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How Donald Trump Made Himself a Dictator and Why Those in Denial Need to Read This and Share

Updated on June 21, 2018
crazymom3 profile image

A work in progress: married, divorced, and re-married. Has known love and heartache, working professional woman, mother and wife.


History Repeats Itself
History Repeats Itself | Source

The First Step To Becoming A Dictator--SHUT DOWN Public Criticism, Lie To The People

Through out history the first step all dictators take is to make sure no one is allowed to criticize them by shutting down public criticism of any kind (usually the news media) and shut down or limit protestor rights.

Dictators Pretend Claim The Truth Is Fake News: They criticize any negative reporting as fake news and spread their own propaganda as truth. Putting down, firing or arresting those who would dare speak against them while aggrandizing himself.

Dictators self-aggrandize: "acting or intended to enhance one's power, wealth, position, or reputation" (

Currently Trump does it through tweeting and paid news network stories. He has also fired anyone on his staff who would dare express anything contrary to his demands and attacked them mercilessly while crying victim whenever anyone attacks him or his family in the exact same way--if not gentler, and is he tracking all of us on our the media feeds?

How Hitler did it: German children read an anti-Jewish propaganda book titled DER GIFTPILZ ( "The Poisonous Mushroom"). The girl on the left holds a companion volume, the translated title of which is "Trust No Fox." Germany, ca. 1938. (Source record ID: E39 Nr .2381/5)

— Stadtarchiv Nürnberg (

"Propaganda tries to force a doctrine on the whole people... Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this idea." Adolf Hitler wrote these words in his book Mein Kampf (1926), in which he first advocated the use of propaganda to spread the ideals of National Socialism—among them racism, antisemitism, and anti-Bolshevism.

Following the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, Hitler established a Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda headed by Joseph Goebbels. The Ministry's aim was to ensure that the Nazi message was successfully communicated through art, music, theater, films, books, radio, educational materials, and the press.

How Trump Does it: Making a group of people the bad people, dehumanizing them. Referring to immigrants as "animals" . "infest" the use much like unwanted bedbugs!

The “Animal” Debate Is Over


Dictators Lie To The People and Put Blame On Others for Their Own Actions: For Example--saying things like...It's not me, I didn't say that on Video, It's the Democrats Fault I am doing this, etc etc.

This was a profound act of betrayal. They aided and abetted an attack on the core of our democracy—our elections—and they lied about it. And they still do. This is the true scandal. It should shock the public and compel action.

But this fundamental fact has not fully sunk in with the American people. That’s why Trump and his minions have been able to dodge responsibility. And, unfortunately, our industry—the media—is partly to blame.

Attempting to track this whole damn thing can make one feel like Carrie Mathison on Homeland. Do you even have enough string or enough space on the bulletin board? (


How Trump has done it: limit the ability to protest.

The current administration has creating bills to curb protesting.(

Current laws are set-up to criminalize protesting by enhancing or changing the definition of protesting, limiting where protesting can take place so much that really any place can be rationalized as an illegal place to protest. They also make it easy for bystanders to get arrested and give police and drivers expanded freedom to hurt protesters. (

You also have to fill out a public permit to assemble to protest and you have to be very careful in every way not to do anything which will give the police an excuse to arrest you ( In some states the police can consider a protest "disorderly conduct" and arrest you.

How Hitler Did It: "Some of the first Germans to speak out against Nazi injustices were a group of students at the University of Munich...In February 1943, the Nazis arrested the Scholls and Probst and brought them to trial. All three were found guilty and were guillotined that same day. Soon afterward, others in the group were also tried, convicted, and beheaded." (

Instilling Fear To Protest Even Peacefully-How Russia Does It

How Venezuela Does it

Why Those In Denial Need To Read This and Share-Be Very afraid, The US is On Dangerous Ground

Trump has gone to the level of "baby snatching" to coerce the democratic party into giving into his demands--this is called a dictatorship, not the democratic process. I would dare say this is even treason.

COERCION: "the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats" (google dictionary).


What makes any of you deniers think he won't go any further? Is there already fear to protest and speak out?

***All dictators start out attacking a specific group of people and eventually end up destroying their own people, their own nation. Many have died to preserve our most basic freedoms and humanity-do not let it be in vain.

**See Russia and Venezuela videos, hitler etc, etc.

"BABY SNATCHING" To Coerce and Circumvent the Democratic Process

History Repeats Itself

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Students Beheaded by Hitler For Speaking Out

Could This Happen To You Today?
Could This Happen To You Today? | Source

If You Speak-Are You Afraid His People Will Come After You

Are You Afraid He Will Come after You Too

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