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A Rush To Judgment

Updated on November 21, 2013
A Rush To Judgment
A Rush To Judgment
Limbaugh Is Under Fire For Statements He Made About Donovan McNabb
Limbaugh Is Under Fire For Statements He Made About Donovan McNabb

The Current Debate

In recent weeks, much debate took place over the airwaves about conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh attempted purchase of the St. Louis Rams. Limbaugh was reportedly part of a partnership group aimed at purchasing the Rams in order to keep the team in St. Louis. Limbaugh is a known NFL fan.

Al Sharpton and the Reverend Jesse Jackson objected to Rush's plans because of past statements made by Rush Limbaugh about African American athletes. Specifically, Rush Limbaugh made statements comparing NFL games and its players to the Crips and Bloods gangs and statements Limbaugh made regarding Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb claiming that he was overrated and was only rated highly because the media and the NFL wanted an African American quarterback to excel. He was fired from ESPN for the statements.

Rush Limbaugh will not get to purchase a part of the St. Louis Rams. The Partnership group dropped him because of the controversy surrounding him. Liberals rejoiced. Limbaugh claims he is a victim and is thinking about taking legal action.

Conservatives Need To Stop Crying
Conservatives Need To Stop Crying
Limbaugh Is A Victim Of His Own Actions
Limbaugh Is A Victim Of His Own Actions

The Aftermath For Conservatives

The Republican Party and specifically conservatives are called many things in the media and by the left. One thing they have never been thought of is weak. Whether you like it or not, the conservative movement is a powerful force in America that is not going away any time soon. Regardless of public opinion polls or media backlash, conservatives say what they want without fear of alienating anyone. While this angers liberals, more liberals could learn by this example.

Yet, since the election of President Obama conservatives have claimed that they have become victims in this "new America." They cried when a Latina was named to the Supreme Court because she had the audacity to claim that a minority could be smarter than a white male. They cry that they are the victims of racism or a socialist plot to take away country. They cry and cry and cry. Simply, they sound like most liberals.

Limbaugh is not a victim of racial discrimination. There is no socialist plot to destroy conservatism in America. Limbaugh is a victim of his own actions and his own statements. When you strive to be controversial, whether it is for ratings or because they are your personal beliefs, the controversy doesn't take a pass when you want to buy a football team.

In The End Liberals Will Win On The Issues Not The Politics Of Individual Destruction
In The End Liberals Will Win On The Issues Not The Politics Of Individual Destruction
In The End, Conservatives Win Because This Issue Detracts From Helping Real People
In The End, Conservatives Win Because This Issue Detracts From Helping Real People

The Aftermath For Liberals

Liberals rejoiced when Rush Limbaugh was denied the opportunity to buy the St. Louis Rams. Not on television, but they rejoiced. They had taken down the private undertakings of a man they hate. They made his personal dealings the subject of national debate. They did it for sport. They did it for spite. Simply, they acted like conservatives.

I dislike Rush Limbaugh. I don't like his politics and I don't like the way he divides Americans. I think he is a racist in tone if not in personal beliefs. I don't like that he cheers when America loses because he does not like the President. I really hate the fact he is so popular.

But Limbaugh should have been given the opportunity to buy the St. Louis Rams. If the NFL owners denied him that is one thing. But he wasn't given the chance because Liberals hate him and that is wrong. Liberals should have been ashamed by the way they brought a private matter into the public forum for sport and spite. They were ashamed when conservatives did this to Bill Clinton. Taking Rush Limbaugh down helped nobody. It gave nobody a job. It cured no disease. It educated no child. Liberals used to devote their time and talents to these talks but now are directing them towards individuals in the conservative movement because after eight years of George Bush taking out liberals they feel revenge is in order. But today's problems are too big to waste time on the private dealings of conservative leaders. Liberals should not be part of a distraction of the bigger problems that face America.

Now they angered a man who has a national audience. They have turned the topic of discussion from health care and war to footballs teams and Rush Limbaugh. Yet another non-issue dominates the news, a issue that liberals cannot win on for a simple reason: conservatives are simply better at the politics of personal destruction than liberals. Conservatives are willing to go all the way on this. Liberals are not. And they forgot the old rule of liberals: when you spend time taking down others, you leave no time uplifting those in need.


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