to three or four hundred dollars a month!
Where Do I Find Store And Manufacturer Coupons?
Most manufacturer coupons can be found in the newspaper or in magazines.
Newspapers usually send their coupons out on Sundays.
Store coupons can be found on the stores website and in their sales flyers.
Some stores electronic coupons that you can look directly to your store card.
No coupon clipping involved!
To load the electronic coupons to your store care, go to the stores website and go to the coupon category.
If you are not signed up with the stores site, fill in your information to become a member. It is free!
While in the stores coupon section, enter your store card number so that when you click on an electric coupon it can load directly to your store card.
You will need to check their electronic coupon page before you go shopping each time since coupons are constantly coming and going.
- Coupon Mom: Wal-Mart Coupon Policy Explained and Made Easy
Wal-Mart is a great place to coupon. Not only can you get money back at the end of your transaction, but they will price match and take competitors coupons as well. Here you can learn everything you need to know about using coupons at Wal-Mart.
Each Stores Coupon Policy Is Different
You will want to make sure you know the stores coupon policy before you start stacking coupons.
Most grocery stores will let you stack coupons, but there are a few that will not let you stack coupons.
To find out which stores let you stack, you can look up a stores coupon policy on their website.
If you are at the store, you could either go to the Customer Service desk and ask to see the coupon policy or ask one of the store employees (cashiers, managers and customer service) about their coupon policy.
How Do I Keep Track Of All Of These Coupons?
You could use few different methods to organize and store coupons.
My favorite is the coupon binder. All you need is a three ring binder, label sheet inserts and baseball insert pages. Clip each coupon as it comes in and place it in the correct slot under the corresponding category.
The Insert Method is very simple. Use a three-ring binder and sheet protector inserts. As you receive coupon inserts, place them in the next sheet protector and label the date you received the coupon insert. Many websites will point you to the correct insert on the correct date for a certain coupon. Check out sites like CouponMom or GroceryGame to see how the insert method works.
The accordion file is small and portable. Categorize each section as a different department in the grocery store. After you have clipped your coupons, insert them into the correct category in the accordion file.
Be Nice To The Cashier!
Be Polite
When you are polite, people want you to do well. If there is a problem with the coupons, don't raise a stink.
Instead, be polite and ask if there is anyway to make it work.
The cashiers and managers will usually go out of their way to help somebody who is polite.
- Stack Coupons - How to Stack Coupons
Learn how to use two coupons for every product that you buy.
Extreme Couponers!
Are you an extreme couponer?
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2012 Melanie Casey