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Equal Opportunities....Welcome to the real world.

Updated on July 3, 2012

Where profile counts more than proficiency.

"I am white, British, female, straight, non-religious and non-disabled but I have to wonder if I was black or Indian, gay, Buddhist, disabled would I be more likely to get a job? "

Wrote Jenblacksheep in her hub:

To give you the short answer Jen...

Yes, I'm afraid you would.

Listen while reading!

Welcome to the real world....

If you reversed most of what you wrote above, you would be highly attractive to someone needing to fulfil a diversity quota, if you could also do the job, that would be a bonus, but filling the quota would be your main 'qualification'.

That's a hard fact to have to accept, but it's how our society runs today.

When I left school, voluntarily at 15 with no paper qualifications, employment was strictly at the employers behest, and anyone could employ whoever they wanted.

This did mean that some discrimination was present in the system, but it also meant that the employer hired the best available person and therefore people strived to be the best they could, to get the job, and to stay employed.

You cannot legislate equality without causing discrimination.

You have grown up in an equal opportunity society, where you are now discriminated against because you cannot meet government diversity quotas due to you patent normality.

This is called social engineering, and I'm sure they covered that in your philosophy course, no, they forgot to mention it?.... I thought as much.

Unfortunately I am a baby boomer, same age as all the other baby boomers who run society these days, kith and kin with Gordon and Tony and elder brother to Dave and 'Barry', unwelcome relative to Bill and Hilary....

We do share a common denominator, in that we all wanted to change society in our youth, and some of us went to extreme measures to do so.

Bill dodged the draft with great persistence in order to be free to protest against Vietnam, only wondering whether his actions would be better viewed if he served in the military for a while, then discounting that notion because it would discredit his 'liberal protestor' credentials.

Bill is by no means the worst illustration, generally most of the folk running things today are just as toady corrupt and deceptive as each other, so I point no fingers specifically, the whole lot are guilty of creating the mess we have today.

You (and I'm not talking specifically to Jen here, but to our future leaders and rulers in general) have all been indoctrinated by the system we created to change the world, and unfortunately we succeeded in changing the world, but not necessarily for the better.

We wanted equality, but in forcing the issue have created discrimination.

Sure the minorities are now protected, but the majority is now discriminated against.

Happy chappie bunch of equal something or others...
Happy chappie bunch of equal something or others...
...and some more...
...and some more...'s difficult to get new camera poses as we ill see..'s difficult to get new camera poses as we ill see..
..just variations on a theme...
..just variations on a theme...
to show all are equal....
to show all are equal....
though some may end up more equal
though some may end up more equal

To understand this illustration fully, you need two glasses, one full of water, the other empty, now if you pour water from one glass into the other, then the glass that was full becomes less full and the other glass gains some water it never had.

Life seems to be rather like that.... in order for one person to have something, someone else needs to go without or lose some of what they had.

It's a simple fact that has been missed by the social engineers who decided to change the world without holding a trial run first, so in my living memory I have seen:

  • Phonetic spelling replace learning how to spell.
  • The switch (in the UK) from a currency that had 960 possible levels of price change in it, to one where there were 100.
  • The enforcement of the law where it became obligatory to fit seat belts to all new cars (and eventually they made the law that made it obligatory to wear them as well).
  • The start of the Race Relations Industry.
  • The sale of all state owned assets to foreign 'powers'
  • The freedom of speech curtailed.
  • The police fully armed in any situation.
  • The loss of civil rights as the law and public opinion has been slowly shifted from innocent until proven guilty, to guilty until proven innocent, in matters of individual choice.
  • The deliberate relaxation of all immigration controls in order to bring about globalisation, and 'diversity.
  • The complete takeover of Europe by a non elected European Parliament, leading to eventual loss of sovereignty for the nation states involved.

Now if you are not an old reactionary like me, if you have been born post 1970, you probably agree with some if not all of those changes, after all they replaced archaic laws from the past and made life so much better for everyone.....didn't they?

Jen complains about how the NuLabour NuThinking on equality is stopping her from earning cash, but that is the surface ripple of an effect that is far deeper reaching than this inconvenience.

The very ground upon which we once based our standards has been undermined as effectively as Wellington dug under Badajoz and the 'forlorn hope ' of the New World Order are standing ready to pour into the breech just as soon as the sappers are done with the mining.

We now live in a subjective society, where no absolutes are welcomed or even allowed in many cases.

What was held as an absolute 50 years ago is now just one of many options that may exist as the answer to a question.

We no longer have husbands and wives, we have 'partners'.....being old fashioned, when I had a business partnership, I referred to my business partner as my partner, and noticed that the world had changed from anyone understanding what I meant, to everyone assuming that I was 'gay' and that my 'partner' was my homosexual boyfriend.

The very meaning of the word has been changed, actually the meaning of both words, partner and gay, have been stolen from the English language.

It's a strange world we live in today and not an improvement in many ways.

I hated the '70's they were a time of stupid pop songs dressed as original, bizarre and 'punk' being played to the background of the first breakdowns of the system created by social engineering.

We saw race riots, ordinary riots, wildcat strikes and police brutality.

Three day working weeks and short range government with no real idea how to stop the runaway juggernaut of social iniquity.

Years later I realised that the whole thing was planned and I had played my part, as a young villain and thief, then as a wide boy salesman, rip off builder, dodgy 'strange equipment' provider to aggressive regimes, then fake upper class Estate Agent with a Central London agency.

Getting refused for not being diverse enough was never a problem, no sane employer would ever hire me during those years, though many wanted to use my 'talents' during the last years when I met and associated with the real money shakers in London.

Life is just not fair, and God is JUST, not FAIR also.

Her dress was too short and she was drunk....
Her dress was too short and she was drunk....
Nobody oversaw the accountants decisions and so the partners never realised that he/she had been draining funds from the company.
Nobody oversaw the accountants decisions and so the partners never realised that he/she had been draining funds from the company.
The politicians apologised for 'flipping' their second homes and evading capital gains tax, and counter argued that they had acted within the rules...
The politicians apologised for 'flipping' their second homes and evading capital gains tax, and counter argued that they had acted within the rules...
Some had even employed expensive lawyers and accountants to verify that they were able to make those claims...
Some had even employed expensive lawyers and accountants to verify that they were able to make those claims...

See what a difference that little comma change produces?

Different views of the same words... we have a society where it's become about fairness, not justice, where the criminal is now the disadvantaged one who needs support, whereas the victim is mostly to blame for the crime having taken place in the first place.

  • Her dress was too short and she was drunk.
  • Nobody oversaw the accountants decisions and so the partners never realised that he/she had been draining funds from the company.
  • The politicians apologised for 'flipping' their second homes and evading capital gains tax, and counter argued that they had acted within the rules. Some had even employed expensive lawyers and accountants to verify that they were able to make those claims.

All these situations, though just examples, are what happens when subjectivity is allowed to evict absolute truth from the baseline of our democracy.

We are now a people of self justification, we need no God to guide our thoughts, or remind us of our faults, we can babble on until we develop a positive spin to the whole issue and make any guilt disappear, leaving us as white as snow....well that's not really true....we are filthy rags on a white snow-scape, but whatever....for nobody expects any better now and who cares anyway.

So in order to solve the temporal problem of Jen no longer qualifying as having sufficient diversity to get given a job, we need to look much deeper at the root of the problem.

The world has decided that being 'different' is no longer politically correct, so in order to ensure that the minority; who are truly different in physical, mental, cultural or sexual matters, are not 'discriminated' against, the whole of society must be re educated to never mention any deficiency in anybody, for fear of undermining their confidence and offending their rights to 'diversity'.

Coming to Spain 25 years ago allowed me to miss the drip drip technique employed by the British authorities to emasculate the average British male (One cannot say Englishman any longer) to a point where they have accepted that the minority now rule the majority.

It also allowed me quickly to realise that death, which had already been nationalised in the UK, was not the sanitised affair that the Britain had made it....where your loved one just passed away on cue to the sounds of a doctor administering a large morphine shot.

In Spain death still walked the streets in Pamplona where young men ran in front of the bulls and some were killed.

No Health & Safety unit in the UK would ever allow that to happen, and the animal rights chaps would be up in arms that a 750 kilo bull had to face a 100 kilo runner alone, even if it was in the middle of the pack.

No in Spain men stood in rings with large beasts, albeit much disabled, but still deadly in intent and ability, men, in pink suites with beads and other bright things sewn in, killed the bull with a sword or a knife.

And sometimes died as the bull gored them to death.

Spaniards knew what death was first hand, both from the civil war period and from seeing it at home as they killed their food and watched their old folk die in their campo houses.

So if you want to be able to hire or fire whoever you want, if you equally want to be hired or fired purely on your ability, not on some set of rules designed to bring everyone to the same level, then start at the root of the problems and stop this social engineering happening.

They can only play with you when you play with them.

When we (the public) stop playing, when we start saying what we think again, rather than what we have been told is the correct thing to say, when we find our national 'cajones ' again and stand up to this oppression and discriminaliation.

You see Jen should not have to say;

"I am white, British, female, straight, non-religious and non-disabled but I have to wonder if I was black or Indian, gay, Buddhist, disabled would I be more likely to get a job? "

She should be able to expect to be employed on her merits alone, but also to be any of those things IF she can do the job.

Diversity means just that; the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness.

It should celebrate our diffences not attempt to iron them all into one homologous mass of humanity.

If I don't like the next chap, so what.

As long as I don't force myself on him, and he does not have the right to force me to like him, to force himself on me in order to prove how 'civilised' we all are, what's the problem?

If we can properly define what diversity actually means, then you can expect to see things change for the better.

...and to finish off....


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