Bipartisan Solutions to the Abortion Problem in America
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that abortion is a hot topic in America, and even further it needs some appropriate bipartisan solutions. Have no doubt, and make no mistake, abortion is what many would call a, "serious problem," and I don't think that is ever going to change. There are so many underlying facts and scenarios to consider that the problem cannot be addressed in a, "black and white," manner.
I want to explore the topic with all due respect paid to sensitivity, for all sides and everyone involved, because we are all in this together.
Important Definitions and Facts
According to Wikipedia, which references credible sources for each figure: There have been 46,413,319 abortions since 1970. This only takes into account figures up until 2016, so let's keep that in the back of our minds, this number is larger.
Abortion as defined by the Oxford Dictionary: "The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy."
Life as defined by the Oxford Dictionary: "The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death."
Capacity as defined by the Oxford Dictionary: "The ability or power to do, experience, or understand something."
For clarity: What I have just established for you here is the ability to discern the legal, literal definition of abortion; as well, you will be able to discern your own definition from these callous definitions. For me, personally, I define abortion as the elimination of a human life, and justifying it by disregarding the future capacity of said human life. To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to murder of an unconscious victim.
The Punch-Card Abortion
In this section I would like to discuss what I label, "the punch-card abortion," and I'll start out by defining it.
Punch-card abortion: Any abortion that was performed due to the irresponsible behavior of the individual requesting the abortion. These abortions are the type to exceed the amount of two, and the individual in question has no intention of changing their behavior. These are the problem types as it concerns abortion.
Abortion should not be a, "Plan B," for irresponsible behavior, and this sort of behavior should not be supported tacitly, let alone directly and openly. I'll be addressing valid, sensitive, and fair solutions to these individuals later on in the article.
If a human fetus with the capacity for a full life is considered to have no rights, then a human in a declared vegetative state also has no rights regardless of capacity to recover. I cannot agree with this line of logic.
The Necessary Abortion
I'm not going to try to ride some moral high-horse, virtue signaling for some God who allows abortions to occur to begin with, and try to say incorrectly that abortion is never a valid and acceptable response to pregnancy. Fetuses that are an alleged product of rape, first and second alleged accidental pregnancies, for the survival of the mother, and cases in which the pregnancy was without the consent of the individual (such as an incorrect diagnosis of infertility leading to accidental pregnancy); these are all valid reasons to seek out an abortion and do not deserve any sort of shaming from anyone!
I'd be hard-pressed to find any other truly justified cases for abortion, but I think it is about time we address the bipartisan solutions to the actual problems.
Subsidize Sterilization and Reproductive Storage
Now, I hope you don't take my, "straight white male," opinions on this topic too much to heart; I'm always trying to remain educated and adaptable, and as such my evaluation of abortion will change. However, I feel there is a set of mostly timeless, and appropriate bipartisan solutions to all the abortion arguments here in America. First, let us address the punch-card abortions.
As it concerns punch-card abortions, the answer is pretty dang simple: Upon the second abortion, and after a thorough medical and psychological investigation of both the individual receiving the abortions and their partner, they should be warned that the next abortion due to irresponsible practices will result in mandatory sterilization. For fairness and equality, the male partners should all be documented for each and every abortion their partner(s) receive(s), and they should equally be sterilized upon the third "accidental" impregnation and subsequent abortion.
Now this seems cruel and unusual, but I disagree as it concerns the overpopulation and morale of society, and thus women should be offered free egg storage upon their mandatory sterilization. As it is the male's body that is, generally, the aggressor and main influence in any sexual situation, they will also be offered free sperm storage in conjunction with their vasectomy. Eggs can be stored for an indefinite amount of time, and so can sperm be indefinitely stored.
When you cannot exercise your rights safely and responsibly, society takes it upon itself to rehabilitate you. Trust me, you'd rather rehabilitate yourself!
Create Jobs
In lieu of abortion, those who want to give the child up for adoption need better resources, it is an ongoing and, arguably, more important topic to be discussing. The systems in place today need to be refined, and much more oversight, public and private, needs to be instituted for the human rights of, "unwanted," children.
If the government were to subsidize the abortion, sterilization, and storage of reproductive material for everyone, then we'd see a drastic increase in both skilled and unskilled jobs all around the public and private sectors. Perhaps even the entire world would take notice, I think even the quality of life for all would increase drastically with less people arguing over the topic of abortion and getting to have all the unprotected love they can handle!
I'm being slightly flippant of course, writing on this topic has really taken its toll on me. However, it is a topic worthy of my scrutiny, and I hope I've done it some justice with my ignorance. People deserve more, especially the unborn with capacity for life. Why not create jobs and offer happy, fulfilling lives full of freedom of choice and freedom from consequence for everyone?
What is your stance on abortion?
Kindness and Understanding
I'd like to close this out with my actual opinion: I don't support, nor do I reject abortion as a practice. I simply wanted to pick a side of the topic and see what sort of justice I could do for it. Considering the sensitivity of the topic, the nature of it as a whole, I'd say I offered some great insights as to the bipartisan solutions.
However, this is probably the most important aspect of the discussion, and I want you to take this bit directly to heart and hold onto it. We can't make progress judging others for their choices in life, but we can support them in making proper healthy decisions for the sake of themselves and society. Abortion, unlike what it is today, should be a non-partisan issue and should be addressed strictly by medical professionals and a census of those professionals should be held each and every year to determine the validity of abortions.
In lieu of our more knowledgeable authorities taking it upon themselves to actually solve the issue, all the politicking for the sake of controversy to split the masses, we must be kind and understanding!
Take the time out of your day, always, to lend an impartial ear and a shoulder to lean on!
This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.
© 2020 Kyler J Falk