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Crazy Uncle "Snickers" Biden

Updated on October 15, 2012

Yuck, Yuck, Yuck...

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Redux With Joe Biden

The more our Crazy Uncle Joe opens his mouth the more it concerns me that this career pickpocket is but a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States. I guess what he considered to be a valid debate format was to turn what should have been a serious forum into a clown fest. Obama seems to do that too while he's out on the campaign trail. Like father like son and neither one of them impresses thinking people, maybe left wing loons but that may about it.

It was a bit difficult to know what to expect when Snickers showed up but really now. The guy was a Weapon of Mass Interruption which I found to be rude and not an acknowledged debate tactic. I guess the tactic this time around was to not let your opponent make his point by being rude and obnoxious and interrupting him at least 82 times by one count. That must have sent massive tingles up Chrissy Matthew's leg. It truly was like watching your crazy uncle at the family gathering when he wants that attention he feels he hasn't been getting.

So I'm about to fact check Biden since he always encourages that when he makes his gaffes. The man is a loony toon.

At Least 82 Times...

Here's the kind of lies and deflections that Team Obama has to substitute for their failed record. Snicker, snicker snicker...

1. "Well, we weren't told they wanted more security." The State Department had been told many times that the security in Benghazi was inadequate. Just two days prior those who watched the Congressional hearing heard directly from former regional security director Eric Nordstrom. He described his angst about having requests for increased security turned down. So Biden must have been taking a nap during that time period? He lied through his teeth. to start the debate.

2. Mediscare tactics again emerged with his lie that "we saved $716 billion and put it back." In other words they applied it back to Medicare. Team Obama has been using that lie since 2010 when Obamacare was passed. Supposedly their "cuts" extended the life of Medicare. Now think about that for a minute. The fact is that the same $716 billion in question was shifted over to help pay for Obamacare. What Biden was doing is double counting the same cuts and it is a famous smoke and mirrors routine in our federal government. Taking the money out of Medicare doesn't "help" its solvency in the least.

3. In relation to the two wars, "It came from this man voting to put two wars on a credit card. I (Biden) was there. I voted against him." Easy lie to expose since Biden voted for both the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. That was an easy fact check.

4. Contraceptives and religious institutions reflect another outright lie. Snicker, snicker, snicker... “No religious institution, Catholic or otherwise…has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact.” What planet has Biden been living on? HHS is forcing religious institutions to provide contraceptives and abortifacients via their insurance policies. The pending case is in court right now. Because Biden says the word "fact" might make things factually less likely.

5. Israel and Netanyahu was misrepresented by Biden. Biden said, “The president has met with Bibi [Netanyahu] a dozen times….This is a bunch of stuff.” Yes, what you said is a bunch of stuff Snickers. Obama and Bibi have met a few times but not anywhere close to a dozen. During one meeting Obama caused the Prime Minister of this country to enter the People's House through the backdoor, wouldn't allow pictures and left the PM fending for his own dinner. Obama failed to meet with the Prime Minister in New york because of "scheduling conflicts." You see Obama had to appear on The View where he called himself eye candy, David Letterman and lets not forget the Beyonce/Jay Z affair.

Lets take a break and watch this short video then go on with more of Snicker's lies.

Not Sure What Biden Finds So Amusing Here...

6. Taxes and the continual distortion continued. Here's the quote, “Just let the taxes expire like they're supposed to on those millionaires.” What Team Obama characterizes as "millionaires" are American households earning $250K a year or more. That is inclusive of many middle class folks with two earners in the household and small business owners who customarily report their business earnings as personal income. I do that myself. The distortion is glaring when they classify making $250K as being a millionaire or billionaire. It just isn't so. The vast majority of small businesses are the job creators in our country.

7. Then there was the death panel comment. Snickers said, “You know, I heard that death panel argument from Sarah Palin. It seems that every vice presidential debate, I hear this kind of stuff about panels.” Even a self-righteous liberal can see that is a bunch of malarkey. How so? Sarah Palin never talked about “death panels” in her debate with Biden. Why not? Because Obamacare had not even been proposed much less passed. Paul Ryan never mention “death panels” at all. He did address the "fact" that Obamacare proposes a board to impose cost controls. That is undeniable and has no place between your doctor and you.

8. When Paul Ryan pointed out: 1) that the White House had distanced itself from the Cairo embassy’s apologies on 9/11, 2) that Obama had failed to speak up for Iranian protesters in 2009, 3) that the Obama administration called Syria’s dictator a “reformer”, 4) and that the Obama administration is imposing defense cuts and projecting weakness Snickers said, “With all due respect, that’s a bunch of malarkey….not a single thing he said is accurate.” However going through those 4 items every one of them fact checked.

9. How does Team Obama dodge responsibility for the terrible security at the Libyan compound? No they aren't blaming Bush this time. Here's the way Snicker's played that card, “The congressman here cut embassy security in his budget by $300 million below what we asked for.” Fact of the matter? Ryan's proposal, and it was only a proposal, called for a 19% decrease in "non-defense" discretionary spending Nice try Snickers but no cigar. No mention is ever made of cutting embassy security in that proposal, not one word. How did Crazy Uncle Joe arrive at the 19% figure? It was fabricated by applying 19% across the board. Hello?

10. Lastly there was Iran and nuclear weapons. Iran is four years closer to having nuclear weapons than when Obama took office. How anyone can deny that is beyond me but Biden did just that. He said, “No, they are not four years closer to a nuclear weapon.” Obama entered office trying to appease the Iranians saying they just needed to talk about it. You don't just talk to madmen who hate your guts. The fact is that after repeated meetings just this year talks have gone nowhere. There are as many holes in the supposed "sanctions" as one can find in a block of swiss cheese. Those sanctions haven't slowed Iran down a bit in its pursuit of its nuclear weapons program.

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Redux - Casting Snickers Himself

For the current Vice President of this nation to get in front of a national audience and act like the complete imbecile and buffoon that he is obviously is reprehensible. He may have thought he won the debate but what he really earned is the Booby Prize for being a big boob.

I am going to have to swear off eating a Snickers bar for a long time after watching that snickering fool tell lie after lie thinking he was a comedian. He needs to leave that job to Obama because he might fit in nicely on the comedy circuit starting in 2013.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Can be found below.

"Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

He Did Mention He Means What He Says... Remember In November!


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