END TIMES REPORT -- Are Earth Signs Increasing ?_ 7 Minutes to Midnight - The Prophetic World Clock
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Week of: APRIL 17th - APRIL 23rd - In the Year of Our Lord (2011)
PROPHETIC WORLD CLOCK - Biblical Countdown for the End of the Current Age
OUR CLOCK represents the last seven years of the "Common Era" (C.E. or A.D. Anno Domini) traditionally reckoned as the era following the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth, with C.E. counting the years since the start of this epoch.
THE TIME on the "Prophetic Clock", is shown as "7 minutes 'till Midnight", reflecting the last seven years of this age, which is the point in time that we are rapidly approaching now.
"And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom [ Christ the Lord ] is coming; go out to meet him!’" (Matthew 25: NKJ)
This of course referring to the seven years of the "Great Tribulation Period", the final end of this age and the start of the next, the coming Kingdom of Christ on Earth for the next 1000 years. The time on the clock will ONLY change when that day finally arrives; until the final minutes start counting down it will remain at (11:53 C.E.).
This IS NOT the "Doomsday Clock" either (at least not for the "saved" believers), but reflects a time for great rejoicing in the next age that is coming and a message of hope and salvation for the rest of the world; all those who have not found the love and grace of the Lord God yet.
This is an ONGOING PROPHETIC REPORT - Updated Weekly (or as needed)
We will be doing this series completely different than our other permanently posted listings here, in the way that we will be changing the content and updating it on a regular basis. We will be keeping the material current with relevant events and rotating the featured articles between our blogs and other sources to keep you as well informed as possible - VISIT HERE OFTEN!
"For then there will be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Matthew 24:21 NKJ)
The Time of Tribulation is Near
WORLD HEADLINE NEWS - For the Week of: APRIL 17th - APRIL 23rd
In the Year of Our Lord (2011)
"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet." (Matthew 24:6 KJV)
Troops Exchange Heavy Fire Again
Heavy fighting broke out again between Thai and Cambodian soldiers, a day after six died in the bloodiest border clash since the UN appealed for a permanent ceasefire in February. The two neighbours have fought a series of deadly gunbattles in recent years in disputed jungle near ancient temples strung out along the frontier, which has never been fully demarcated, partly because it is littered with landmines.
Friday's clash was the first serious outbreak of hostilities since February when 10 people were killed in fighting near the 900-year-old Hindu temple Preah Vihear, prompting UN Security Council members to call for a lasting ceasefire.
The latest fighting, which left three soldiers dead on each side on Friday and more than a dozen others wounded, took place near a different group of temples over 100 kilometres away from Preah Vihear. Observers say the temple dispute has been used as a rallying point to stir nationalist sentiment in Thailand and Cambodia.
The two sides blamed each other for Friday's clash, which lasted for more than six hours and prompted thousands of villagers to flee the border area.
> View Original Article - Sydney Morning Herald - April 23, 2011
"Look! An army is coming from the NORTH; a great nation and many kings are being stirred up from the ends of the earth." (Jeremiah 50:41 NIV)
Putin Outlines Blueprint for Stronger Russia
Topic: Vladimir Putin’s annual report to parliament
Russia needs to be strong and avoid experiments with "unjustified liberalism" in order to safeguard its sovereignty and prevent outsiders from dictating the country's development, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.
The powerful Russian prime minister, who some analysts believe will bid to return to the Kremlin in 2012 and succeed his hand-picked successor, President Dmitry Medvedev, outlined a bullish agenda for Russia's future political and economic development.
Russia has emerged from the global financial crisis in far better shape than most countries and will completely offset economic crisis-related losses by the start of 2012, before moving on to new achievements, Putin said.
> View Original Article - Ria Novosti - April 20, 2011
"When you hear of wars and uprisings, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away." (Luke 21:9 NIV)
Egypt Unrest: 846 Killed in Protests - Official Toll
At least 846 people were killed during the popular uprising that toppled President Hosni Mubarak, an Egyptian government fact-finding panel says. It accuses the security forces of "excessive" use of force during the mass protests which began on 25 January, the AP news agency reports.
The revised toll of 846 civilians dead is more than twice the previous official figure of 365. Twenty-six policemen were also killed in the 18 days of unrest, the report said.
> View Original Article - BBC News - April 19, 2011
30 Wounded In Yemen Protests
Tear gas and live fire at mass Yemen demos
SANAA — Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in massive protests demanding the ouster of President Ali Abdullah Saleh across Yemen on Sunday, amid reports of casualties in the capital Sanaa.
An AFP video reporter at a hospital said: "A medical source in the hospital has just told me that there are 1,000 suffocation cases because of tear gas and 30 injured by live rounds."
Security forces were deployed heavily in Sanaa where hundreds of thousands of men and women took to the streets in protest at Saleh's call for an end to men and women demonstrating together against the regime and calling for his ouster.
More than 125 people are estimated to have been killed since protests calling for Saleh's ouster erupted in late January, inspired by uprisings which toppled long-time rulers in Tunisia and Egypt.
> View Original Article - AFP - April 18, 2011
"From the EAST I summon a bird of prey; from a FAR-OFF LAND [ ASIA ], a man to fulfill my purpose." (Isaiah 46:11 NIV)
Growing Global Threat From Chinese Cyber Hackers
BEIJING – Western governments and corporations were facing a growing threat from hackers based in China, who remain strong despite a crackdown by the authorities, Sky News reported Monday.
An estimated 1.6 billion attacks are launched from China each month, with some successful efforts breaching the computer systems of the Pentagon and those of the French, German and British governments.
> View Original Article - FOX News - April 18, 2011
"The KING OF THE SOUTH will become strong, but one of his commanders will become even stronger than he and will rule his own kingdom with great power." (Daniel 11:5 NIV)
Iran Equips Army with New Air Defense, Cruise Missiles
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi announced on Monday that the country has successfully test-fired three new missiles, including the fastest cruise missile in the world. The minister also announced that a large volume of anti-armored ammunitions have been handed to the Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) units to confront enemies' land-based equipments.
Iran's new military equipments and achievements went on display during the parades, including the new generation of the Iran-made Zolfaqar tanks, a new canon capable of firing 6,000 bullets per minute as well as new artillery systems. The Mersad air defense shield is a completely indigenized system developed by the Iranian experts and technicians to promote the country's combat power. The system was deployed in all Army air-defense units on Sunday to boost the country's air-defense power.
> View Original Article - FARS News Agency - April 18, 2011
Supreme Leader Urges Army to Activate All Potentials, Use All Capacities
TEHRAN (FNA)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on Sunday called on Iran's military personnel, the Army in particular, to activate all its potentials and make use of all its capacities and capabilities.
"Effort should be made to take the opportunity that has been granted by the Almighty God for serving the Islamic Republic ruling system and to use all intellectual and practical capacities and capabilities," Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing senior Army commanders on the occasion of the Army Day (April 18) here in Tehran today.
The Leader underlined that activating potentials and using the aforementioned capacities will spark growing success and advancement for the country.
> View Original Article - FARS News Agency - April 17, 2011
APOCALYPSE = (Greek: apokálypsis; Definition: "Lifting of the Veil" or "Revelation")
"And He will destroy on this mountain, The surface of the covering cast over all people, And the veil that is spread over all nations." (Isaiah 25:7 NKJ)
Hindu Extremists Continue Attacks Against Christians
Karnataka, India, April 15 (CDN) — Police on April 10 arrested a pastor and other Christians of the New India Church in Mysore after some 25 Hindu extremists from the Sreeram Sena attacked their Sunday service, accusing them of forcible conversions, reported the Mathrubhumi daily.
New Delhi – A mob of about 150 Hindu extremists on April 9 attacked a Christian worship meeting in Bhajanpura, East Delhi, beating Christians with clubs and stones, including women and children.
Madhya Pradesh – An enraged mob of Hindu extremists on April 7 stormed into the prayer meeting of a Christian Assembly house church shouting anti-Christian slogans and filed a police complaint of forceful conversion against those present in Sagar.
Karnataka – Mulki Circle police officials on April 4 forcibly took church documents from Hebron Assembly Church in Mulki and told the pastor not to allow any Hindus to enter.
Karnataka – Police in Shimago on April 3 detained Pastor Abraham K.G. and a Christian identified only as Eerappa for their faith in Christ. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported that Hindu extremists led by area Bajrang Dal member Subbraya Shetty interrupted the worship meeting of the Jehovah Nizzi church and warned them to stop meeting.
> View Original Article - Compass Direct News - April 22, 2011
"This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus." (Revelation 14:12 NIV)
China Detains Worshippers at Unsanctioned Church
Chinese police arrested at least 30 members of an underground Protestant church in Beijing Sunday in a growing crackdown on dissent across China.
The U.S.-based Christian rights group China Aid reported that police rounded up members of the Shouwang House Church as they attempted to hold a service in a public plaza in the western part of the city. More than 150 church members were detained last week for attempting to meet in the same space.
> View Original Article - Voice of America News News - April 17, 2011
The Papal Throne to Shift from Rome to Jerusalem?
What do you think the Vatican and Islam are talking about when they met for interfaith dialogue?
They have already agreed on the most important issues:
1. The Holy land is occupied by Zionists and needs to be liberated.
2. Both Roman Catholicism and Islam are included in Gods plan of saving mankind, since both represent the children of God of Abraham.
3. All religions expresses some truths about God, and needs to be included to make an fulfilled picture of the creator.
4. Jesus is the son of Mary.
5. World peace will first flow out from Jerusalem when the three present main religions are able to live in peace, and come together as one voice and offer God interfaith prayers.
> View Original Article - via editorial @ Hal Lindsey Ministries - April 21, 2011
Jerusalem is the Key to the Middle East
The MID-EAST WATCHMAN - All Eyes Towards Israel
"Then he [the coming "Antichrist"] shall confirm a covenant [peace plan or treaty] with many [in Israel] for one week [a week of years = 7 years] But in the middle of the week [3.5 years] he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering [treaty broken by the "Antichrist"]..." (Daniel 9:27 NKJ)
Peres: Israel Needs To Formulate Its Own Mideast Peace Plan
President says Israel's focus should be on making peace not on offering peace plans; comment comes amid reports of a planned U.S. initiative to restart stalled peace talks. Peres' comments also came after UN political chief Lynn Pascoe and ambassadors of key Security Council countries said it was important to break the peace-talks deadlock soon as a proclaimed September deadline for reaching an agreement draws closer.
"Bold and decisive steps are needed to resolve this decades-long conflict, with vision, leadership and responsibility from all concerned," Pascoe told a monthly meeting of the Security Council on the Middle East.
> View Original Article - Haaretz Newspaper - April 22, 2011
Turkey: Israel-Palestinian Peace Will Decide Fate of Arab Uprisings
In New York Times editorial, Turkish President Abdullah Gul says Israel must react to growing desire for Mideast democracy, adds it cannot afford to be perceived as an 'apartheid island' in an Arab-dominated region.
The Turkish President said that Israel, more than any country, needs to adapt to the new political climate of the region. "But it need not fear," he said, "the emergence of a democratic neighborhood around Israel is the ultimate assurance of the country’s security."
The New York Times editorial said that the plight of the Palestinians has been a cause of unrest and conflict in the region and a pretext for extremism in other parts of the world. "Israel cannot afford to be perceived as an apartheid island surrounded by an Arab sea of anger and hostility," said the Turkish president.
The article added that a dignified Palestine, living side by side with Israel, will fortify Israel's security, and that Turkey will benefit from a peaceful Middle East. "We are therefore ready to use our full capacity to facilitate constructive negotiations."
> View Original Article - Haaretz Newspaper - April 21, 2011
Abbas: No Third Intifada; PA Seeks International Recognition
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday said he is against a third Palestinian intifada (uprising) against Israel, even if current attempts to achieve peace fail, according to the Associated Press.
Abbas explained he remains committed to a US-supported goal of reaching a peace deal with Israel by September. However, if a deal is not reached, Abbas reiterated the PA's plan to unilaterally seek the support of the United Nations for an independent Palestinian state in September.
> View Original Article - Jerusalem Post - April 20, 2011
"With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish. 'Come,' they say, 'let us destroy them as a nation, so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.' With one mind they plot together; they form an alliance against you." (Psalm 83:2-5 NIV)
Ahmadinejad: The Era of Zionism is Over
Speaking at celebrations for Iran's Army Day, Ahmadinejad denounces Israel and capitalism, accuses US of fomenting Arab unrest. Discussing the unrest sweeping the Middle East and North Africa, Ahmadinejad pointed the finger of blame at the United States, accusing President Barack Obama and his administration of conspiring to create a rift between Iran and Arab nations.
In a public speech last week, Ahmadinejad said the world would see a new Middle East without the United States and Israel. He accused the US and Israel of plotting to "spark an Iranian- Arabian Shi’ite-Sunni conflict." Israel was nearing its end, he said, and added, "Regional nations have awakened, but the global arrogance intends to sow discord among countries in the region."
The war of words between Iran, the largest Shi’ite-dominated country in the region and an arch foe of the United States, and the Sunni Gulf Arab monarchies that are allied to Washington, has intensified in recent days.
> View Original Article - Jerusalem Post - April 17, 2011
The Holy Scripture tells us that there will be SIGNS and WONDERS in these times, coming from BOTH the Lord AND His adversary! How do we know what is from the Lord God and what is part of the enemy's lie? How do we even prepare for this? Only the Word of God can help us sort these things out, accompanied by fervent prayer and the guidance of His Holy Spirit.
"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through SIGNS and WONDERS that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 NV)
WONDERS that serve the lie?
Bionic Arm Can Move, Feel
Nerves from amputated limb are attached to the remaining muscle
Scientists are developing an entirely new type of prosthetic arm and hand that allows a patient to regain not only movement, but also the sense of touch. Patients can even have nerves from their hands and finger tips transferred to muscles in their biceps. This gives them the sensation of touch.
> View Original Article - Voice of America News - April 17, 2011
"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show WONDERS in the HEAVENS above and SIGNS on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke." (Acts 2:17-19 NIV)
WONDERS in the Heavens Above?
"...and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." (Luke 21:11 KJV)
From Texas to Ohio, Tornado, Thunderstorm Outbreak
ST. LOUIS, Missouri — Severe thunderstorms marched along band from Texas through to Ohio on Saturday as residents recoiled from a fierce storm that swept the west side of St. Louis. The National Weather Service issued tornado warnings for parts of southern Illinois to northern Kentucky and southwest Ohio amid severe thunderstorms.
Forecasters also were keeping watch on possible flooding along the Ohio and Great Miami rivers, The Cincinnati Enquirer reported Saturday. Elsewhere, severe storms produced significant damage to trees and power lines and were capable of producing strong winds of more than 80 miles per hour.
Conditions were brewing for severe weather from central Texas to the far-southern reaches of Missouri south of St. Louis, AccuWeather.com reported. In northwest Tennessee, a severe thunderstorm was producing quarter-sized hail and high winds. Two strong weather systems could bring several inches of rain, damaging winds, very large hail and tornadoes early next week in the region.
> View Original Article - MSNBC - April 23, 2011
Tornado Cleanup Starts Quickly in St. Louis Area
ST. LOUIS — Debris from splintered homes covered the ground in neighborhoods around St. Louis, while topped trees and overturned cars littered lawns and driveways. The National Weather Service confirms that a tornado that struck Lambert International Airport in St. Louis, causing several injuries and sending people scurrying for shelter as plated glass shattered around them and also caused damage in several St. Louis County communities.
Cleanup swung into full gear Saturday. With the din of chain saws and pounding hammers in the background, homeowners sifted through wreckage while crews scrambled to restore power to the 26,000 customers still without it.
> View Original Article - USA Today - April 23, 2011
18 Killed, 155 Injured in South China Hailstorms
GUANGZHOU, April 18 (Xinhua) -- At least 18 people were killed and 155 injured in south China's Guangdong Province as of Monday after hailstorms and strong winds rocked the region, flood control authorities said.
Winds as strong as 164 km per hour, accompanied by hail and lashing rain, battered the cities of Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhaoqing and Dongguan on Sunday, a spokesman with the province's flood control headquarters said. The storms have affected over 3,200 people so far, forcing 380 of them to evacuate their homes, he said. At least 45 houses collapsed in the storms, he added.
Most of the victims were killed when the strong winds brought down walls and other structures. Falling debris also claimed several lives.
> View Original Article - Xinhua News Agency - April 18, 2011
SIGNS on the Earth Below?
I will show wonders in the heavens above and SIGNS on the EARTH BELOW, blood and fire and billows of smoke." (Acts 2:19 NIV)
6.9 Magnitude Quake Hits off Solomon Islands
A strong 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of the Solomon Islands on Saturday, but there were no immediate reports of damage and no tsunami warning was issued. The Solomons lie in the "Pacific ring of fire", a highly active earthquake zone, and regularly experiences strong tremors.
> View Original Article - Hindustan Times - April 23, 2011
Magnitude 6.1 Earthquake Rattles Tokyo
TOKYO - A 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck Japan late Thursday, shaking buildings in the capital Tokyo, the US Geological Survey said. Japan has been hit by a string of aftershocks since the 9.0 magnitude earthquake that struck March 11, unleashing a huge tsunami.
> View Original Article - FOX News - April 21, 2011
6.6-Quake Hits off New Zealand
WELLINGTON: A strong 6.6-magnitude undersea earthquake hit off the northeast coast of New Zealand on Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said.
New Zealand sits on the so-called Pacific "ring of fire", a zone of frequent tectonic activity, and is often hit by earthquakes.
The country's second-largest city Christchurch was devastated by a 6.3-magnitude quake in February, which claimed 181 lives and followed a more powerful but less destructive 7.1 quake last September.
> View Original Article - Asia Pacific News - April 18, 2011
Hundreds of Small Earthquakes Hit California-Nevada Border, Including Magnitude 4.6
The California-Nevada border was hit by another swarm of earthquakes Saturday, the latest in hundreds of mostly small temblors to hit the region in the last week.
The latest swarm Saturday afternoon and evening included one magnitude 4.6 quake near Hawthorne, Nev., as well as a 4.1 temblor nearby. Some smaller quakes were reported on the California side of the border.
> View Original Article - L.A. Times - April 17, 2011
"And great earthquakes shall be in various places..." (Luke 21:11 NKJ)
EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY has been on the rise lately!
Over the last decade hundreds of earthquakes have left hundreds of thousands dead, and millions homeless. In the last few years alone a large increase has occured not only in the frequency but also the magnitude and severity of earthquakes.
Earthquakes - Weekly Updates
Other Informative HubPages on current Biblical Prophecy unfolding
- "Islam and Revelation" - by Judah's Daughter (Carrie Bradshaw)
We are going to review Revelation to observe what it says about the three beasts of the last days. They are the Dragon, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. We call this the Unholy Trinity for this reason. - "Why the Messiah Did Not Take the Throne" - by Vladimir Uhri
The Messiah did not take the throne. He had to deal first with the problem of sin. It is in reality predominantly the sin of unbelief. A person cannot keep commandments and law if he does not believe.
There is a Message of HOPE for the WORLD!
Even though everything we have discussed and shown thus far seems to depict a tragic and fateful end for our world, that is actually NOT THE CASE! The state of humanity's existence does not end in chaos or complete destruction at this time. Nor will these events leave the whole world in a panicked state of confusion, always to be frustrated in futile attempts trying to achieve a Utopian existence. The "Great Tribulation" period is only for a few short years and is merely a transitional period at end of an age. A NEW AGE IS COMING immediately thereafter!
"...SEE THAT YOU ARE NOT TROUBLED; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet." (Matthew 24:6 NKJ)
"All these are the beginning of birth pains [sorrows]." (Matthew 24:8 NIV-KJV)
This is probably the most accurate representation of the entire "Great Tribulation" event. "Birth pains" are very discomforting and often quite painful. A new birth involves "labor" which is an extremely strenuous and exhausting process (ask any woman who has endured this). The end result however, is "relief" from this labor and suffering because a "new life" is then born!
That is exactly what will transpire in this world. We are in the final chapter of an old and worn out age of civilization. A grand and glorious new age lies directly ahead for those of us that endure and have accepted the Lord God.
"These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them. Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."
(Revelation 7:14-17 NIV)
Therefore, these sometimes frightening words of prophecy are really a harbinger of hope to those who are searching for God today. It is through the belief that Christ died for our sins (John 3:16) and faith in His second coming (1 Thessalonians 4:14-18), that we are all "saved" and will enter into the coming Kingdom of Heaven along with Him.
"For the grace of God has appeared that offers SALVATION TO ALL PEOPLE. It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope - the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ." (Titus 2:11–13 NIV)
"He who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I am coming quickly.' Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." (Revelation 22:20-21)
The LORD GOD Removes All Fear for US
- There is Nothing to FEAR, Except Fear itself. . .
Wear the Lord's "Safety Label" - Recently we have mentioned some topics in the realm of spiritual belief that deals with certain aspects of faith that some people find difficult to consider or openly discuss. This is especially to help comfort you.
He Loves YOU Unconditionally - Seek Christ NOW!
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