Michigan EBT Card Account Information
Michigan EBT Card Account
Do you use the Michigan Bridge card as a way to purchase food and goods on the State of Michigan food stamp assistance program? Read on to learn more information on this MI food assistance program including the website you can visit for your EBT card, or electronic benefits account online. The MI Bridges EBT account website is where you can get information on your benefits, ebt card limits, usage, account balance and transaction history is at www.ebt.acs-inc.com/ebtcard/miebt/.
If the cash or food benefit account is in your name or if you are the authorized representative on someone else's benefits account you will need to select a PIN number before you can get access to the food stamps or cash benefits account. The website gives instructions on how to select and setup your PIN number for access. You use your Michigan MI Bridges Ebt debit card for electonic benefit transfer transactions. Which means you will use the plastic debit card that you received to purchase the food and goods that are authorized instead of using stamps or paper.
Michigan EBT Card Website Information
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Michigan EBT Electronic Benefits Transfer
It does not cost you anything to use the MI Michigan Bridge Ebt Card for your food assistance program purchases or transactions. You use the EBTcard just like a debit card. No one knows any difference. It is discreet, secure and safer than using cash. You do not get cash back when you use it and you can only buy food items that qualify. You can use the MI EBT electronic benefits card as long as there are benefits left in your account.
You can use your MI Bridges ebt debit card at the store or at an ATM machine. Using your electronic benefits is safer and faster than using cash. Check your account balance and transaction at the website online. If you need to contact customer service, you can call 1-888-678-8914.
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