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Updated on August 4, 2017

March 17, 2015


There is something very remarkable about the skin of President Obama that put him in a class by himself, like no other U S President. Can you guess what is so remarkable about President Barack Hussein Obama’s skin? No, it’s not the color of his skin or the fact that he is the First African American President. It is remarkable how focused he is on doing what he was elected to do and exhibiting Thick Skin, not unlike Henry Ossian Flipper or Benjamin O. Davis, who endured “The Silent Treatment” all four of their outstanding years at West Point. Also, Jackie Robinson exhibited thick skin by staying focused while everything including his manhood and humanity was for years under attack and threatened by racist conservatives of old. The President has for everyday of his presidency, for over six years, been subjected to unprecedented attacks and disrespect of him and the Office he holds. No other President has had skin as thick as Obama; no other President has needed skin as thick as Obama’s. Other men in his situation would wither and fall off the vine, cry publicly, or resign, but the President is focused on doing whatever he can for the American people. We the people voted for his presidency twice and he pledged allegiance to the flag and we the people. The Tea Party Republicans pledged Allegiance to Corporate America, Super rich Conservative Capitalists, The Military Industrial Complex, The N.R.A., ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council), and any and all Obama haters. They pledged to never cooperate with the President on anything he wants to do, even if it’s the right thing to do. Since the 2010 midterm election the Republicans have been ruthless and disrespectful in unprecedented ways that has devalued the Executive Branch of our National Government. The President is still focus on what he can do in spite of the disrespect. The Speaker of the House invited Netanyahu to the people’s House to speak against what the U.S. President and other eastern and western world leaders think would be better than to “Bomb Bomb Bomb… Bomb Bomb Iran” Netanyahu mentioned that to defeat ISIS and not Iran would be a mistake. I think the boots on the ground to defeat ISIS should have Middle Eastern feet in them. The President’s choice of action as far as the ISIS crisis was wise and saved young American lives. We the people are not focused politically, we are focused on jobs, getting or keeping a job. The underclass and the long termed unemployed and the unemployable with criminal records must focus on day to day survival in a land of plenty. We the people have a Job Crisis, jobs and the lack there of has been the only lasting and true crisis faced by the Obama Administration. Jobs can greatly reduce crime, poverty and mental illness that plague this Nation and tens of millions of Americans daily. America’s corporate job creators would rather create jobs in Asia. American Capitalist would rather import cheaper inferior environmentally unsafe manufactured products from China to avoid paying American minimum wages. They shifted the legal liability for toxic Chinese drywall, toxic pet food and toxic flooring to China; where U. S. laws is respected less than Obama in the Republican controlled Congress. I don’t understand President Obama’s support for fast tracking APTA (Asia Pacific Trade Agreement). I know Capitalist, Corporations, and their friends the Republican law makers want to proceed on the fastest track without debate but, The President should be focused on American job creation. Well money is power and nothing corrupts like power and Capitalist has all the power and the President is just one man. We the people need jobs here in America. America gave birth to Capitalism; the federal Government gave land, money, and infrastructure to support the concept and ideas of capitalism. The Federal Government dropped the Gold Standard and adopted Fiat Money (currency which derives its value from government regulations or law); capitalism was financed from then on, now capitalist say the Federal Government is too big and no longer needed to help today’s needy. Capitalist should be the most patriotic Americans but their allegiance is only to gathering and hoarding fiat money. They could care less about American jobs or people; they want as much of the wealth the New World Order will allow them and their investors to gather worldwide. Capitalist only care about controlling Law Makers that makes laws about Fiat Money and regulates Capitalism. We the People need jobs in America and Hillary if she can see the need may be our only hope that there will be a real focus on jobs for Americans.

Hillary Rodham Clinton has not announced her candidacy for The Presidency of the United States. Democrat and Republican women would support and vote for the first Woman to be President. It will take remarkable courage for a woman to walk that way after witnessing what has and is happening to the first African American President. She knows that as the lone Person standing in the way of a trifecta The House, The Senate, and The Presidency, she will be a marked woman. The Supreme Court is conservative now and the President can be denied a nominee just because, like in the case of Loretta Lynch. Hillary knows that the Tea party type can and will do the same things to her, with the exception of playing the race card, for the next two years and ten years if elected. I believe that knowing what she has facing her she will run and run to win. She has more courage than a lot of politically seasoned male Democratic law makers and governors who are great orators in championing liberal and progressive causes but they too fear being primaried by conservative money, if labeled too liberal . Maybe after she announces her candidacy another democratic openly liberal progressive white man, kind of in the spirit of her husband, will enter the valley of evil and speak truth to lies with her. What the conservatives have done in the dark in cities and states while we the people were told to look at what The President is doing wrong in the White House; will take more than ten year to undo. The Republicans control both houses of Congress and they are trying to focus on the Presidency and complete control of the Supreme Court. While offering up countless fake crises, for over six years for the American people to fear and worry about, they have with redistricting and gerrymandering taken control of most states and local governments in America. The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has successfully managed the privatization of public funds to support private and poor performing charter schools through State’s Rights. This happened in the fog of war worries, economic worries and fake crisis taking the Nation’s attention 24- 7, the whole Obama Presidency. Today ALEC calls this redistribution of public funds from the needy to the greedy; “Choice” and they call vouchers “Scholarships”. While we watch our (Their) choice of news and entertain ourselves in cyber space or electronically, they are forcing the U.S. POSTAL SERVICE into bankruptcy, I know you know UPS and FED EX won’t do what they pay the U.S. POST OFFICE to do for them, for you, every day. What is happening on Capitol Hill is literally nothing in comparison to State Changes since the 2010(Tea party) and 2012(Total Control) Elections. Hillary will run but, if we the people are complacent about or not focus on politics she may surely not win. Tea Party Republican types must be voted out in 2016 and Hillary or whoever wins the Presidency for the Democratic Party can begin the second Reconstruction.



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