Caught Again On Tape - Voter Fraud
The Dems Mantra
Remember In November
This coming election might bring the boom in voter fraud to new heights as Team Obama is frantic to try to hold onto power after 4 years of dismal failure after failure. These guys do make the Carter administration blush on the incompetence scale. One thing they do seem to be competent in is advancing voter fraud.
Depending on who you ask on the left be it a member of Team Obama, Democratic legislators or the Lame Stream Media it's all a right wing Republican conspiracy to suppress voter (read Democrat) turnout. So requiring an official photo ID and cross referencing voter rolls with other public records to insure accuracy equate to what? Give it a rest. That's akin to claiming that producing identification to cash a check is suppressing your right to pass bad paper. Both that and voter fraud are against the law.
Then we have our country's attorney general chirping away that "voter fraud is a problem that does not even exist?" That's akin to him saying that thousands of firearms never walked across our southern border on his watch. But both things happened and will probably continue to happen with Holder at the wheel of Justice.
Having written about this before I've had users come on a Hub and say it never happens, there is no proof, etc. So other users start hitting them with links showing where people are going to prison for the deed. Of course, they were framed? This article is focused on Project Veritas and James O'Keefe. Project Veritas is a non-profit organization that uses sting type tactics to uncover official corruption. Yes Virginia, official corruption does exist.
The scene you are about to watch was sent to my mailbox by James with a brief explanation. The scenario is Organizing for America Regional Field Director Stephanie Caballero, a salaried employee of the Democratic National Committee in Houston, Texas and an undercover reporter are discussing how to vote twice. The reporter has identified herself as an Obama supporter who has illegally registered in two states, Florida and Texas, and wants to vote in both states for the coming election. Caballero offers to print out a ballot that the reporter can mail to Florida while voting in Texas too. Watch the action.
You Won't See This Covered By The LSM
It's interesting to note that Caballero was fired after being exposed. Fired only after Representative Lamar Smith demanded that Team Obama, and by extension the DNC, fire any staffers caught in voter fraud shenanigans. It should be automatic but then again Obama did work for ACORN.
Isolated incident? Not in the least as the tape reveals. Veritas's latest work in Texas, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut has uncovered Obama campaign workers helping assist voters saying they want to commit election fraud to further the cause. What cause? Disenfranchising a legitimate voter by making their vote null and void? I have covered the same sort of conduct in previous Hubs where Project Veritas has gone into New Hampshire, Vermont and Minnesota with the same results. Elections officials with really loose morals and no standards in place to protect the vote were outed in those states. It's all been caught on tape so don't scream about someone lying. I sure have no reason to lie about the truth.
"Does Not Exist?"
There are powerful forces behind the left's efforts to fight voter ID laws. In my mind there is only one reason anyone could possibly have to object to showing a valid official ID card at the polls in order to vote. That would be that they aren't who they claim to be. If they aren't who they claim to be they should not be voting in this country. That's common sense. Eric Holder is doing his best to nullify state laws that require a voter to have an identification card even when the states are making obtaining one free of any charge.
All this nonsense about "voter fraud doesn't exist" is just that - nonsense. It is up to us as citizens to protect the vote. It is a sacred privilege and shouldn't be seen as suspect or be subject to abuse. We, as citizens, have the right to demand that our privilege as a citizen is protected. The majority of Americans support voter ID laws despite what Team Obama and his Attorney General think.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is about the end of any nation."
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Have a great week!
As Always,
The Frog Prince