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Beware of the "socialist w---e"...

Updated on November 19, 2011

... She will eat you up!

Dreaded by capitalists, execrated by Geithner, versed in economics and finance (nobody will ridicule her with sparkling economical theories), the feminized version of Captain America doesn't mince matters when it comes to condemn wrongdoings at whatever step of the industrial and political sphere. Her aura has increased among the population as she recently and consequently entered the hall of fame of the political arena when a tea-party affiliate barked an irreverent "Socialist w---e" at Elisabeth Warren because she openly supported the justified occupy Wall Street movement. What is it so outrageous in her behavior that unleashed so much passion and hatred?

For years America played to the detriment of its people by agitating vigorously the fear mongering card of the communist shadow/specter floating over America if... If you don't adopt capitalism, if you are not a good American, if you are not religious, if you don't think as one, if you are not a patriot the way we (the majority of the oligarchy) are... Then, you will be ostracized, and the red monster will EAT you UP. Wasn't it the outline of the American propaganda? Goebbels found his master! Or did America emulate him?

The monster, the enemy is always depicted as the other. September 11 demonstrated the contrary and reestablished the factual veracity. Until now, the conservative mentality is still anchored in 17th century witchcraft belief. The infamy of the Salem witch trials reemerged under the disguise of MacCarthyism to punish any American individual to go astray from the flock. History taught us that obscurantism is the opium of the people. In their mind, Red riding hood is America minding her own business and the ugly wolf, dissimulated behind each tree of the forest, on the lookout for every human soul to devour, was Russia, China, Pakistan, Iraq... And, now, Iran. What we forgot or simply don't know is that most countries willingly adhered to the Soviet block, becoming hence its satellites (discard the countries that were invaded!).

When the Second World War ended, the Americans symbolized for many countries liberation. GIs' chocolate, gums, cigarettes seduced everybody. The Marshall plan made sure to leave a sweet memory on Westerners' psychics and subconscience -most of those democracies grew as economical powers and faithful allies, confer Great-Britain-. Unbelievably and against all odds, countries that experienced colonialism sought, beside freedom that was a must, an equalitarian society, more humane. The Soviet Union was the country to align with. As a fact, with its collective ideas and ideals, communism inspired many of the participants of the Bandung conference fearing rightly a resurgence of colonialism. Years later, it fell to oblivion with Soljenitsin's gloomy revelations. Each country adapted its own version of fair retribution hence giving birth to their socialisms.

Not far from a dictatorship, with an eternal bipartidism in the chambers obeying to the rules of the corporatocracy, with a plutarchic system shaping the national and foreign policy, with an at discretion fraudulent electoral process staining its democratic reputation (hanging chads in Florida, the biased Supreme Court decision after recounts...) adaptable to the Republican electorate's whims (redrawing of electoral districts, obligation to show an ID...), with its people on a tighter and tighter leash (the Bush administration set the markers for the conception of a Big Brother nation) united (they stood) against a fictive terrorism, America, within 32 years, lost its democratic virginity flirting with the inebriating fantasies of capitalism.

But times are changing. The wind of the revolution is blowing West (many still believe that revolution is red, thus Russian). The Occupy Wall Street movement is waking up a sleeping layer of the silent suffering majority. America is losing its capitalistic foundation and individualistic identity. America is building momentum. The "socialist w---e" trapped in America's entrails is kicking, is reviving since the signing of the constitution by its altruistic revolutionary forefathers, since Roosevelt's New Deal insult to the upper-class (the only owners of capital), since Kennedy's radical plan to social reforms. The "socialist w---e" lives within every compassionate being. The "socialist w---e" is a government to the rescue of the people during hardships. The "socialist w---e" opens her legs to soothe the people's wounds and mothers Social Security, subsidies, bailouts, suppression of the taxes penalizing the oil industry... The "socialist w---e" is a concept embracing social allegiance and market economy sedition from now on.

All over the world, the sparkle of anger ignited revolutions. In America as well, the people are fighting for their civil rights, are making a difference in Illinois, in Iowa and this time, are heard by the media, gaining terrain with their votes. Socialism always meant a focus on the social aspect of the economy, why is it so difficult to understand the parallelism? Isn't it what Elisabeth Warren conveyed in her messaging?


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