Is there a global conspiracy going on that will undermine the governments of nations and make them compliant with a One-World system of control and management? A look at the international environmentally-based organization that promotes "New Age" thinking and spirituality with a system of education...
Are the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights becoming a thing of the past? What political philosophies are the American public allowing for the United States to be run by? The (2012) National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is being cited by human rights groups as: "there is great concern that...
The birth of the historical person Jesus, is sacredly held by the Christian faith as the momentous occasion that "changed the world". Although Christmas is a well established Christian tradition, biblical scholars have long suggested that December the 25th is not the true date of Christ’s birth.
The opinions have ranged from the 'Star of Bethlehem' being either a complete myth or icon invented by the followers of Jesus Christ, to support their claims of His actual birth and divinity, to possibly being a real life celestial event that may have really occurred.
Looking back at the Christmas holiday traditions, we are reminded not only of the birthday of Jesus, but of all the other iconic symbols and practices spanning the centuries that have also become associated with the Christmas season. It seems apparent that most of the holiday traditions we have...
What to do?... what to do? - Decisions upon decisions... How do you please everyone that you would like to bless with something special for the upcoming festive occasion? There are too many on the list that need to be remembered - The BEST GIFT however is infinite, it is eternal and everlasting.
Nothing we will encounter in this world can compare with the reward we receive in return for our faith. There is no obstacle that we will ever confront that is not worth the effort required to overcome it. Through Christ Jesus all things are possible.
The migration of the Puritans to the "New World" resulting from their religious persecution in England, was instrumental in the foundation of a new country (the United States) which would play a major role in the re-establishment and prosperity of Israel as a nation (as well as other critical...
Thanksgiving is the remembrance of a dream, a vision, a desire to seek God, while being able to worship Him unhindered and without persecution. This reflects the underlying principles by which the United States was created by its "Founding Fathers".
What evidence can we find of intelligent design in scientific facts and proof that God exists? Amazingly enough, it is no coincidence that this evidence DOES exist! The fact is, there are some amazing characteristics of foods that resonate with benefits pertaining to various parts of the body.
YOU are INVITED to the WEDDING of the AGES at the Coming Kingdom of the Lord! - A bigger celebration event than any of Hollywood’s greatest affairs, more spectacular and grand than any Royal Family’s most coveted party, attended by the most famous people that the world has ever known! COMPLETELY...
The Fall Festivals of the Lord (Trumpets - Atonement - Tabernacles) each represent a specific prophesied event that will occur at the end of the 'Church Age'. This would be in the 'gathering' ("Rapture") of the 'Bride' (TRUMPETS), then the 'washing clean' of those who finally accept Christ during...
The GREAT DECEPTION in relation to the NEW WORLD ORDER - The Rise of the Antichrist with Political-Cultural Globalism and a ONE-WORLD RELIGION.
The GREAT APOSTASY or the “falling away”; a formal disaffiliation, abandonment or renunciation of one’s faith and religious practices, or the adoption some form of replacement theology. The rise of a One-World Religion and the NEW WORLD ORDER.
Prophecy is Unveiling as we near the time for the beginning of the TRIBULATION Period - Israel submits to negotiate 1967 borders - Palestinian statehood coming – Egypt wants establishment of Sharia Law & Islamic Caliphate – Muslim Brotherhood rising to power – Syria under siege - Jordan breaks...
Christian doctrine believes that the prophetic verses in the Word of God (the Holy Bible) relating to the "Messiah", were fulfilled in the birth and life of Jesus. It is also understood through many other scripture verses of Messianic prophecy (Old and New Testament) that the coming of the...
It’s been pushed into our deepest thoughts ever since the activism movements of the 1960′s got going full steam in the media. It was the whole peace and love routine. The “Do your own thing” and the “Live and Let Live” philosophy. Did you know however, that this is all part of the "Greatest...
NEW AGE WORLD ORDER & IRAN WORLD POWER - Gay Political Candidates - Saudi Anti-Witchcraft Unit - Arctic Ice Wars - Iran Buddies With Pakistan & China - Iran Increases Uranium Enrichment - 90 Killed by Norway Terrorist - Silent Majority Fed up with Washington - Strain on Israel/Egypt Relations -...
WHO IS GOD? - Our FATHER Who Art in Heaven. He is the creator of everything. The Lord God - the protector of the afflicted and provider of His faithful people. He is the great “I AM” – GOD Above All Things... This article details who Our Father - The Lord GOD of Abraham really is!
WILL ISRAEL SOON BE NO MORE? - Putin Sent to Russia by God - N. Korea Paid Pakistan for Nuke Technology - Israel Fears Iran & N. Korea Strengthening Ties - Church Takes Step To Remove ‘Heavenly Father’ - Why September 2011 is so Dangerous? - Muslim Brotherhood Demands Drop Israel - Arab Spring's...
Has ANYONE noticed the gradual REMOVAL of our FREEDOMS in the "FREE" part of the world? we are being ultimately controlled by private political agendas which support worldwide corporate conglomerates and the lust for power and domination that has been orchestrated by the few global elite.
Nuclear Middle East - Iran Nuclear Plant - Iran Tests Nuclear-capable Missiles - Saudi Warns Will Build Nukes - Iran Funnels Weapons to Iraq & Afghanistan - Obama's Plan to Islamicize America - Gay Marriage Will Destroy America - UN Vote on Palestine Will Lead to War - Severe Weather Continues To...
What evidence can we see in scientific fact that God exists? Amazingly enough, it is no coincidence that this evidence DOES exist! There is Microbiological evidence of the existence of GOD - The components of cellular matter when viewed under an electron microscope, provide this miraculous truth!
The Holy Scripture predicts ahead of time what we are seeing today. That the "Word of God" would be variously translated, misinterpreted and molded to suit the needs of mankind, and not necessarily in proper accordance with what the Lord had intended by what is shown in "His Word".
The volumes of text that would become the gospels ("good news" about Jesus Christ) and the "New Testament", combined with the Holy Scripture of the Hebrew teachings (Old Testament), represents the inspired "Word of God" as found in the complete Christian Bible (2 Timothy 3:16).
HOW WILL THE END, BEGIN? - Terrorism, War in the Middle East, Nuclear Threat? - Incorrect Teachings and False Prophecies - Economic Collapse - New World Order - Censorship - The Great Apostasy - Cataclysmic World Events.
TERRORISTS HIJACKING MIDEAST - Egypt Looses Control of Terrorists - Israel Faces Range of Threats - Syrian Forces Kill 63 Civilians - America is the Enemy of Allah - Iran Urges China Play More Significant Role in NEW WORLD ORDER - Volcano Eruptions.
If you have not noticed yet - a huge mindset has been evolving on the world scene pertaining to "End Times" phenomena and the potential for the "End of the World". However, this is actually the dawn of a great "New Age" for the coming millennium.
IT'S NOT JUDGEMENT DAY, YET - Wars and Uprisings - Turmoil Continues Plaguing Egypt - Muslim Mothers Charged in Honor Killings - Heaven is a Fairy Story - Medvedev Warns of Cold War - Syrian/Israeli Flare up Expected - Slaughtering Jews - More Floods.
A WORLD GROWING IN TURMOIL - Taliban Avenges bin Laden's Death - Christians & Muslims Clash - Russia Flexes Nuclear Muscle - Iran Nuclear Plant Fully Operational - Egypt & Israel Headed for Crisis - Mississippi Record Flooding - Dead Fish By 1000s.
Pentecost reflects when the Holy Spirit revealed himself after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. He then embodied himself within the new church as represented by both the Jews and Gentiles coming together as one, under the New Covenant.
WORLD TERRORISM STILL ABOUNDS - Vanishing American Footprint - Nuclear Concerns - Ahmadinejad Allies Charged With Sorcery - Europe and Islamic Awakening - Terrorism Threat Remains - Jihad Coming to 'Heart of America' - Giant Asteroid Heading to Earth.
NATURE'S GROWING WORLD REVOLT - Fighting in Somalia, Philippines, Sudan, Iraq, Yemen, Nigeria - Record Tornado and Severe Storm Season - Torential Rains in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil - Volcano Erupts - Flash Flood Landslides - Disease Outbreaks.
ARE EARTH SIGNS INCREASING ? Putin Outlines Stronger Russia - Global Threat From Chinese Cyber Hackers - Hindu Extremists Attacking Christians - Tornado and Thunderstorm Outbreak - South China Hailstorms - 100s of Small Earthquakes Hit Cal-Nev Border
As we approach the end of the "Church Age", the "Body of Christ" needs to reflect on its modern practices and cultural traditions in a way that it is returning to a more pure degree of morality and righteousness. There is a pagan "Easter" that is nurtured by false religions and is stimulated by...
There are more Christians gaining a better understanding of Old Testament origins and reconnecting with their Hebrew roots, as well as more people of the Jewish faith identifying with a "messianic" system of belief and doctrine. These things are of course occurring intentionally and are according...
SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS & EARTH - Cops Clash with Peru Protesters - Somalia: Gunmen Kill Five - 400 Pakistan Suicide Bombers In Training - Iran to Become Economic Power in Region - Iran Happy with Mideast Chaos - Israel's Nuclear Program not helping matters.
800 Killed in Ivory Coast in One Day - Al-Qaida Leaders Welcome Arab Uprisings - Egypt Keen to Cozy Up To Iran, Hizballah - Bloody Clashes Kill Over 150 in Somalia - Violence Escalates in Africa’s Ivory Coast - Hindu Extremism and Christian Persecution in India.
Attack Injures 57 Jordanian Protesters - Dozens of Syrians Reported Killed in Daraa - Bin Laden Sets Alarm Bells Ringing - Thousands of Christians Displaced in Ethiopia by Muslim Extremists - Gaza War Just a Matter of Time.
IS THE SECULAR WORLD SUFFERING FROM "TRIBULATION DENIAL SYNDROME"? - Democracy and Political Islam Can’t Coexist - Iran Planning to Widen Naval Presence in Oceans - Israel Seizes Arms Smuggling Ship Bound for Gaza - Quake Shifted Earth's Axis.
“Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him." (Jeremiah 17:7 NIV) "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV)
SHARIA Laws "Honor Killings" - Japan Earthquake - Libyan Forces Sock Oil Port - Prospect of Nuclear-armed Iran - China will Pursue 'Powerful' Military - Pakistan Minorities Minister Shahbaz Bhatti Shot Dead - Scientists Grow Replacement Body Parts.
Wear the Lord's "Safety Label" Recently we have mentioned some topics in the realm of spiritual belief that deals with certain aspects of faith that some people find difficult to discuss or even entertain in...
The "Seventy" Disciples were the earliest followers of Jesus mentioned in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 10:1–24). The numbers of the elect discipleship were growing exponentially. Some of the more prominent patriarchs and ecclesiastic elders of the...
Israel debates 'END TIMES' as Arab world revolts Using language that mirrors that of "end times" prophecy debates in the Christian world, Israelis are increasingly wondering what the mounting turmoil in the Middle East is ultimately leading to. A number of prominent rabbis have come forward with...
MAIN DIRECTORY LISTING - Article archive listing - We will be changing the content and updating this News Series on a regular basis. New articles and material will be posted weekly to reflect relevant current events and news updates pertaining to the coming age.
The term "New World Order" (or NWO) is typically defined as evidencing a dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power. It is primarily associated with the ideological notion of GLOBAL GOVERNANCE in the sense of new collective efforts to identify, understand, or address...
The KING of the NORTH supports a New Palestine! - Palestinians plea: "Make Obama our supreme Islamic leader." - Russia Warns the West Against Encouraging Middle East Protests - ISRAEL HAS LOST ALL ALLIES - After Egypt and Jordan, NO FRIENDS are left.
There are many woman listed in the Holy Scripture that present an excellent example of godliness and righteous virtue in their faith. These woman should be held with the highest esteem and used as role models for all Christian women to aspire in.
Out of the ranks of these early disciples would come some of the more prominent patriarchs and founding members of the early Christian church. These men and the elect others who followed after them would add their names to the Apostleship of the first ecclesiastic council and become instrumental...
The Council of Jerusalem (or Apostolic Conference) is an early Christian council that was held in Jerusalem around the year 50 A.D. One of the most significant steps in the unification of the early Christian church that solved important early doctrinal issues.
Out of the ranks of these early disciples would come some of the founding members of the early Christian church. These men and the elect others who followed after them would add their names to the Apostleship of the first ecclesiastic council and become instrumental not only in spreading the gospel.
Being fully imbued with the Holy Spirit, the Lord decided to consecrate more discilpes to prepare the way for Him. The "Seventy" Disciples were then personally chosen by Jesus and sent out two by two, to saturate Judea with the gospel and go "into every city and place where He Himself was about to...
In this section we will complete the roster of the original disciples that became the first twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. These were His closest companions and friends who became instrumental in establishing the hierarchy of the early Christian Church.
"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." - JESUS CHRIST We will start off with the first "anointed ones", those persons that were called directly by God and the Holy Spirit to recognize Jesus Christ as the "Messiah" and...
At a recent Bible study group, it was interesting to see how many people could correctly name all of the first (12) Apostles that worked directly with Jesus during His ministry, but can you name the 13th Disciple?
This article will fill in the rest of the historical information and detail modern-day relevance, as we finish describing the day-to-day "working classes" of the angels and function in the universe. We will also look more into the role that angels play in regards to spiritual warfare because this...
In scripture we are presented with another world, a world of the Spirit. It is world that exists beyond our normal physical senses. It is an invisible world, one which includes angels, both good and evil. For the believer, what we know about this spiritual world is limited to what scripture tells...
AN*GEL*OL*O*GY [eyn-juh-lol-uh-jee] -noun: a doctrine or theory concerning angels. An "angel" is a supernatural being found in the texts of several religions and the folklore of many cultures. Angelology is that branch of theology which deals with "angels".
We live in a more modern era where new inventions and innovations have given us a much larger variety of devices and mediums that we can use to worship and praise God. This allows us more possibilities in the ways to which we can choose to do so that were simply not available at the time of...
What are the most appropriate types of music and songs that should be used in our gatherings for worship and praise. It seems that the content and use of the music to truly glorify God is much more important than what instruments, songs or types of music are used.
"Make a JOYFUL NOISE unto the LORD, all ye lands." That is the scripture verse (Psalm 100:1 KJV) that always comes to my mind when the topic and question is raised about: "What are the most appropriate types of music and songs that should be used in our gatherings for worship and praise (and...
So... 'Tis the Season to really count our Blessings! One thing to never loose sight of in the "Spirit of this Season", is that this season is all about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit within our Lord's creation. It is all about Him. It is His creation in which we are to care for as good...
This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative schedule). Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled...
This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative schedule). Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled...
This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative schedule). Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled...
This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative schedule). Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled...
This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative schedule). Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled...
Hello and welcome, [ DAY 17 - Week 17 ] This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative...
This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative schedule). Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled...
This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative schedule). Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled...
This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative schedule). Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled...
This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative schedule). Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled...
Are You Preparing for the Lord's Coming Kingdom Financially? People just do not realize that biblical living also includes proper biblical principles of finance and stewardship. Teaching people to handle money biblically is one of the most crucial elements to learning proper discipleship and...
Altruism is the selfless concern for the welfare and benefit of others and wanting to do good things for them, in contrast to selfishness which would be its direct opposite. Altruism can be distinguished separately from caring for people out of a...
When we finally have the opportunity to meet our Lord Jesus in person, wouldn't it be great to hear the words listed above: "Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant!" Granted, all things are to serve our Lord God and we should strive to honor...
How to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days. Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled reading. The subject matter included on the page will also reflect a "cliff notes" style version of that topic and any...
Hello and welcome, [ DAY 13 - Week 13 ] This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative...
Hello and welcome, [ DAY 12 - Week 12 ] This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative...
Hello and welcome, [ DAY 11 - Week 11 ] This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative...
Hello and welcome, [ DAY 14 - Week 14 ] This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days. Each page will cover the particular lesson and...
This is a subject that has been discussed and debated over the centuries by theologians and religious authorities alike. Even the members of the clergy that I have just recently spoken to about this subject will give you a variety or responses depending on their background of beliefs and their own...
Christian attitudes towards Halloween are quite diverse. The following article and accompanying story are not just about the historical aspects of "Halloween" and its relationship with the church, but also a very unique testimonial of faith, salvation and redemption, as can be personally attested...
FROM the TOPIC QUESTION: (See Right Side Bar) --> What day do you consider to be your "Sabbath" ? I had to chime in here too! I keep ending up writing a book whenever I answer these questions though however -LOL. So, might as well make HubPages...
We are meant to understand that The Holy Bible IS the actual "Word of God", divinely inspired and written by the Holy Spirit through man. To see this (without just sheer Faith alone) we must then look at the Bible in its complete context historically and spiritually for what it truly is.
[ DAY 10 ] How to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days. Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled reading. The subject matter included on the page will also reflect a "cliff notes" style version of that...
Hello and welcome, [ DAY 9 - Week 9 ] This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative schedule)....
[ DAY 8 ] How to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days. Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled reading. The subject matter included on the page will also reflect a "cliff notes" style version of that...
[ DAY 7 ] How to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days. Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled reading. The subject matter included on the page will also reflect a "cliff notes" style version of that...
[ DAY 6 ] How to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days. Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled reading. The subject matter included on the page will also reflect a "cliff notes" style version of that...
Hello and welcome, [ DAY 5 - Week 5 ] e reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days (or 30 Weeks - for a more relaxed alternative schedule). Each page will cover the particular...
[ DAY 4 ] This is a continuation of the Scripture reading schedule, on how to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days. Each page will cover...
[ DAY 3 ] How to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days. Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled reading. The subject matter included on the page will also reflect a "cliff notes" style version of that...
How to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days. Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled reading. The subject matter included on the page will also reflect a "cliff notes" style version of that topic and any...
How to cover the entire Word of God--The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testaments) in 30 days. Each page will cover the particular lesson and assignment for that day's scheduled reading. The subject matter included on the page will also reflect a "cliff notes" style version of that topic and any...
GOD IS With US!-You see there IS an actual plan that God has for us. WE ARE all a significant part of it. It’s all been prophesized, heavenly ordained, set-up, then signed, sealed and delivered to us on the cross through Jesus Christ. We all just need to SEE that this is the real truth of the...
Paradise Lost - Our First Fall from Grace Heaven is the place of immortality and eternal life living with God. To reach the side of God, we need to have salvation. We orginally had this relationship with God (He being our creator and Father in...
The children of Israel had become well settled in the lands of Cannan since the time of Abraham and had prospered under the reign of King David and then Solomon. The early Prophets had been vigilent over the people and had guided their leaders along...
CNN reports that, in Hawking’s new book, he argues that spontaneous creation is a function of gravity, and that God has no role in creation. How do you respond as a Christian to those you meet who state an anti-creationism position? Well…but...