Do you invest in the Stock Market

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  1. HarshitG profile image60
    HarshitGposted 14 years ago


    As many would be aware of that stock market is one of better way to invest and reap benefits from . So what i want to know is do you guys really invest in Stock market or stick with Fixed deposits and bank interest rates


    1. Ben Evans profile image63
      Ben Evansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I invest in the stock market but the majority of my trades are options.  I am not a momo long option trader and I do not day trade.  I do swing trade however.

      I do mostly range bound trades like butterflies and backspreads.  While all my trades are not completely delta neutral, I dont trade straight long or short positions.

      I have stock holdings but I change my positions and never hold for a long time.

    2. leeberttea profile image56
      leebertteaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Invest? No mostly I just buy stock and watch as my money melts away. I am worse off today then I was ten years ago and it will probably be another ten years before I can recoup my initial investment.

      Maybe  I should take it all to Vegas. At least there they give you free drinks while they take your money!

    3. Springboard profile image83
      Springboardposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I would have to say that while there are risks associated with trading/investing in stocks, the rewards are usually very much greater than any other type of investment you may make, with the exception possibly being real estate. Fixed interest bank accounts and CDs are not typically a good bet for the bulk of your investment dollars because they usually don't offer much in the way of interest.

      Bonds, which are fixed, are sometimes okay.

      But always keep in mind whatever the interest rate is is reduced by the cost of inflation. You always want to be invested in something that beats inflation. If a bank account offers 1% right now, for example, and inflation is at 3%, you are actually LOSING 2% a year because the money will not be able to buy the same amount of goods at its maturity as it could when it was first tucked away. Conversely, if inflation is at 3% and you earn 4% on your account, you are actually only getting 1%, because the goods the money may be used to buy will cost 3% more when you cash it out.

      There is a catch, though, about investing in stocks. YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING OR YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MONEY. I put it in all caps because it's very important. Buy a few books on the subject. Learn the ropes. Do some paper trading. Once you think you've got a handle on it, there's money to be made. You may still lose, in fact you probably will. But the result over time will still fare better than fixed investments. It is a historical fact.

    4. profile image0
      carburizedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You should invest in stocks when you completely unerstand how to read financial statments and their earning reports. Even then it is more or less a gamble. You might have lot of appreciation but two worst days in the market take everythig down. This is probably ok for someone who is in their 20's and have a lot of time horizon.

  2. profile image0
    Richard Stephenposted 14 years ago


    I invest in stocks in a couple of ways.  I have a personal brokerage account with a small portfolio.  I am a buy and hold type of guy so I look for stocks with long term potential.  I am just learning how to trade on my own so I keep things small.

    I also invest in stocks through a couple of mutual funds I hold.  This way the funds are "professionally managed".  Of course, when the markets collapsed in 2009 they lost almost half their value.  Maybe I could have done better on my own!

    1. sambasamba profile image57
      sambasambaposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      Please note that you must not rely on the so called Financial Analyst. Remember that they have their own interest in that particular stock which they want to get some buying interest.

      Just go through the financials of any company before buying that stock and if you are convinced  with the P & L then go ahead and buy that scrip.

      Do only take advice but no not react on that.

    2. Springboard profile image83
      Springboardposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Richard, there's a saying that that Rich Dad, Poor Dad guy said once on a show that used to air on CNBC called "The Millionaire Inside." "I don't turn my money over to experts, because most of them are not experts. The reason they call them brokers is because they are broker than you are."

      It's something to live by. wink

  3. Ultimate Hubber profile image68
    Ultimate Hubberposted 14 years ago

    I don't and and have some money in fixed deposits. I have never bought any shares but I've sold some which came as inheritance from my dad.

    1. sambasamba profile image57
      sambasambaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      As for me selling something which you have inheritance is not a wise decision. You should have kept them as this comes up with lots of benefits in the long run like dividends, bonus, rights.

      This is only an advice for you

  4. EmmaMedu profile image69
    EmmaMeduposted 14 years ago

    I follow the old saying "Don't put all the eggs in one basket...".

    I invested some money in Stock Market and bought some shares a few years ago, when times were much better than today. Some of them worth less and some worth a little more. But, I definately don't plan any further investments in stock market. I hope I will get the returns from my investment in the following 5 years.

    I also invested money in cash fund, they are not very sensitive to changements of financial markets and very rarely go down. So, with kind of investment, I'm earning all the time.

    Investing money in both high and low risk opportunities worked pretty well for me.

  5. free4india profile image60
    free4indiaposted 14 years ago

    Stock market is an option only if you have that extra cash and you have got enough time and resources to keep yours eyes and ears open... else you will end keeping your mouth wide open !

  6. CYBERSUPE profile image59
    CYBERSUPEposted 14 years ago

    I do and have for many years invested in the stock market. I am not a trader nor do I speculate. I buy solid stokes of Major Companies such as GE, Dow Chemical Co., Coca Cola, Pepsi, etc and hold long term. Mutual funds are also a favorite of mine because of the diversication that they provide. My favorite mutual fund company is the American Funds.

  7. Sunny_S profile image60
    Sunny_Sposted 14 years ago

    find a stockbroker and gain some advice and then invest through them a firm or chairty fund

  8. SoManyPaths profile image61
    SoManyPathsposted 12 years ago

    Yes, you gotta buy great companies not the new hyped up ones. Yes, you can lose money but hopefully you learned why you lost it. Maybe hedge it next time.
    But why keep your money in a 1% or less savings acct or CD ?
    At least invest in real estate, you can always get rental income.  Invest in REITs

  9. successdotnet profile image58
    successdotnetposted 12 years ago

    Yes. Investing in stocks better than keeping money in bank earning low interest.


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