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Civil Discourse - Part 2

Updated on January 28, 2012

The Violent Left

Aren't You Listening To Obama Lefties? Or maybe you have been?

This Hub is all about conduct - BAD CONDUCT. It seems like a long time ago that I wrote about Obama's call for civil discourse in the debate and dissent in this nation. Seems no one may have been listening, even Obama seems to have ignored his own advice as witnessed by his open mic remarks when he thought only his captive audience was listening. Part #1 which I titled "So What Happened To The Proposed Civil Discourse?" can be found at the link below in case you missed it or just want to refresh your memory on the subject at hand:

I've assembled a video montage of what the left considers "civil discourse." By all appearances they want their union goons to do the discoursing for them in public. You may find some of the videos offense if you don't like vulgarity or profanity. I know that I did. I apologize in advance for some of the heathens you are about to witness. Much of the "civil discourse," or lack of it, is aimed at the Tea Party Movement (TPM) which I am a member of and support.

I, and the TPM itself, have been accused of being a racist, a potential right wing terrorist suspect, being prone to violence, filled with hatred, etc., all because the Tea Party Movement is all about a return to adhering to the US Constitution, fiscal responsibility and conservative values.

NOTE: The most offensive is toward the end, and I do mean offensive. Some of them contain a warning prior to the show. So please sit back and watch these displays of the left's definition of civil discourse.

The first viewing is at a Union Goon Rally in Ohio on February 17th of this year. There is a warning at the beginning.

Dateline Ohio

The following incident occurred in Madison, Wisconsin on February 19th, 2011. This goon tried to destroy the sound system.

Dateline Wisconsin

Next up for your viewing pleasure is left wing conduct at a Tea Party Rally held in Denver on February 23rd of this year.

Dateline Denver

Now this union thug is in serious denial, especially since he was caught on camera. The incident occurred at a Tea Party Rally on February 27th of 2011.

Dateline Sacramento, CA

This video below is especially offensive and seems to go a bit over the top. Again the left in its finest hour. I think the banner on the video speaks for itself, such disrespect for the nation I hold dear. Never will you see this type of display at a Tea Party Rally - NEVER! Happened just the other day in Portland, Oregon.

Dateline Portland, Oregon

Seems the leftist goons also wanted to hurl racial insults at a black man attending the rally.  Odd huh?  The Tea Party accepts blacks into its ranks?  Here I was thinking that we're all racists according to the left.  So who's a racist?

Racial Attack In Portland

So much for civil discourse! Prior to the Portland Tea Party Rally this past Friday organizers expressed concerns to the city officials about security at the event and they took a non-violence pledge to emphasize their point. Their thinking was that union goons might try to break bad. But alas, my fellow Americans, the progressives in attendance conducted themselves with splendid decorum as you have plainly seen.

To their credit all these left wing loons are discrediting their particular cause by their actions. But this I know having been to many a Tea Party Rally, conservatives don't conduct themselves like these animals do.

But understand this from a conservative to a progressive - We aren't going away whether you like it or not. We are gaining strength, not losing it. The more we are looked down on by the political sages who have created this mess, the more powerful we become. We were formerly known as "The Silent Majority." Many of you are too young to grasp the concept that there is such a thing. But we are here and the time to be silent is over.

You young people out there listen carefully. What we're fighting for is your future. Right now you may think you have the world by the tail. The sad thing is that you don't.  On the positive side, you still have much to learn and experience.

And Now I Will Bid You Ado With This...

Have a great day and as always,

The Frog Prince


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