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"9/11 Revisited: Seeking the Truth Conference" in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Updated on August 22, 2014

Celebrating Breakthroughs in the 9/11 Truth Movement

After eleven years of extensive research on 9/11, it is such a celebration to see that finally events are pulling together that allow 9/11 to be discussed in an open forum - in a way that brings multiple professionals together in a conference and gives much needed clarity to this subject.

"9/11 Revisited: Seeking the Truth" Conference

The Perdana Global Peace Foundation produced this Conference in Malaysia, in the city of Kuala Lumpur. The conference began on November 26th, 2012 and featured a number of key speakers that have some incredible videos that are just now emerging on the internet on

I have added these videos to this article where you will be able to listen to these speakers in your own time, take notes, and research this on your own.

These speeches often have many breakthroughs for those of you seeking your own answers to 9/11. I highly recommend viewing these videos.

I was able to find the videos of the presentations by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Cynthia McKinney, Michel Chossudovsky, Richard Gage AIA, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Niloufer Bhagwat, Graeme MacQueen, Dr. Hans Kochler, Guiletto Chiesa, James Corbett, Dr. Chandra Muzaffar and the panel discussion featuring the distinguished experts on this topic featured in this conference - which I have posted below for your viewing pleasure!

(The Corbett Report, discusses an overview of the conference in the link posted just below.)

The Corbett Report: 9/11 Truth Goes Worldwide

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Opens the 9/11 Revisited Conference in Kuala Lumpur

Cynthia McKinney Presents to the 9/11 Revisited Conference in Kuala Lumpur

Michel Chossudovsky's Presentation to the 9/11 Revisited Conference in Kuala Lumpur Nov. 19th, 2012

Michel Chossudovsky's Presentation to the 9/11 Revisited Conference in Kuala Lumpur

Michel Chossudovsky Presents "September 11, 2001: The Crimes of War Committed "in the Name of 9/11" - with the purpose to initiate a legal procedure against the perpetrators of 9/11.

The tragic events of 9/11 acted as a breaking point in American history. Millions of people watched the live events unfolding on their TV screens assuming that the narrative that they were hearing by the major network news stations was the truth, not realizing that there was much more to the story.

9/11 marks the beginning of the "Global War on Terrorism" used as a pretext for over seas wars. Long held military codes were suddenly modified to carry out a global "War on Terror".

The events of 9/11 also created the chance for public policies regarding civil liberties to be restricted and the militarization of law enforcement and the beginning of "Police State USA". Shortly after landmark historic event, Congress issued in the Patriot Act Bill and immediately following 9/11 -- the entire travel industry security changed with modern TSA booths forcing passengers to comply with more stringent X-rays and boarding regulations-- even to the extent of being manually frisked before boarding a plane.


He distinguishes between the crimes associated with 9/11 in the context of a legal procedure - namely the loss of life and the destruction of property on 9/11 -- from the crimes committed in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 "in the name of 9/11". The latter builds upon the former. We are dealing with two related dimensions of criminality.


The perpetrators of war propaganda are complicit in the conduct of the extensive war crimes: The killing of civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq are "rightfully" undertaken in retribution for the deaths incurred on 9/11.

Dr. David Ray Griffin: 9/11 the Myth and the Reality

Dr. David Ray Griffin

With a background as a philosopher of religion and a theologian with over twenty published books under his belt, Dr. David Ray Griffin sorts myth from reality.

According to Dr. Griffin's lecture, the official story of 9/11 has operated as a sacred myth where it has moved to sacred ground where it can not be reasonably questioned.

Myth is an idea that while widely believed - is a false representational story. Myth is a mobilizing story that reminds people who they are and why they do what they do.

A Sacred Story is created to make this story impenetrable by people who may question it. If someone questions this myth then they are perceived as being "blasphemous".

Richard Gage AIA: Revisited Conference in Kuala Lumpur

Go to 7:33 of Richard Gage's presentation to see the direct side by side comparison of Building #7 collapsing at the same exact rate that multiple controlled demolitioned buildings have dropped, pancaking down into their own footprint at a rate that defies the laws of physics, WITHOUT the use of explosives.

Niloufer Bhagwat presents to the 9/11 Revisited Conference in Kuala Lumpur

Graeme MacQueen Presents at the 9/11 Revisited Conference

Dr. Hans Kochler Presents at the 9/11 Revisited Confer

Guiletto Chiesa Presents at the 9/11 Revisited Conference

James Corbett Presents to the 9/11 Revisited Conference in Kuala Lumpur

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar Presents at the 9/11 Revisited Conference in Kuala Lumpur

Panel Discussion at the 9/11 Revisited Conference in Malaysia

Prior to the Kuala Lumpur 9/11 Revisited Conference - Cynthia McKinney Questioned Donald Rumsfeld and General Richard Myers

This is a significant video to understanding the role that Cynthia McKinney has played in trying to find answers to the 9/11 questions.

In this upcoming video, Cynthia McKinney questions both Donald Rumsfeld and General Richard Myers on the Mission Trillions and the four war games which were set on 9/11 which may have effected out ability to respond to the attack on 9/11.

Cynthia McKinney Questions Donald Rumsfeld and General Richard Myers on the Missing Trillions and the Four War Games Set on 9/11

The flower that sits on my writing desk standing for a symbol of the flower that I first saw on the North Dallas Tollroad that had the courage to burst through concrete to hold its own ground! This is a symbol to me for bringing the truth to light!
The flower that sits on my writing desk standing for a symbol of the flower that I first saw on the North Dallas Tollroad that had the courage to burst through concrete to hold its own ground! This is a symbol to me for bringing the truth to light!

9/11 is a very IMPORTANT TOPIC -- Here are my other hub pages on this topic

My first article "The Bare Naked Truth About 9-11" is a personalized story of my experience and interest in studying the events of 9/11 and backing up my initial hunches about how the buildings collapsed so quickly into their own footprints on 9/11. This has a number of amazing videos in it which really form a Cliff Notes guide to how I questioned the official story of 9/11 and developed my own understanding of how many details were immediately reported to us, the day of 9/11-- which totally counter a long term study of 9/11 by experts in different fields of study.

The second article on 9/11 is called "Eleven Years After 9/11: Breakthroughs in Understanding the 'Official Story'". This article brings in more videos which expound on the original story that I wrote for -- showing the results of a number of different researchers and professionals who have all spoken up about different aspects of 9/11 and what is not being covered by our mainstream press (in very much detail).


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