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Cultural Appropriation Have We Got It Wrong?

Updated on November 11, 2019
Nell Rose profile image

Nell is a trained Psychologist and lives in London England. She has been interested in Astronomy since a child.

cultural appropriation
cultural appropriation

Cultural Appropriation

Cultural Appropriation.-Or Misappropriation.

Adopting the elements/clothing etc of one race by another culture.

Regarded as controversial if the dominant culture takes from disadvantaged minority cultures.

But is it as bad as people are saying?

Let's take a look at what it actually means, by breaking down the wording above.

The Power of Words

Just the wording 'minority culture' is a misnomer. To be a minority culture you have to be living in a country where everybody else is foreign compared to you.

If someone is living in their own country then they are not a minority.

And as for saying 'dominant culture over disadvantaged' that statement alone is racist.

And yet it's written by do-gooders thinking they are being kind when really they are doing the 'pat them on the head they need protecting,' thing.

Yes, I know, picking at small points doesn't prove anything.

Well, actually it does. Words are powerful. Every single word is the power behind the sentence. And the sentence is the power behind the hurt.

Why does the West always believe that other countries need our 'protecting bless them,' help?

I find that very conceited and superior of them.

Most of the so called disadvantaged countries have been around a hell of a lot longer than us, and here's the crunch. They do things differently.

Not inferiorly.

The question is, why is this happening now?

Well, it's the influence of the Internet.

Everybody knowing what's going on in a matter of seconds.

Let's face it, all around the world people have always worn other culture's clothes, spoken their language and had various hairstyles.

Before I go on, I just want to say that I totally agree that it's wrong to use another culture's clothes or designs for your own money-making scheme such as the story below.

Kim Kardashian Kimono
Kim Kardashian Kimono

Kim Kardashian and Kimono

Back in the summer of 2019, Kim Kardashian brought out a new brand of underwear for ladies and labelled it Kimono.

Obviously lacking in sense somewhat, she was surprised to see a number of people complaining that it was cultural appropriation.

And I quite agree. It was a stupid mistake to make. Apart from the cultural aspect of the name, putting the word Kimono on underwear was just tacky and stupid.

Respect obviously isn't in her vocabulary!

To use something so obvious was plain stupid.

But what about the lesser attack on people who do it without realising?

Mexican man wearing a sombrero
Mexican man wearing a sombrero

Sombrero Insanity

Recently, over here in England, there was a hysterical, and I mean this in a laughing way, reaction to something that happened at Sheffield University.

Evidently, in their wisdom, or lack of, the student union decided that we must never ever wear Sombreros anymore!

Evidently, they claim, it was Cultural appropriation.

You can imagine the uproar.

'Why are kids at University coming out with this rubbish?'

And, 'Get back to your learning and stop being a snowflake!'

There were comments such as...

'I am Mexican, stop being an idiot!'

'So when they sell them to us in Mexico we have to throw them away?'

It seems that the world has gone mad.

And we know why. The Internet and too much information.

Now the thing is this. Do we really want other cultures in their own country to go broke because we have been told to not buy anything from them that may offend?

Most cultures rely on tourism. And that means buying goods and souvenirs from them. If this goes on, they won't be able to sell anything.

Native  American Culture but is this wrong?
Native American Culture but is this wrong?

Did You Know?

Bruno Mars, Beyonce, and Awkwafina have all been accused of cultural appropriation.

The snowflake culture is the equivalent of the salem witch trials.
The snowflake culture is the equivalent of the salem witch trials.

Snowflake Culture

With the Internet brainwashing the kids, along with the media who can't wait to jump on anything with the word racist in it, how are the children of today going to know what's right or wrong?

And here's the thing.

Most people who scream racism are the white snowflake culture as they are, sadly, known today. Trouble is, they don't know they are doing it.

And worse of all?

They don't realise that what they are doing is racist.

Sad eh?

It is reminiscent of the Salem Witch Trials.

Someone may have worked for over 30 years, but one word by these kids and the whole lot comes tumbling down.

But that's for another time.

Did You Know?

Cornrow hair was used by Celtic tribes in Britain over three thousand years ago, and in Scandinavia too. And both wore feathers tied into the hair.

Celtic Britain Culture

Celtic Britain Culture cornrows
Celtic Britain Culture cornrows

On The Subject of Racism...

A bit strong?

Well yes, but it's the truth. And here's why.

Just step back for a moment and think.

If someone kept 'protecting' your culture, what would your first thought be?

I am quite capable of protecting myself thank you!

And that is the point.

Whenever a white person yells 'racist!' He or she is literally saying;

'As a black man/woman I am standing up for you as you are incapable of doing it yourself. Therefore you are inferior to me.'


Put it whichever way you like, it's true.

Take another scenario.

A white person argues with another white person. It's equal, and if anyone else gets involved they will say 'Why are you arguing? What did he do?'

In plain English, what they are in fact saying is, as two white equal people there must be a reason for the argument.

Now change that to a black man arguing with a white man.

Another person says; 'Stop picking on him, Is it because he is black?.'

In that one sentence, you are all literally shrinking that black man down to a color.

He is no longer a hard-working family man.

And it's not just white people who say it. Unfortunately, people of color say it about themselves too.

Just a color.

How about that.

If we continue to separate our different Races instead of embracing them all and integrating ideas, culture and ways, we will stay stagnant and never progress. The world will be a lonely place where we all sit silently apart, too scared to open our mouths. Do we really want that?

— nell rose

Even Bruno Gets Caught Out!

Back On Track

Sorry for getting off track but it had to be said.

I will say one thing. If the world insists on continuing this rather bleak idea, then please make sure you include white people too.

In one video I watched, it seemed that it was all directed towards white people doing wrong.

Sorry guys, that's a no no. If another culture appropriates our culture then we must shout it out loud too.

Equal means just that.

In the same way that we have got it wrong for jumping to conclusions, we have also got it wrong about cultural appropriation.

We wear other people's clothes etc because we admire them. The clothes and the people. Simple as that.

And many clothes and hairstyles have traveled the world throughout history. Nobody really owns the everyday stuff.

So let's chill out shall we?

Or maybe this will be the next step, and we don't want that.

Tell black/Asian/Native American not to wear our T-shirts, trousers, socks, hats, dark glasses, watch our TV's, use our phones and so on?

It works both ways.

Here's a thought.

Let's all grow up and act like adults.

There, isn't that better?

Cultural Appropriation is it a good thing?

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