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"Haters" and "Hate Groups" - the Accusations Fly Fast and Furious

Updated on June 23, 2015

"You don't support (fill in the blank)? Why, you must hate (appropriate group!)"

"You're against (add trendy cause here), then you're a hater!"

Does this sound familiar? Today, if you don't support the "correct" causes or groups, you must "hate" somebody or some people. This is the thinking of those on the political Left (call them liberals, progressives, whatever. I'll just call them "lefties.") Here is an, admittedly, incomplete list:

 You support the traditional definition of marriage? You must HATE gay people!

 You are against abortion as a method of birth control? You must HATE women!

 You don't support taxpayer funding of contraception? See above.

 You are against tax increases on the top 5% of taxpayers? You must HATE the middle class!

 You think there should be limitations on welfare to encourage people to go to work? You must HATE poor people!

 You don't like "rap" and "hip-hop?" You must HATE black people!

 You think our borders must be secured? You must HATE immigrants!

 You think illegal (excuse me, "undocumented") immigrants should be deported? You must HATE Hispanics!

 You support the State of Israel? You must HATE Muslims!

Did I miss anything? I'm sure I did. I have seen so much of this nonsense, I just had to write a Hub about it. Recently I wrote a Hub describing a fictional conversation with some of the Founding Fathers in which the protagonist asked them to include, among other things, an amendment in the Bill of Rights defining marriage as between one man and one woman. One of the commenters called me a "hateful little dude." I could have seen that one coming. On my Facebook page, I was expressing opposition to Obama's reelection and I was branded as a racist. This was in spite of the fact that I clearly stated I would gladly have supported Herman Cain or Condoleeza Rice for president but that didn't matter. (One guy inferred Condi Rice was not black! I guess you have to be a lefty to be sufficiently black.)

Of course it's not just me that receives these accusations. You can name any politician or commentator who is to the right of center and I can assure you every one of them gets called a "hater" at least once a week. (The vitriol poured on people like Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin is positively vicious and laced with profanity. Lefties are so articulate -- they can come up with dozens of ways to use the "f-word.") And of course there are institutions which are accused of being "hate groups." Someone actually placed a petition on the White House website asking the president to declare the Roman Catholic Church a "hate group" because of the Church's defense of traditional marriage and the fact that Catholic dogma (like most other major religions I might add) considers homosexual behavior to be sinful. The entire Roman Catholic Church! (No, the White House wanted no part of this one. When I took a look at it some weeks ago, about 1700 morons had actually signed it.)

Then you have the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an Alabama-based "civil rights" group that hurls accusations of "hate" against virtually any and all "right-wing" organizations. The Christian group, Family Research Council (FRC), lobbies against gay marriage so, in 2010, the SPLC called them - you guessed it - a "hate group." And it's not just organizations that receive their attention. The following paragraph is from the Wikipedia page on the SPLC:

"In an NPR interview on April 2, 2010 the SPLC's Mark Potok said that pundits and politicians, such as Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Congressman Steve King, and commentators Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs bore some of the moral responsibility for hate crimes by using, and thus helping to 'mainstream,' the rhetoric of hate groups and conspiracy theorists."

You get that? They "mainstream" the rhetoric of hate groups. Why? Because they don't agree with whatever the SPLC states is good and wholesome! Now the SPLC does go after real hate groups, such as the KKK and neo-Nazis, but to lump in groups such as the FRC and people like the aforementioned congressmen and commentators with these guys is preposterous.

I could go on but I'm sure the reader gets the idea. The amount of intolerance displayed by lefties toward beliefs contrary to their own defies measurement. It seems to me that someone who cannot tolerate any opposition to -- or even legitimate debate on -- their principles must not be that secure in their own beliefs. Total opposition to dissenting opinion is the hallmark of every totalitarian regime in history, be it Nazi, Communist, Fascist, or (especially now) radical Islamist. It is obvious that total opposition to dissenting opinion is the hallmark of today's political Left as well. So who is REALLY being intolerant? I'll leave it to the reader to answer that question.

I'm sure some commenter will call me a "hater" for having written this so have at it.


Update - 9 April 2013

I read this morning about two young girls, one 11 and one 14, who have received profanity-laced insults and even threats because "gay activists" are "upset" because they had the nerve to testify against gay "marriage" before their respective state legislators. The testimony of one of the girls was on YouTube and received the following comment: “If I ever see this girl, I will kill her. That’s a promise.”

I have been around for a while and remember the civil rights battles of the 60s, the protests by American Indian groups, radical feminists, etc. I don't believe I've ever seen a group more intolerant of other peoples' opinions than these "gay activists." They use insult, intimidation, and threaten outright violence if anyone dare to disagree with their quest to corrupt the institution of marriage. They are disgusting low-life scum. You really want to see what hatred is? Read about what some these "activists" are doing to advance their cause. I am truly getting sick of it.

Update - 6 Nov 2013

There is another hub out there entitled something like "Why do Republicans and Tea Partiers Hate Obama so Much?" Most of it is focused on his race (no surprise there). I commented that I and people who think like me don't hate Obama personally but we despise his politics. I pointed out that I would gladly support a man such as Allen West or a woman such as Condoleeza Rice for president because I generally agree with their politics and their race has nothing to do with it. And, guess what, I was branded a "racist!" And one of the commenters stated over and over again that Tea Party criticism of Obama was "hateful" or some such verbiage. This illustrates precisely the point I tried to make in this hub article. With respect to the "racist" slur against me, all I can say is if you criticize a black politician who is a liberal, you are immediately branded as a racist. Apparently criticism of black conservatives (which is rampant) is OK. Someday some scientist has to examine the liberal brain and explain to me how the hell they think.

Update - December 2013

By now everybody is probably aware of the numerous attacks on Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson for his Bible-based views on homosexuality. Apparently, according to the gay/lesbian hate group "GLAAD," his preference for female anatomy over male is "vile." Imagine that. Militant "gay" groups are trying to silence anyone who does not enthusiastically embrace the homosexual agenda. Now who is being intolerant?


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