A 100% Chance Of Change: The Choice Is Ours
At the outset of this hub I include the following disclosure:
- Commenting & Censure-ship: Being the author of a hub entitled "Complimentary Comments: A Hubbers View of Commenting" makes it a bit awkward for me to censure comments. (Which I have rarely, if ever, had to do here on Hubpages) However, due to the potential volatility of the subject matter here, I am disclosing that I will censure any comment that uses profanity, is divisive or in my view lacks constructive criticism, in any way endorses hatred of another human being or chastises another for expressing themselves appropriately. If you cannot comply with this, don't read any further or don't leave the comment as it will be deleted without publication!
- Generally Apolitical. Though there is a political theme used here, this hub is primarily about the need for understanding. It is about the opportunity to reform, individually and systemically.
- This hub is also meant to inspire us to constructive, non-violent action.
- If, after reading this hub, you are inspired to leave a comment or suggestion to improve our nation, our process or ourselves, please do so. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Imitation and Emulation at Work
How My Heart Sees It
- We'll Get What We Deserve in 2012: No matter who gets elected. (An Update)
This is an update for the 2012 Presidential and other Elections.The really sad part about this hub is that I wrote it for the 2008Presidential Election and decided not to publish it then. Some things never change, but I still have hope!...and a few s - The American Dream: Revised
Is the American Dream the same for you today as it was when you were a child? This article takes a look at the portrait of the sale of that American Dream just for the almighty buck and the encouragement to change our minds and hearts for the sake of - Being Challenged in Life is Inevitable: Choice and Defeat are Optional
A simple quote, a simple lifestyle equals a life of honesty, integrity and joy. We never know what the terrain will be, but we can choose the journey and where we arrive. Peace be with you on your trip! Triumph is optional! - Isn't It Time? The Choice to Change is Yours
What will tomorrow look like for you? Is peace important or is it just another nebulous term with no real impact in your life? Here are a few questions to consider. May Peace be with you! - 3 Actions That Can Change Your Life: Lessons from Nature
If you would like some change in your life, take it from nature. Have the time of your life by exploring the similarities between our behavior and the behavior of other natural things. Then go have some fun! Even if you don't want to change, look at
Where Do We Go From Here?
I just finished reading the hub "Congratulations Mr-President" by KTbanks, and reading some of the comments and responses inspired me to voice my opinion here. What I hope to convey here is my perception of the ever increasing cultural divide brought to life during our recent presidential election and more disconcertingly...daily life and the interactions among our people.
As you can see in the video above a major concern of our actions is what those actions, on and off the screen, are teaching our future generations, "If this is what you want, this is how you obtain it." "He who has an ear, let him hear."
Who is right and who is wrong is of little consequence compared to how we work out our differences, because our differences will continue. It's part of the nature of life to have two sides of an issue known as Yin and Yang. The question is, how do we deal with it? My suggestions are noted in the hubs I have written during this past year and I offer them as food for thought. I also recognize that they are just the humble opinion of one man, therefore limited in scope. I do however hope that my readers will consider them, weigh them and passionately research and implement their own findings in a peaceful, constructive way.
We Always Have Options
I have said this in many other hubs and I continue to say it because I believe in the statements validity: We may not have created our circumstances but we always have options; we always have choices and we always have sufficient power to exercise them. I remember feeling despondent at times in my life because I felt like I was stuck in a particular situation. As I have come to the realization that I can change how I feel about my circumstances, I can also change what I think and what I believe. That's important, because what I believe is what I will act upon and what and how I act upon determines my life and legacy. Napoleon Hill once said, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
There is also in this hub a short video of Mr. Hill describing his formula for success. I strongly urge you to watch it and consider it's value in determining your life and consequently the lives and future of us all!
Peace be with you always!