A Review: Beyond Religion: Ethics For A Whole World by His Holiness the Dali Lama
©LillyLG Productions Copyright all rights reserved January 2, 2012
...re think transportation, infrastructure, and energy...
In order for us to have a positive, and hopeful 2012, there is going to have to be a shift back to compassion for one another, and a discernment of messages being delivered dailiy. Basic values may not be left behind. The new Era us Earthlings have entered is one where we are going to have to re-think our world.
It will take a change of thought to bring transformation to things we count today as our manifest right to control; namely, transportation, infrastructure and energy. In order for that to occur; the tidal movement of greed will have to end.
Recently, LIlly purchaseed a Kindle 3G w/Keyboard, and experimental browser launch & mp3. An avid reader, she downloaded @Audible e-book; "Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World" by His Holiness the Dali Lama. She has listened to this e-book, knowing it is a sound and true tome.
The Dali Lama speaks of secular ethics. In his writing there is an urgency for humans to get ahold of themselves and remember what is most important. "Beyond Religion..." does not put down any religion, nor does it promote his own, but reaches out to all humans.
how we treat each other affects us globally
There is nothing startling about the Dali Lama's message. It is amazingly common sense, and simple. The impact on human emotions, by other fellow human beings is being studied in bio-sciences; how treating each other affects us as individual, community, and all of society - globally makes a big difference.
When those who are rigid in their belief system, and that system is a fundamentally rooted sect; the idea of secular ethics will not even be looked into. It will be quashed in their minds without at least checking out what that means. If a person is solid in what they believe; finding out what others believe and think is not a threat, but an opportunity to learn more of greatness, beauty, hope, miracles, and health.
Lilly can only explain in layman's terms what secular ethics are, but as she can understand it, she agrees with Dali Lama, that this is needed in our world today and for 2012.
It is now common for religious membership to assert a guarantee of goodness, or social goodness without coming anywhere near caring for our fellow beings, not even our only habtat, as many religions tenets command!.
We humans as a group, will hopefully decide, no matter what our beliefs; religious, economic, regally, or geographically, the important thing is an agreement of the way to treat others.
Lilly has interpreted from the message of "Beyond Religion..." that we must end our apprenticeship as consumer puppets, and get back to the important basics. Life.
Life is important, we fight for it, even when we considered ending it only moments earlier. Each life energy source, is affected by each other. Our respect of life means the world. To all of us. Namaste