Humanity One World: H.O.W. To Get Involved!
Are you a part of it? Are you part of the solution? Humanity One World, a movement of writers and like-minded human beings who want to see this world improve; have you joined yet?
It is a large task for sure! There are seven billion people on Planet Earth; how can one person make a difference? Is it possible for one small group of people to make a difference? Currently there are 235 members of the H.O.W. Movement. Surely those 235 people are not so warped as to think they can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in their bare hands, and actually make this world a better place to live in. Surely they don’t believe that!
Well, yes they do?
But how you say? How is it possible to improve the environment, or make cities safer from crime, or stomp out abuse? The problems are too big; where do you even begin?
You begin, simply, by beginning.
How do you think every major movement in the history of mankind began? One person….one idea…and a willingness to try…that’s how they began.
I know this to be true: if no one tries then nothing will happen! We will continue to see the homeless numbers grow. We will continue to lock ourselves in at night so the boogie man doesn’t get us. We will continue to leave a legacy of complacency and fear for our children.
So we take one small step and then another.
Let me ask you this: what are you passionate about? Are you passionate about education? Are you passionate about veterans’ rights? Are you passionate about drug abuse? If you had to pick one cause, what would it be?
Once you have answered that question, then brainstorm what you can do in your community. Don’t tell me that you can’t do anything; tell me, rather, what you can do. It is too easy to throw up your hands and say you don’t have the time, or you don’t have the confidence, or whatever. Excuses are a dime a dozen, and the world is in sorry shape because of the millions of excuses and apathy. Tell me what you can do!
Can you write an article or letter and send it to your local politicians? Can you organize a neighborhood group to discuss local issues? Can you… something?
I cannot change the world all at once. I can, however, begin to change my neighborhood. I have written about the neighborhood that we live in, the Northeast Neighborhood of Olympia. This is a community-minded neighborhood. People feel safe there; there are events held periodically so that neighbors can get out and meet each other. There is a neighborhood newsletter and website, and the neighborhood is active in city politics. How did it begin? One person with an idea, to make this neighborhood a better place to live.
How many will read this article? Hundreds and possibly thousands if I had to make a guess. What if each person who reads this started a newsletter for the neighborhood in which they lived? Organize the neighborhood with a block party and begin to discuss your problems, and then notify the city that you are a citizen action group that wants to be heard.
How many will read this article? What if each of you started a blog that addressed the social problem that you are passionate about? How many followers could you get? One hundred? So suddenly, 235 members of H.O.W. have their own blog, with 100 followers each, and now the movement is in the thousands.
I am a big believer in grassroots movements. I firmly believe that the most effective means of affecting change is at the community level. That change needs to be started by someone; why not you?
The internet gives us an opportunity that other activists never had, namely the chance to reach millions with our message.
Each one of you signed on to this movement because you care about humanity. Do you care enough to make a YouTube video and publish it? If every single one of you made a video, we would have 235 H.O.W. videos on YouTube, and suddenly we have thousands viewing our message.
If each one of you printed up fliers communicating the purpose of H.O.W., and distributed them around your neighborhood, or hung them on community bulletin boards, do you think we could spread the word? How many people would we reach?
Anonymous giving this Christmas
- H.O.W. To Give This Christmas: A Pledge To Spread Love
A call to action for the H.O.W. members of the world. Humanity One World is in session and action is needed. Will you join me?
It is time! We have had our little honeymoon. We have all contributed articles about H.O.W., and we have patted each other on the back for writing those articles, and they were beautiful indeed. But now what? Are we going to sit around and wait for someone else to tell us what to do, or can we begin to have 235 separate, individual activities outside of our comfort zone, which is writing?
This, then, is the second phase. Each of us needs to take the next step and find a way to spread the H.O.W. message other than writing articles.
I am encouraged by what I have seen so far, but I am also aware that movements have a tendency to die once the initial push has been made. People return to their normal lives, and the movement sits on the back burner waiting for someone to once again light a match.
I do not plan on allowing that to happen with H.O.W…..I am your match, and I am lighting it now.
What can you do?
Can you do more for H.O.W.?
In order for the H.O.W. movement to spread like wildfire, it is important that the name accompany anything that you do. The more often H.O.W. is seen on the internet, the more people will become aware. Our keywords are H.O.W. Humanity One World, and we want to reach the point where every single time someone in the internet world types in a search for the word humanity, our movement pops up on the search engine. This can happen and happen quickly if all 235 of us do our part.
Sit with me
I know for a fact that the world is in trouble. The only ones who may not think that are sitting on the top floor of a corporation, looking down on their minions.
I also know for a fact that our society suffers from the diseases of complacency and apathy. It is unlike anything I have seen during my sixty-four years on this planet, and to this writer it is a sad and ugly sight. I can no longer sit around and hope that someone else does something to make things better. I can also no longer sit around and declare that my little home is safe so to hell with everyone else.
People are suffering! People are dying! The environment is disappearing! Animals are disappearing! Children are not learning! Crime lords rule cities! Someone has to do something, so I ask you again….
What can you do?
2012 William D. Holland (aka billybuc)