Bizzaro World Come True?
The Obama administration is now famous for selective enforcement of the law. Amid all the swirling chaos of Obamacare being rolled out and the continual stream of lies from Obama on down something else is trying to slip under the radar. I see this issue going to court sooner rather than later.
It seems like the more we find out "what is in it" the worse the picture gets. This particular snippet of reality deals directly with our tax dollars and the burgeoning national debt. We've all heard about these mysterious subsidies without many probably understand that that isn't monopoly money they are doling out. They are jacking up the rates on the exchanges and taking with one hand and giving back with the other to fund those 30 million people they want to insure at everyone else's expense. Classic welfare state ploy.
That is designed to make you feel all warm and fuzzy when your health insurance rates go bonkers because of Obamacare.
A little background is now in order about the federal kick-back law on the books. The same one that Obama has now decided to ignore at our detriment. Obamacare is by far the largest health care initiative ever perpetrated on the American public. It dwarfs Medicare and Medicaid. Notice I said "health care" as we proceed forward. This administration has suddenly decided, well maybe not so suddenly as things seem to go, that federal insurance exchanges and the federal subsidies that are going to be paid to insurance companies are federal health care programs. So now we ask ourselves the obvious question. Why not?
It has to do with the federal Anti-Kickback Law on the books which has been there for quite some time. Federal courts have ruled over the years that the main purpose of the law is the protection of patients and tax payers against the effects that money can have over health care decisions. It has to do with health care if you failed to grasp that concept.
Obama's decision exempts subsidized health insurance from the law. That would be the anti-kick law that bans rebates, kickbacks, bribes and certain other financial arrangements in federal health programs. Law enforcement is losing a very powerful tool used in fighting fraud in other health care programs as well ass in Obamacare. As tax payers we'll be bare ass naked. doesn't that just give you a warm fuzzy?
Take a minute to digest what I just said and we'll move on.
Notice The Word "Free?"
We're back to the "there's a free lunch" concept again with the federal government. Now see if you can follow the rationale behind the exchanges and subsides inside of the Obamacare law not being part of the health care system. I can't myself. Whoever wrote that section and provisions has an elevator that may not go all the way up. We'll see what the courts have to say as we proceed.
Obamacare will allow millions of people to buy health insurance (notice the word health there) from "qualified" plans offered on exchanges run by both the federal government and some states, But they aren't to be considered part of the health care system. Figure that one out. Buyers will be going in their expecting to receive subsidies to help defray the jacked up premiums. Beware. Those subsidies, if you qualify for them at all, are NOT going into your pockets. They will be paid by the US Treasury directly to insurance companies. Does that pass the smell test with you?
Okay you have that part down. That money starts kicking in this January and is expected to top $1 trillion over 10 years. Next question. where is that money going to come from?
\Who made the decision? Ever heard of Kathleen Sebelius? Is she an attorney? Most attorneys and law enforcement officials vehemently disagree with the woman. The law is the law and it applies to health care which seems to be encompassed on this shell game called exchanges and subsidies for purchasing what? Health care is what. .
Time For Obama, Sebelius & Obamacare To Be shown The Door
Here's what the anti-kickback law was designed to do. It is a crime to pay or receive anything of value in return for the referral of patients. Nor will it be used to induce people to buy goods and services reimbursed by federal health care programs. The definition of the programs goes as follows: “any plan or program that provides health benefits, whether directly, through insurance, or otherwise, which is funded directly, in whole or in part, by the United States government.”
So according to Sebelius Obamacare exchanges and subsidies don';t fit that definition? The woman has to be daft. This whole fiasco is compounded by this stupid decision and will open this can of worms wide open for fraud waste and abuse. Imagine if you will exchange consumers receiving coupons from drug companies to entice them to use their particular products.
Yoo Hoo Kathleen! The federal government has banned drug coupons in Medicare and other federal health programs. Obamacare is a federal health care program. The practice is a classic kick-back scheme with drug companies.
Me? I expect law suits to be file under the False Claims Act. This just seems to get worse as we find out what is really in it Pelosi.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Now if you have or had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we said was you could keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed.”
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As Always,
The Frog Prince