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Eat Your Peas? It's Dinner Time Obama

Updated on August 29, 2013

You Have To Eat Everything On Your Plate

Have A Recipe Preference?

I make a dynamite pea salad and I'll share it with you some time if you'd like. This however is about our President and his tendency to not want to eat the same peas that the rest of us have to shovel down whether we like them or not..

We've had to eat our peas as Obama has shoveled them at us by adding over 5 trillion dollars to our national debt. Then I had to revisit what Owebama said back in July of 2008 when he called the previous administration "unpatriotic" and "irresponsible for adding less in a total of eight years than he did in less than three. Seems that he wants everyone to dine on peas but himself and Moochelle. She prefers a greasy burger while at the same time preaching to the rest of us about our diet and how to properly eat our daily peas.

One of the problems about eating your peas is paying attention to what is being put on your plate. The video below points out that Obama knows that the average American isn't paying attention and we're not near as wise as the political pick pockets that inhabit Washington DC. According to Obama the wise sages up on there on their butts to avoid getting a "real job" on Capitol Hill are paid "to worry about it." So when are they going to start worrying about it and actually do something about it rather than make it worse? Worry is one thing but it takes leadership to actually do something about the deficit and excessive spending problems. When is that going to happen? When it's too late?

The thing that should worry anyone is that we are actually paying people to not do their job, that includes the Pea Shoveler-In-Chief. You know, the little things like passing an annual budget and not squandering and wasting our tax payer dollars giving it to your cronies as pay back for your political coffers getting fat via them. We're paying the Senate to "do nothing." The House has been a bit active after the 2010 elections but not his Senate cronies. He needs to stop sniveling about not getting his way and eat his peas.

Yummy In The Tummy. Back At Pea Eating Time And Obama Knows Best

Being the President of the United States shouldn't be about personal growth. Obama has been given enough teachable moments, that he seems to ignore, to gag a maggot. Then he wants us to tell us it's time to "pull off the band aid" and "eat our peas?" He's been slapping enough band aids on the economic problems of this nation to keep all the manufacturer's of such products in total ecstasy. One writer likened his deficit building to him taking out history's greatest student loan, just over $5 trillion and counting you see.

That's an expensive education at our expense and student loans have nothing to do with economics. What do they really do? First, they are about personal growth and they also create debt for the future. I don't expect, nor should you, to finance Owebama's personal growth nor do I appreciate his spending money we don't have. Time to eat your peas Obama, and leave mine the hell alone.

I said it back when he was on the stump treating people like a chump, and I'll say again as did the very people running against him in his own party. He isn't qualified and lacks the experience necessary to become the President of this nation and be an effective leader. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden both knew the same thing I know. We're now having to eat our peas while he goes through his "personal growth" stage of life and learning? Oh really? The problem is, and probably always will be, is that Obama is an extreme ideologue and ideologues don't usually budget from their ideology. Compound that with his narcissistic personality disorder and it's like the Jolly Green Giant on the world's largest ego trip - peas on steroids.

The Presidency of the nation isn't someone's personal property. Jimmie Carter had to learn that lesson the hard way. Obama ran on being the "post partisan" President. He's showing use exactly how NOT to do that. Want examples? Good, I thought you might like a few. These should be used as our teaching (learning?) tools about this President.

1) When his budget of last year (2011) went down without even one member of his own party casting a vote for it he ranted and raved at Congress calling them the "do nothing Congress" and went so far as pointing out the dangers of the national debt. How in the world does anyone have the gumption to lecture anyone about fiscal responsibility when they're squeezing in the teleprompter between lavish, expensive family vacations and golf outings and in the same breath propose even more out of control spending? Then there are still people who walk among us who don't recognize the hypocrisy involved in the whole situation.

His answer then, as it is now, is to increase taxes so that they can continue on their spending binges. He commissioned a debt reduction commission and then totally ignored their recommendations because they weren't his brand of peas and didn't have his "label" on them. So why bother to do it in the first palce?

Let me post that Owebama video one more time here as a reminder of what he said, not what he has done.

How Those Peas Tasting America?

What happened next didn't sit well with the "Eat Your Peas" President either. When he was served this dish of peas I'm sure his gag reflect went berserk. The credit rating agencies took out the hammer and chiseled away at the US bond ratings safety rating. He poo-pooed their decision too at the time if I remember correctly and hasn't done a darned thing about it since but propose another budget that would add another $1.3 trillion to the national debt. That one just went down in flames too. His idea of fiscal responsibility is for us to continue to fund his experience in personal growth.

Those peas left a bitter taste in his mouth and he sure didn't grab his knife and fork and begin what needs to be done. Again he placed blame on anyone and everyone but himself. Soon we will move from the knife and fork stage to the "grab an ax stage" because we lack the necessary leadership to deal with the mounting crisis.

The latest teachable moment concerns the Supreme Court and the fate of his signature piece of tax legislation called Obamacare. Just the idea that what he considers to be a group of old, white, brain dead men would consider applying the principles of the US Constitution and return a verdict that would uphold having a stable and limited federal government in the future sends his taste for eating his peas into revolt. Somehow he is now taking offense that an "un-elected group of people would somehow return or overturn a duly constituted and passed law."

That's their job President Obama. That's the way the US Constitution calls the shots. And here I thought the man was supposedly a constitutional scholar who taught the subject at the University of Chicago.

You see the Supreme Court might also want Obama to follow his own advice and eat his peas. They might also determine that Obamacare wasn't about reforming the health care system at all but was the largest over reach the federal government has ever attempted, besides the fact that the majority of Americans are dead set against it. Obamacare is about control, control of one-sixth of our economy. That's what it is, was and always will be about.

Pea eating time is about to come for President Obama. You see, my fellow Americans, it's time that we were to eat our peas because we're supposed to act like ignorant, gluttons who shouldn't bother to understand what they are doing in Washington DC. That's what we pay him to do. And here I thought it was all about financing his personal growth, massaging his over inflated ego and eating our peas while he'll have none of them.

Like I said, "I have an excellent recipe for pea salad that I'll share with you sometime." That will be after November of 2012 when we evict him and his clan from The People's House for failure to man up and eat his peas.

My vetting of Obama continues. It sure is much easier now that he actually has a record to examine.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Remember In November!


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